Pence is odds on

Lets get real Mr Ridge You don't think those calling out the evil trump is doing don't know his propensity for revenge??

Eddie if you firmly believe in your convictions you don't run... Cowards run...

Gen Kelly Mattis ,,how many others wanted to be closer to their families?? What does it take for you republicans to see the corruption in our highest office?

General's Kelly and Mattis resigned because they disagreed with their boss... Mattis even wrote a book and put his name on it like real men do... Which I purchased and gave to my Son on his birthday...

Mattis said he won his spurs on the battlefield Trump won his in a doctors letter What do you think Mattis and Kelly think of the idiot ,and yes,even called him one

They said what they felt, openly... They didn't run from their words like cowards...

No don't think so but to call the person who did cowardly, is imo foolish

Well that is your opinion and you are entitled to just that... It SUCKS, but you are entitled to it...
Mr Ridge There are too many who have left his charge ,too many past and present lifetime keepers of our government on both sides ,who have found this Trump to be a vile disgusting pig for there not to be some truth in their accusations

Fine. Then the author can identify themselves and accuse. You don't do stuff like this anonymously.
Place your bets
It’s a sure bet that President Trump won’t be happy with the anonymously titled White House tell-all “A Warning,” set to hit shelves Nov. 19. But the online oddsmakers at U.S. Bookies think the real action is in trying to figure out who wrote the book.

The odds-on favorite is Vice President Pence, who denied he was “anonymous" when the same author painted a picture of chaos and incompetence in a September 2018 New York Times essay called “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." The author of that article sought to assure the citizenry that she or he was — likely unelected and unaccountable — a person close to the president subverting his efforts when they felt the commander-in-chief was going astray.

“(Pence) may have denied it when the anonymous insider first broke, but the use of the word ‘lodestar’ is one favored by Pence during his tenure as Trump’s deputy," according to U.S. Bookies spokesman Alex Donohue, referencing a term used in the Times essay. “If he’s fearing being stood down in 2020, or has presidential ambitions of his own, it makes sense with bettors for the veep to be the most likely candidate to be the explosive whistleblower.”

While Pence is the 2-3 favorite, U.S. Bookies thinks education secretary Betsy Devos is a solid candidate and makes her a 2-1 bet. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis are all 4-1 bets, while Jeff Sessions, who Trump harangued constantly for nearly 21 months over his refusal to involve himself in Robert Mueller’s investigation into interference in the 2016 presidential election, is a 5-1 pick to have ratted out his former boss. Sessions, then the nation’s attorney general, was urged by the president to launch an investigation into the Times’ essay before leaving in November.
/——/ Like a Trump hater wouldn’t lie to sell books.
Place your bets
It’s a sure bet that President Trump won’t be happy with the anonymously titled White House tell-all “A Warning,” set to hit shelves Nov. 19. But the online oddsmakers at U.S. Bookies think the real action is in trying to figure out who wrote the book.

The odds-on favorite is Vice President Pence, who denied he was “anonymous" when the same author painted a picture of chaos and incompetence in a September 2018 New York Times essay called “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." The author of that article sought to assure the citizenry that she or he was — likely unelected and unaccountable — a person close to the president subverting his efforts when they felt the commander-in-chief was going astray.

“(Pence) may have denied it when the anonymous insider first broke, but the use of the word ‘lodestar’ is one favored by Pence during his tenure as Trump’s deputy," according to U.S. Bookies spokesman Alex Donohue, referencing a term used in the Times essay. “If he’s fearing being stood down in 2020, or has presidential ambitions of his own, it makes sense with bettors for the veep to be the most likely candidate to be the explosive whistleblower.”

While Pence is the 2-3 favorite, U.S. Bookies thinks education secretary Betsy Devos is a solid candidate and makes her a 2-1 bet. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis are all 4-1 bets, while Jeff Sessions, who Trump harangued constantly for nearly 21 months over his refusal to involve himself in Robert Mueller’s investigation into interference in the 2016 presidential election, is a 5-1 pick to have ratted out his former boss. Sessions, then the nation’s attorney general, was urged by the president to launch an investigation into the Times’ essay before leaving in November.
/——/ Like a Trump hater wouldn’t lie to sell books.
There's no need to lie The trump morons words speak for themselves
First Lady Melania Trump, who rode out 2018 allegations the president had cheated on her with a porn star and a Playboy model after she gave birth to the couple’s son in 2006, is a long shot to have written the book at 50-1, according to U.S. Bookies. (Trump denies both affairs.) The gambling site, which is U.K. based, is also giving 50-1 odds to anyone who thinks adviser Kellyanne Conway was the culprit.

