Pence & Hutchinson Are Anti-Christian Cowards

Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

Repubs cannot win NATIONAL Elections without the latino and minority vote, not enough christian crackers to elect a national dog catcher so good luck with that
HA HA HA. They won all across America by landslides, just a few months ago (with or without the Latino vote). And all minorities are becoming much more concerned with national security, which Democrats are terribly weak on. Lastly, 2 of the Republicans, with a decent shot at the nomination are Latinos themselves (Cruz and Rubio).

Day by day the demographics are shifting and more of you bitter old bible cons are dying off.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

If you're a christian then you follow the new testament of the bible.

Which jesus christ said:

"What you've done to the least of my brothers and sisters, you've done to me."

So your higher power tells you that you should treat everyone the same way you would treat your higher power. Would you discriminate against your higher power?

Your jesus christ tells you to not discriminate and to treat everyone like you would treat jesus christ.

So if you claim to be christian then you're either lying or one of the worst christians I've ever encountered.
You peak for a very small minority of Christians, Protectionist. The good people in the mainstream GOP will not allow your hate message in our political campaign next year.

Both Indiana and Arkansas's legislatures changed the language of their laws yesterday that recognize the rights of LGBT to not be violated by haters providing goods and services to the public.

The mainstream GOP won last year, not the reactionary far right progressives that want to use Big Government to oppress people they don't like.
Sorry to inform you, but you don't have it right.In a recent Pew Poll, it was found that 61% of Republicans opposed SSM, with only 39% accepting it. As for the 2 states you mentioned, they are a drop in the bucket of 21 states with RFRA laws + 13 more (total of 37) who are enacting RFRA in the near future. The mainstream GOP who won last year, are the same 61% who opposed SSM in that recent poll. Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage Pew Research Center

Your poll is at least a half year earlier than my poll.

IN and ARK had to change the laws' language.

You cannot possible say the 61% voted a particular way, because it was taken more than seven months before the election.

SCOTUS will empower marriage equality and gut any bad state language on this matter.

The GOP has show that it will not tolerate homo-bashing in the states.
HA HA. IN and AR did NOT have to do anything. The cowardly and corrupt governors changed the law only because they were pressured by campaign contributor corporations, which the voters of those states will remember well, when they go to the polls to vote again.

I didn't say anything about how the 61% voted. I only said that 61% of Republicans were found to be opposed to SSM, in response to your claim, or implication, that the "mainstream GOP" sympathized with LGBTs, which is ridiculous.

SCOTUS will become more conservative in the coming years, and gut bad state language on this matter.
You lost this debate; get over it. Your numbers don't matter because it is six months earlier than the other poll, and you cannot extrapolate how the voters in your poll voted six months later.

The later poll shows just how much things had changed in seven months.

The hoo rah over IN and ARK has shown how much things have changed since my poll last fall. What they do reveal, in context, that it is over the for the social cons on this issue.

It's over. And you have no idea how SCOTUS will be in the future.

There is a real chance the GOP may lose the Senate and not get the Presidency. If that happens, the court will go way liberal.
1. WHAT "later poll" ?

2. IN and ARK have "shown" just what I said they've shown. 2 corrupt cowards reacting to their money masters. Big deal.

3. As I said before, 21 states have RFRA. 16 more are getting into it now. The GOP kicked ass in the last election. Things are moving to the conservative side, at 90 MPH. Republican wins in 2016. SCOTUS becomes conservative. Queers all move to Canada. Hurray !!! :biggrin:
What you have listed is merely the states with regressive legislation, none of which will stand if consumers are denied their civil rights in purchasing products and services that are offered to every one else.

You earlier poll was easily refuted by my later poll.

You can go to Canada because you are in a very small group now. It's over; you hvae lost.
The far right socons are stupid in that they refuse to accept the what is of is. The mainstream GOP is not. IN and ARK taught them a real lesson. They will be on board by the end of the year.
Fox News' Judge Napolitano explains why Indiana's and Arkansas' initial attempts at RFRA were Constitutionally wrong.

Indiana and the Constitution Fox News

One of the few instances when I'm in agreement with the gentleman.

A point he makes that OUGHT to provoke thoughts: The Supreme Court has already decided that religious freedom does not give anyone the right to violate other laws. American Indians, for instance, can't take peyote even though their religion calls for it. Therefore, in order to put these religious freedom laws into place - which attempt to rewrite freedom of worship as defined in the First Amendment - without violating equal treatment as required by the 14th, it would be necessary for the states to define what activities are and are not part and parcel of the practice of all religions - something the First Amendment specifically prohibits them from doing.

The whole things was a bad idea from the beginning.
actually, guy, the RFRA laws are already being gutted... Georgia has already scrapped its intended one.

