Pence finally tells the truth as to why the GOP wants to stay in Power


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)


I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
Who signs your checks? A poor man or a rich man?
It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.
Who signs your checks? A poor man or a rich man?

Taxpayers. They are the ones who have allowed things not collapse.

As an example. We gave corporate farms billions. Is the owners of the corporation paying you if you work for them or are the taxpayers?
Pence's claim that he is a Christian is a damn lie:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of Matthew 5:3-10

No true Christian would follow the creed of Trumpism, to wit:


I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

Fair point.
Taxpayers. They are the ones who have allowed things not collapse.

As an example. We gave corporate farms billions. Is the owners of the corporation paying you if you work for them or are the taxpayers?
I'm all for cutting ALL subsidies and welfare programs. Deal?
Taxpayers. They are the ones who have allowed things not collapse.

As an example. We gave corporate farms billions. Is the owners of the corporation paying you if you work for them or are the taxpayers?
I'm all for cutting ALL subsidies and welfare programs. Deal?

Great but it will never happen. You think we are going to dismantle the Federal Reserve? We aren't. We will allow it all fall apart before doing that.

But I'll take it that my point was made.
Great but it will never happen. You think we are going to dismantle the Federal Reserve? We aren't. We will allow it all fall apart before doing that.

But I'll take it that my point was made.
What point? That the government wastes money that is taken from taxpayers?!?
Pence's claim that he is a Christian is a damn lie:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of Matthew 5:3-10

No true Christian would follow the creed of Trumpism, to wit:


He proved he is a Fake Christian when he bowed to a man that is both a Serial Liar and Champion Adulterer. Pence is a false Christian. He and Mother are both Hypocrites of the First Order.
Great but it will never happen. You think we are going to dismantle the Federal Reserve? We aren't. We will allow it all fall apart before doing that.

But I'll take it that my point was made.
What point? That the government wastes money that is taken from taxpayers?!?

No argument from me. We should not be giving corporations billions of dollars.
The subsides for Big Oil need to be eliminated. Fossil Fuels will be totally gone in 10-15 years...or less.


I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

A half-truth ^^^:

  • The Democratic Party passed Medicare, Medicaid, The Voting Rights Act, The ACA, R v. W, all of the Labor Relations Acts, and supports a Minimum Wage, aka a livable wage.
  • The Republican Party opposed all of these laws.
  • Both parties accept political contribution from Corporations and high rollers, but it was the conservative justices of the Supreme Court which created not only Corporations but dark money to flow into the coffers of both parties***.
***Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States concerning campaign finance. It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010. The Court held that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political communications by corporations, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

A half-truth ^^^:

  • The Democratic Party passed Medicare, Medicaid, The Voting Rights Act, The ACA, R v. W, all of the Labor Relations Acts, and supports a Minimum Wage, aka a livable wage.
  • The Republican Party opposed all of these laws.
  • Both parties accept political contribution from Corporations and high rollers, but it was the conservative justices of the Supreme Court which created not only Corporations but dark money to flow into the coffers of both parties***.
***Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States concerning campaign finance. It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010. The Court held that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political communications by corporations, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

That wasn't all that it said. I will support a private business allowing or disallowing whatever they want. Not so with the government. Citizen United was ruled correctly. Why do you think that groups such as the ACLU and NARAL brought the lawsuit?

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

Just to note, the Democrats are barely any better. The poor still fell further behind under Obama.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
They’re worse. They claim to be for the working class, but clearly aren’t. Both parties are controlled by the same people. The ultra wealthy.

A half-truth ^^^:

  • The Democratic Party passed Medicare, Medicaid, The Voting Rights Act, The ACA, R v. W, all of the Labor Relations Acts, and supports a Minimum Wage, aka a livable wage.
  • The Republican Party opposed all of these laws.
  • Both parties accept political contribution from Corporations and high rollers, but it was the conservative justices of the Supreme Court which created not only Corporations but dark money to flow into the coffers of both parties***.
***Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States concerning campaign finance. It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010. The Court held that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political communications by corporations, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.
No truth at all.
They had a good laugh over that one. ;)

The Horse And Sparrow Theory

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed trickle-down economics the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory:‭ “‬If you feed the horse enough oats,‭ ‬some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.‭”

All Republican politicians and way too many Democrats subscribe to this theory,‭ ‬and have had average Americans living on the horsesh!t the ruling billionaire class sh!ts out since Reagan first sold the average Americans his‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬snake oil.

Like the good,‭ ‬Reagan-loving sparrows they are,‭ ‬conservatives have enthusiastically lived on the horsesh!t billionaires have trickled down on them since the‭ ‬1980s.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the majority have known all along that‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬is exactly that...,‭ ‬horsesh!t.

As history has shown,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬any bandwagon the right-wingers leap onto,‭ ‬it’s certain to be a financial disaster for average Americans.‭ ‬And the right-wingers have been riding the‭ “‬Reaganomics,‭ ‬trickle down‭” ‬and living vicariously through the prosperity of ruling billionaire class for so long,‭ ‬they are terrified of finding themselves truly prosperous.

There are several reasons our politicians are unwilling to challenge this perception of the right-wingers,‭ ‬which is,‭ ‬sadly,‭ ‬shared by many centrists.‭ ‬One,‭ ‬promoting the‭ “‬horse and sparrow‭” ‬theory maintains the ultra-wealthy political contributors‭’ ‬generosity.‭ ‬Two,‭ ‬many of the so-called‭ “‬progressives‭” ‬in Congress are corporate stooges,‭ ‬and regularly stab their constituents in the back,‭ ‬voting with the congressional Republicans to feed the greed of America’s‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires.‭ ‬Three,‭ ‬the honoraria for serving the financial interests of corporate America and those‭ ‬650‭ ‬or so billionaires is addictive,‭ ‬and makes the recipients‭’ ‬ethics increasingly flexible‭ ‬as time and reelections pass.‭

.‭ ‬

I recall how trump gloated after the 2017 tax cut that greatly enriched the wealthy, "You just got a lot richer."

It all started with Ronald Reagan. His trickle down economic theory has been a disaster for the poor and middle class. The wealthy have become more wealthy and poverty has grown. It is amazing that even the poor trumpsters still think he is in this game for them. They probably sent him, a very wealthy man presumably, their money. All he is going to do is laugh and mutter how great it is that his cult is so gullible.

PROGS and their parroting for trickle down is rich. I don't think you guys think, not even a little bit.

Say OP, assuming business is slow at the Burger King you're employed with, ask for a raise. Since trickle doesn't work you should be ripe for a raise right, the less there is the greater your cut right?. You know, the less money the owner earns the more likely you're due an entitlement in the form of wages.

In FACT you fukin' PROGS, everything you and Demonicrats support supports low wages, why?

A Internet: PROGS built that, you figure eliminating small business bodes well for your minimum wages?

B. China: Trade came with the internet, same fucking time too. You figure enhancing trade with China and their love for low wages and poor work environments bode well for your wages?

C. Immigration: PROGS love immigration of low skilled labor. You figure competition for low paying jobs bodes well for your wages?

D. High taxes: PROGS love high taxes and entitlements. You figure those increase or decrease wages, since less goes into your pocket and more into the pocket of waste loving governments?

E. Closing small business under the COVID cry. You figure that increases or decreases wages,

Tell us all PROGS, name one single PROG narrative that bodes well for US wages, just one will do. Nah, can't do that, better to complain about a conservative policy that's 40 years old, which is another way of suggesting Clinton & Obama are incompetent because they're unable to make changes such as Reagan did.

Cowardly thoughtless PROGS parroting, that's PROGS best.

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