Where does Tiffany Trump place on these odds?

Newsweak article is 30 months old... Seems to me if this were unscrupulous there would be an investigation into the matter...

Bluedelaware? Really? I asked for substantial proof...

The Atlantic article attacks Pence's religious affiliation more than any undo political shenanigans...

I am willing to be reasonable, but you will have to come up with better evidence than 'I don't like him and he eats boogers'...
Place your bets
It’s a sure bet that President Trump won’t be happy with the anonymously titled White House tell-all “A Warning,” set to hit shelves Nov. 19. But the online oddsmakers at U.S. Bookies think the real action is in trying to figure out who wrote the book.

The odds-on favorite is Vice President Pence, who denied he was “anonymous" when the same author painted a picture of chaos and incompetence in a September 2018 New York Times essay called “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration." The author of that article sought to assure the citizenry that she or he was — likely unelected and unaccountable — a person close to the president subverting his efforts when they felt the commander-in-chief was going astray.

“(Pence) may have denied it when the anonymous insider first broke, but the use of the word ‘lodestar’ is one favored by Pence during his tenure as Trump’s deputy," according to U.S. Bookies spokesman Alex Donohue, referencing a term used in the Times essay. “If he’s fearing being stood down in 2020, or has presidential ambitions of his own, it makes sense with bettors for the veep to be the most likely candidate to be the explosive whistleblower.”

While Pence is the 2-3 favorite, U.S. Bookies thinks education secretary Betsy Devos is a solid candidate and makes her a 2-1 bet. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis are all 4-1 bets, while Jeff Sessions, who Trump harangued constantly for nearly 21 months over his refusal to involve himself in Robert Mueller’s investigation into interference in the 2016 presidential election, is a 5-1 pick to have ratted out his former boss. Sessions, then the nation’s attorney general, was urged by the president to launch an investigation into the Times’ essay before leaving in November.
/——/ Like a Trump hater wouldn’t lie to sell books.
There's no need to lie The trump morons words speak for themselves
The problem trump people have is they think if trump repeats something many times it's true
First Lady Melania Trump, who rode out 2018 allegations the president had cheated on her with a porn star and a Playboy model after she gave birth to the couple’s son in 2006, is a long shot to have written the book at 50-1, according to U.S. Bookies. (Trump denies both affairs.) The gambling site, which is U.K. based, is also giving 50-1 odds to anyone who thinks adviser Kellyanne Conway was the culprit.

Where does Tiffany Trump place on these odds?
I'd guess 20-1

Newsweak article is 30 months old... Seems to me if this were unscrupulous there would be an investigation into the matter...

Bluedelaware? Really? I asked for substantial proof...

The Atlantic article attacks Pence's religious affiliation more than any undo political shenanigans...

I am willing to be reasonable, but you will have to come up with better evidence than 'I don't like him and he eats boogers'...
So then if it's more than 30 months old, it's not illegal anymore? Trump's lawyer himself argued that Trump can commit illegal acts but cannot be tried until after he leaves office.

And you didn't read the Atlantic article, it doesn't say much about his religion, but maybe they wrote too much about Nixon and Ford.
First Lady Melania Trump, who rode out 2018 allegations the president had cheated on her with a porn star and a Playboy model after she gave birth to the couple’s son in 2006, is a long shot to have written the book at 50-1, according to U.S. Bookies. (Trump denies both affairs.) The gambling site, which is U.K. based, is also giving 50-1 odds to anyone who thinks adviser Kellyanne Conway was the culprit.

Where does Tiffany Trump place on these odds?
Marlas daughter gets off at 8-1 Maybe a combo writing of mom and daughter
The 'deep state' got fringe deep-stater and anti-Putinite Fiona Hill to pen the book.

None of you dart-throwers should ever go to a casino or no less gamble!

Vegas, baby!

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