Pence statement seals fate as election loser

That's what I thought.

So no, I won't pontificate regarding you fanciful wet dreams about "WE GOT HIM THIS TIME"!
No wet dreams for me. I posted in another thread, that Brandon should pardon Donald if he gets sent up.
Prezes should stick together, like Ford and Nixon.
One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

Well, Pence is a loser because he’s a Christo-fascist racist and bigot, wrong on the issues, and unfit to be president.

That Pence has been marginally truthful with regard to Trump’s treasonous, criminal attempt to overturn the 2020 election is his only redeeming quality.

And Pence being truthful in that only regard merits his being rejected as the GOP 2024 presidential nominee illustrates just how reprehensible and treasonous Republican truly are.
Well, Pence is a loser because he’s a Christo-fascist racist and bigot, wrong on the issues, and unfit to be president.

That Pence has been marginally truthful with regard to Trump’s treasonous, criminal attempt to overturn the 2020 election is his only redeeming quality.

And Pence being truthful in that only regard merits his being rejected as the GOP 2024 presidential nominee illustrates just how reprehensible and treasonous Republican truly are.

Exactly, Pence is a Never Trumper who has fallen in love with being praised by Democrats like Mitt. I was translating your post for people who don't speak bull shit
Yep, an 80 year old who fell off a stationary bicycle, tripped up the Stairs of Air Force One, and lost a battle with a sandbag.

He sure is one "Dark Brandon" badass.
He wears aviator shades, and cruises in a yellow Corvette. He once asked trump to shut up in a nationally televised debate.

One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

What you mean is Trump's asslickers expect cult members to stand behind Dotard Trump even though he's a no good degenerate lowlife criminal.

The Special Counsel's office's take on nailing Trump's criminal ass to the wall?


Dave Chappelle was Right about Mike Pence ( FMP) he is Kiddie Table at best , Hell I like Krispy more than him
I saw a yellow one parked in front of his stolen document boxes. It might've been Hunter's.
The Corvette in question is a Mid 1960s convertible and it’s still mostly Original
And Green ( it’s always been in that Garage next to that pile of Styrofoam heads for hats & wigs and old Shop Vac and ancient lawn chair and part of a croakett set and boxes of papers & doccuments .

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