Walmart has spoken. Walmart is more important than Jesus.
ACTUALLY, HA HA, WalMart can go jump. The states are enacting RFRA laws, left and right. You sound like someone desperately trying to make a case for dogs not having any sense of smell. Do know how ridiculous you sound ?

And here's a question for all you liberal nutjobs. Aren't you concerned with religious freedom ? I seem to recall that when I was talking about Islam being unconstitutional (and thus, illegal) in America, you guys were ranting and raving about the 1st amendment, and how we can't violate the poor Muslims' religious freedom rights.

So what happened to that, liberals ? Has that now gone out of style ? Or maybe the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have as much clout as some gay guys on the boards of directors of WalMart and Apple ? You think ?
The far right socons are stupid in that they refuse to accept the what is of is. The mainstream GOP is not. IN and ARK taught them a real lesson. They will be on board by the end of the year.
EARTH TO JS: Your deceitfulness is showing. I told you before. Arkansas is just one state, out of 37, that is in the RFRA network. And even within Arkansas, their cave-in in due to just ONE MAN (or should I say one jellyfish) who has done a magnificent job of showing off the backbone he doesn't have. That's not too likely to happen generally. Stay away from the betting parlors. Canada: get ready. :biggrin:
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Fox News' Judge Napolitano explains why Indiana's and Arkansas' initial attempts at RFRA were Constitutionally wrong.

Indiana and the Constitution Fox News

One of the few instances when I'm in agreement with the gentleman.

A point he makes that OUGHT to provoke thoughts: The Supreme Court has already decided that religious freedom does not give anyone the right to violate other laws. American Indians, for instance, can't take peyote even though their religion calls for it. Therefore, in order to put these religious freedom laws into place - which attempt to rewrite freedom of worship as defined in the First Amendment - without violating equal treatment as required by the 14th, it would be necessary for the states to define what activities are and are not part and parcel of the practice of all religions - something the First Amendment specifically prohibits them from doing.

The whole things was a bad idea from the beginning.
Very easy to refute >>

1. Gays are not "equal" to normal people. They are deranged, sex pervert degenerates. And thus, do not rate for equal protection of the law. Do murderers get equal protection of the law to keep them out of prisons ? Do insane people get equal protection of the law to keep them out of nuthouses ? Do indigent people get equal protection of the law to allow them to buy mansions ? Do illiterate people have equal protection of the law allowing them to get jobs as journalists ?

2. By your logic, we can now conclude that the religious freedom clause of the 1st amendment has no bearing on the violation of laws committed by Muslims, right ? - Article 6, section 2 of the Constitution, US Code 2384, US Code 2385, + scores of states laws outlawing thing advocated (if not commnded) by the Koran. Right, Crick ? Right ? Right ? :biggrin:
Bottom line > Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again.

they won elections in backwaters inhabited by bible thumping inbreds. When everyone votes in 2016, you guys are soooooo done.

The GOP establishment realizes this. That's why they are working overtime to shut down the bigots.
They won elections in states all over the country, including ones that previously were locks for Democrats. Oh yeah, "elections in backwaters inhabited by bible thumping inbreds", if you choose to call it that. :biggrin: But maybe you conveniently "forgot" about Republican governor victories in Democrat bastions states like > Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois ? :badgrin: I'll go easy on you and just mention those 3 for now - unless I get more flack ; then we go into the whole ugly (for Democrats) picture.
As for the "bigots", that would be the gay Christian-bashers. And 2 weakling governors does not equal the "GOP establishment", but nice try. :laugh:
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

Repubs cannot win NATIONAL Elections without the latino and minority vote, not enough christian crackers to elect a national dog catcher so good luck with that
HA HA HA. They won all across America by landslides, just a few months ago (with or without the Latino vote). And all minorities are becoming much more concerned with national security, which Democrats are terribly weak on. Lastly, 2 of the Republicans, with a decent shot at the nomination are Latinos themselves (Cruz and Rubio).

Day by day the demographics are shifting and more of you bitter old bible cons are dying off.
More like decade by decade, and at the same time, young people inclined to support gays now, get older, more mature, and change their views to oppose gays. In 1970, I, and all my friends, supported gays. Now none of us do. That is the component liberals routinely overlook. That is the "shift" your little calculations neglected to include. :laugh:
Sorry to inform you, but you don't have it right.In a recent Pew Poll, it was found that 61% of Republicans opposed SSM, with only 39% accepting it. As for the 2 states you mentioned, they are a drop in the bucket of 21 states with RFRA laws + 13 more (total of 37) who are enacting RFRA in the near future. The mainstream GOP who won last year, are the same 61% who opposed SSM in that recent poll. Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage Pew Research Center

Your poll is at least a half year earlier than my poll.

IN and ARK had to change the laws' language.

You cannot possible say the 61% voted a particular way, because it was taken more than seven months before the election.

