Pence Invites Fake Rabbi To Pray For Pitt. Victims

Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.
"Outrage" is a little strong but I don't disagree with you on this.

Well, wouldn't you be pissed if some politicians showed up at your ceremony to mourn the lost with someone who wasn't of your faith? Think of a Catholic church getting shot up, and then they bring in a Lutheran minister to pray. I mean, they both believe in God, they both pray, so what's the problem, right?
------------------------------- ony problem would be if they brought in a 'muslim' to pray BSailor .
Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.
"Outrage" is a little strong but I don't disagree with you on this.

Well, wouldn't you be pissed if some politicians showed up at your ceremony to mourn the lost with someone who wasn't of your faith? Think of a Catholic church getting shot up, and then they bring in a Lutheran minister to pray. I mean, they both believe in God, they both pray, so what's the problem, right?
------------------------------- ony problem would be if they brought in a 'muslim' to pray BSailor .

Then you don't understand much about the differences between Lutherans and Catholics, do you?
Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.

Why would it need to be the same faith? So much for diversity and unity, eh?

So.................would you be cool with a Baptist church getting shot up and then they bring in a Catholic priest to pray? They both use the same book, and they both pray to the same God.

But, that isn't where the outrage comes from. It comes from the dogma and the tenants of the two faiths being radically different. Regular people of the Jewish faith don't recognize Jesus as the Son of God, but rather just another prophet. Jews for Jesus recognize Jesus just like the Christians do.

What the fuck are you talking about? They didn’t show up to the synagogue, this was a preplanned Republican rally for the local candidates.
Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.
"Outrage" is a little strong but I don't disagree with you on this.

Well, wouldn't you be pissed if some politicians showed up at your ceremony to mourn the lost with someone who wasn't of your faith? Think of a Catholic church getting shot up, and then they bring in a Lutheran minister to pray. I mean, they both believe in God, they both pray, so what's the problem, right?
------------------------------- ony problem would be if they brought in a 'muslim' to pray BSailor .

Then you don't understand much about the differences between Lutherans and Catholics, do you?
------------------------------ not really , both are kinda Christian and both seem Catholic or Catholics seem Lutheran to a Baptist BSailor .
Luke 12:51-54

Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!

From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.

'Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.'"

Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

The Gospel Of Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
anyway , a prayer was said in squirrel city Pittburgh at the Synagogue BSailor .
Luke 12:51-54

Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!

From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.

'Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.'"

Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

The Gospel Of Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Interesting. The Sword is a metaphor for the Word of God, the truth.

Funny I saw this passage from Matthew 10 as well:

Matthew 10:17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting

While at a campaign event in Michigan.

Worse yet, the 'Jews for Jesus' fake rabbi opted to say a prayer for 11 Republican candidates instead.

While, for what it's worth, Pence didn't arrange for Jacobs to appear at the rally, but by all accounts he did invite him onto the stage. He's drawn fierce criticism for appearing with him so shortly after a mass shooting at a synagogue. It certainly doesn't help that, instead of saying the traditional Jewish prayer for the dead, Jacobs prayed for a series of Republican candidates off a list he was given.

It’s OK because Bill Clinton is hanging out with three fake Reverends

View attachment 225781
Muslims the original anti-Semites, It is funny how progressive always take the side of Muslims/Palestinians against Israel. Then progressives act like they own jews when there’s a shooting like what just happened... Progressives have never been a friend of the Jew...
I’ve always said progressives are all fucked in the head
Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.
"Outrage" is a little strong but I don't disagree with you on this.

Well, wouldn't you be pissed if some politicians showed up at your ceremony to mourn the lost with someone who wasn't of your faith? Think of a Catholic church getting shot up, and then they bring in a Lutheran minister to pray. I mean, they both believe in God, they both pray, so what's the problem, right?

'Jews for Jesus' are xtians (funded by Baptist Church) who pretend to be Jewish in an effort to convert Jews to xtianity.
Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting

While at a campaign event in Michigan.

Worse yet, the 'Jews for Jesus' fake rabbi opted to say a prayer for 11 Republican candidates instead.

While, for what it's worth, Pence didn't arrange for Jacobs to appear at the rally, but by all accounts he did invite him onto the stage. He's drawn fierce criticism for appearing with him so shortly after a mass shooting at a synagogue. It certainly doesn't help that, instead of saying the traditional Jewish prayer for the dead, Jacobs prayed for a series of Republican candidates off a list he was given.

It’s OK because Bill Clinton is hanging out with three fake Reverends

View attachment 225781
Muslims the original anti-Semites, It is funny how progressive always take the side of Muslims/Palestinians against Israel. Then progressives act like they own jews when there’s a shooting like what just happened... Progressives have never been a friend of the Jew...
I’ve always said progressives are all fucked in the head

That's odd. I am a "progressive", and so are my friends, and I have never heard any of them take the side of Muslims over Isreal. In fact, the only person I know of who does that is Trump, who kisses Saudi ass at every opportunity.
Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting

While at a campaign event in Michigan.

Worse yet, the 'Jews for Jesus' fake rabbi opted to say a prayer for 11 Republican candidates instead.

While, for what it's worth, Pence didn't arrange for Jacobs to appear at the rally, but by all accounts he did invite him onto the stage. He's drawn fierce criticism for appearing with him so shortly after a mass shooting at a synagogue. It certainly doesn't help that, instead of saying the traditional Jewish prayer for the dead, Jacobs prayed for a series of Republican candidates off a list he was given.

It’s OK because Bill Clinton is hanging out with three fake Reverends

View attachment 225781
Muslims the original anti-Semites, It is funny how progressive always take the side of Muslims/Palestinians against Israel. Then progressives act like they own jews when there’s a shooting like what just happened... Progressives have never been a friend of the Jew...
I’ve always said progressives are all fucked in the head

Good point. The next time Hamas launches an attack, we can hold a Democrat politicians accountable.
Luke 12:51-54

Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!

From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.

'Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.'"

Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

The Gospel Of Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Interesting. The Sword is a metaphor for the Word of God, the truth.

Funny I saw this passage from Matthew 10 as well:

Matthew 10:17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
Yes, a metaphor for the word, but even more to the point, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts and the Holy Spirit pierces. He, is the sword. He brings the words to LIFE. Without the Holy Spirit, the word are nothing but words carved in stone or printed on pages.
Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting

While at a campaign event in Michigan.

Worse yet, the 'Jews for Jesus' fake rabbi opted to say a prayer for 11 Republican candidates instead.

While, for what it's worth, Pence didn't arrange for Jacobs to appear at the rally, but by all accounts he did invite him onto the stage. He's drawn fierce criticism for appearing with him so shortly after a mass shooting at a synagogue. It certainly doesn't help that, instead of saying the traditional Jewish prayer for the dead, Jacobs prayed for a series of Republican candidates off a list he was given.

It’s OK because Bill Clinton is hanging out with three fake Reverends

View attachment 225781
Muslims the original anti-Semites, It is funny how progressive always take the side of Muslims/Palestinians against Israel. Then progressives act like they own jews when there’s a shooting like what just happened... Progressives have never been a friend of the Jew...
I’ve always said progressives are all fucked in the head

Good point. The next time Hamas launches an attack, we can hold a Democrat politicians accountable.
Liberals never take responsibility. Never.

Look at them now. Consider the gall they have to chum up and pretend they are all supporters of faithful Jews or Israel.

They are liars.
What else would want to be seen near a Trump/Pence event, BUT FAKE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
You would think that because Pence has been a politician all his life and understands that optics (how something looks) are important, he wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

But..................this is the Trump admin we're talking about here.....................
They really can't stop tripping over themselves. Why is it so hard to follow time tested protocols after disasters?

Because trump is only good at one thing. Politicking. Everything is a calculation for him. Classic narcissist.
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Mike Pence Is Under Fire for Appearing with a Fake Rabbi to Commemorate the Pittsburgh Shooting

While at a campaign event in Michigan.

Worse yet, the 'Jews for Jesus' fake rabbi opted to say a prayer for 11 Republican candidates instead.

While, for what it's worth, Pence didn't arrange for Jacobs to appear at the rally, but by all accounts he did invite him onto the stage. He's drawn fierce criticism for appearing with him so shortly after a mass shooting at a synagogue. It certainly doesn't help that, instead of saying the traditional Jewish prayer for the dead, Jacobs prayed for a series of Republican candidates off a list he was given.

It’s OK because Bill Clinton is hanging out with three fake Reverends

View attachment 225781
Perhaps. But any of those pictured can get through a simple remembrance for those who lost loved ones.

Not so for anyone in the trump admin. Why do you suppose that is?

If the fake rabbi simply said a prayer for the dead and their families, nothing would have been said.

Instead, he was used as a pawn to politicize the tragedy. A common trump ploy
Latest phony outrage. Some people pray, and left wingers have to make a spectacle about it.

It's not outrage about prayer, it's outrage that he brought in a rabbi who was of a completely different faith than the Jews who were killed at the Temple.
"Outrage" is a little strong but I don't disagree with you on this.

Well, wouldn't you be pissed if some politicians showed up at your ceremony to mourn the lost with someone who wasn't of your faith? Think of a Catholic church getting shot up, and then they bring in a Lutheran minister to pray. I mean, they both believe in God, they both pray, so what's the problem, right?
Again...after a tragedy, it doesn't matter who offers condolences. Politicizing this tragedy is typically trump, and simply disgusting.

Not unlike when puppet Pence went to the football game and staged an impromptu walk out that was pre planned.
Leave it to Trump to show up where he's not wanted, first it was the white house, now its

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