SCOTUS will empower marriage equality and gut any bad state language on this matter.

The GOP has show that it will not tolerate homo-bashing in the states.
HA HA. IN and AR did NOT have to do anything. The cowardly and corrupt governors changed the law only because they were pressured by campaign contributor corporations, which the voters of those states will remember well, when they go to the polls to vote again.

I didn't say anything about how the 61% voted. I only said that 61% of Republicans were found to be opposed to SSM, in response to your claim, or implication, that the "mainstream GOP" sympathized with LGBTs, which is ridiculous.

SCOTUS will become more conservative in the coming years, and gut bad state language on this matter.
You lost this debate; get over it. Your numbers don't matter because it is six months earlier than the other poll, and you cannot extrapolate how the voters in your poll voted six months later.

The later poll shows just how much things had changed in seven months.

The hoo rah over IN and ARK has shown how much things have changed since my poll last fall. What they do reveal, in context, that it is over the for the social cons on this issue.

It's over. And you have no idea how SCOTUS will be in the future.

There is a real chance the GOP may lose the Senate and not get the Presidency. If that happens, the court will go way liberal.
1. WHAT "later poll" ?

2. IN and ARK have "shown" just what I said they've shown. 2 corrupt cowards reacting to their money masters. Big deal.

3. As I said before, 21 states have RFRA. 16 more are getting into it now. The GOP kicked ass in the last election. Things are moving to the conservative side, at 90 MPH. Republican wins in 2016. SCOTUS becomes conservative. Queers all move to Canada. Hurray !!! :biggrin:
What you have listed is merely the states with regressive legislation, none of which will stand if consumers are denied their civil rights in purchasing products and services that are offered to every one else.

You earlier poll was easily refuted by my later poll.

You can go to Canada because you are in a very small group now. It's over; you hvae lost.
YOU have lost. 21 states have RFRA, and 16 more have them in the works. The trend is clearly toward protecting religious rights, and not gay perverts. And I still haven't seen hide or hair of this illustrious poll of yours. Who is it from ? Queer Nation ?
As for your stupid boycott notion, guess what. The number of people who support gays are a tiny fraction compared to the 80% of Americans who are Christians + others disgusted by gays. Want a boycott war ? We'll eat your lunch.
ACTUALLY, HA HA, WalMart can go jump. The states are enacting RFRA laws, left and right. You sound like someone desperately trying to make a case for dogs not having any sense of smell. Do know how ridiculous you sound ?

Uh, well, no, they really aren't. Arkansas and Indiana are backing off. Candidates are flip-flopping on the issue now that they've gotten their marching orders.

The last stand of the Homophobes is becoming a forlorn hope.

And here's a question for all you liberal nutjobs. Aren't you concerned with religious freedom ? I seem to recall that when I was talking about Islam being unconstitutional (and thus, illegal) in America, you guys were ranting and raving about the 1st amendment, and how we can't violate the poor Muslims' religious freedom rights.

Guy, that's not what is at issue here. INDIVIDUALS can have religious freedom. Businesses cannot. If you are required to do something in your business that violates your religions principles, you have the option of GETTING OUT OF THAT BUSINESS, and you are still free.

Incidentally, I would like to ban all religions under consumer fraud laws. If you can't produce God, you are committing consumer fraud.

So what happened to that, liberals ? Has that now gone out of style ? Or maybe the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have as much clout as some gay guys on the boards of directors of WalMart and Apple ? You think ?

Probably not. Besides no one really buying your insane views on the Islamic Faith, the reality is, gays do have clout, not just because they are the executives, but because they are the customers.

Most companies were recognizing domestic partnerships long before the states recognized gay marriages. They're actually ahead on this topic.
They won elections in states all over the country, including ones that previously were locks for Democrats. Oh yeah, "elections in backwaters inhabited by bible thumping inbreds", if you choose to call it that. :biggrin: But maybe you conveniently "forgot" about Republican governor victories in Democrat bastions states like > Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois ?

NO, I haven't forgotten that. Here's the thing. In IL, and I suspect those other states, Republicans won by NOT talking about Abortion, Gays, or Immigration, the hot button issues for bigots.

Bruce Rauner specifically DIDN'T talk about social issues. He even promised to support a woman's right to choose. He didn't talk about repealing gay marriage.

Now, that's actually kind of smart. Talk about small government living within its means, that's a Republican Party I could get behind. That was the GOP I joined in 1980 before the Corporate Assholes and Bible Thumping Retards took over.
Not at all. You folks have maybe 1 in 5 voters. You have lost the fight as you well know.
Don't talk stupid. Republicans swept the last election by a landslide, and will do so again, and they aren't gay ass-kissers, and you know it. These fools will be out and better people will be in. This temporary victory for gays won't last long. And how anybody can rally to the side of sex perverts, while simultaneously sweeping Jesus Christ aside, is incomprehensible. I can see it only as a combination of extreme lunacy and utter stupidity.

If you're a christian then you follow the new testament of the bible.

Which jesus christ said:

"What you've done to the least of my brothers and sisters, you've done to me."

So your higher power tells you that you should treat everyone the same way you would treat your higher power. Would you discriminate against your higher power?

Your jesus christ tells you to not discriminate and to treat everyone like you would treat jesus christ.

So if you claim to be christian then you're either lying or one of the worst christians I've ever encountered.
You have distorted the words of Jesus. The words you mention don't say a word about homosexuals. When he speaks of "the least of my brothers and sisters", I'd say he quite clearly is talking about the poor, the disabled, and those who are weak and powerless, through no fault or choice of their own. Gays have chosen to be perverts and some have chosen to attack the rights of Christians to adhere to their religion. Jesus hasn't advocated or defended that.

In my life, I defend the least powerful in my community, which are homeless cats, whom I feed and give water to every day. I've also even taken a few of them to veterinarians (who aren't inexpensive). Now you may redo your judgement.
They won elections in states all over the country, including ones that previously were locks for Democrats. Oh yeah, "elections in backwaters inhabited by bible thumping inbreds", if you choose to call it that. :biggrin: But maybe you conveniently "forgot" about Republican governor victories in Democrat bastions states like > Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois ?

NO, I haven't forgotten that. Here's the thing. In IL, and I suspect those other states, Republicans won by NOT talking about Abortion, Gays, or Immigration, the hot button issues for bigots.

Bruce Rauner specifically DIDN'T talk about social issues. He even promised to support a woman's right to choose. He didn't talk about repealing gay marriage.

Now, that's actually kind of smart. Talk about small government living within its means, that's a Republican Party I could get behind. That was the GOP I joined in 1980 before the Corporate Assholes and Bible Thumping Retards took over.
I don't know what you're talking about. 1980 is when the era of Republican small govt began. It began with Reagan and his low tax policies (28% top tax in 1988). As for Abortion, Gays, or Immigration, if Democrats didn't talk about that, then the Republican victories would have been even bigger if they had talked about it, since their policies on those positions are terrible.

Interesting how after an election, the losers come out with all these :lame2: excuses, which don't fly.
ACTUALLY, HA HA, WalMart can go jump. The states are enacting RFRA laws, left and right. You sound like someone desperately trying to make a case for dogs not having any sense of smell. Do know how ridiculous you sound ?

Uh, well, no, they really aren't. Arkansas and Indiana are backing off. Candidates are flip-flopping on the issue now that they've gotten their marching orders.

The last stand of the Homophobes is becoming a forlorn hope.

And here's a question for all you liberal nutjobs. Aren't you concerned with religious freedom ? I seem to recall that when I was talking about Islam being unconstitutional (and thus, illegal) in America, you guys were ranting and raving about the 1st amendment, and how we can't violate the poor Muslims' religious freedom rights.

Guy, that's not what is at issue here. INDIVIDUALS can have religious freedom. Businesses cannot. If you are required to do something in your business that violates your religion principles, you have the option of GETTING OUT OF THAT BUSINESS, and you are still free.

Incidentally, I would like to ban all religions under consumer fraud laws. If you can't produce God, you are committing consumer fraud.

So what happened to that, liberals ? Has that now gone out of style ? Or maybe the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have as much clout as some gay guys on the boards of directors of WalMart and Apple ? You think ?

Probably not. Besides no one really buying your insane views on the Islamic Faith, the reality is, gays do have clout, not just because they are the executives, but because they are the customers.

Most companies were recognizing domestic partnerships long before the states recognized gay marriages. They're actually ahead on this topic.
1. Pheeeeww!! You're really not getting this, are you ? Arkansas and Indiana are TWO states. And we're talking about THIRTY-SEVEN states. Get it ? :rolleyes:

2. In businesses, guess who deals with fascist, Nazi gays. INDIVIDUALS, that's who (AKA PEOPLE) :rolleyes-41:

3. And an option of someone losing their livelihood, so deranged degenerates can order them to violate their religion, is NOT AN OPTION.

4. I don't expect liberals to accept the simple truth of the unconstitutionality and illegality of Islam, and your perception of "no one" is only those liberals, who are the most pathetically ignorant group in America, regarding Islam and Islamization, due to the deliberate witholding of information about this in liberal media. I've shown that many times by challenging liberals with my Islamization Quiz, which no liberal has ever gotten a higher grade than 5% on. Most got zero.

5. And recognizing gay marriage, or whatever silly label you want to put on them, isn't being "ahead". It is being flat-out dumb, or bought off by rich gays..

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