Pence statement seals fate as election loser

One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

In line with the OP subject, Pence has released some new campaign gear, and it is hard to believe....

The slogan he chooses to counter "MAGA" is "too honest."

This is a jab at Trump, and comes directly from Jack Smith's indictment!



What a pathetic slogan, so weak. Obviously, Pence has some incompetent campaign staffers, which means that he'd make for a weak and incompetent POTUS as well.

RINO fits well, IMO.
I firmly believe Pence should go GanGsTa! with his image. It is not going to hurt him.
Does the Constitution say it's okay to steal an election?
Trump is an enemy of the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump sought to violate the voting rights of millions of citizens and overturn the will of the people.

And yet, given these facts, conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right continue to support and defend Trump.
One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

I listened carefully to the video and have an opinion that will be unpopular with pretty much everybody here, especially my fellow Patriots.

Pence was explaining that he disagreed with President Trump that he had the authority to return the election to the states. He held the same opinion that I do that after the election is certified in each state in all 50 states, it is the duty of Congress to count and certify the electoral votes resulting from those 50 state certifications.

Neither Congress nor the Vice President have authority to reject those 50 state certifications. Pence was right about that and President Trump was wrong. No matter what any particular member of Congress or the VP thinks about it, to reject the vote of the states would have set a terrible precedent that would be applied in every future election in which the VP or majority in Congress is of a different party than the winner of the election.

It would have resulted in far more chaos in our elections than we currently have.

In no place in that commentary did Pence disparage Donald Trump and he was clear that the legal persecution of President Trump conducted by Congress and the DOJ is wrong and unacceptable for Americans. The closest he came to criticizing President Trump was that a President should not interfere with a constitutional process. I agree with him on that even though I can appreciate how much President Trump and millions of Americans believed then and now that there could very well have been sufficient fraud in the 2020 election to have made a difference.

I doubt seriously that Mike Pence will be the GOP nominee. But I very much appreciate how he has handled all this, both on January 6 and since. If he is the nominee, I will vote for him just as I will vote for Donald J. Trump if he is the nominee. And I won't have to hold my nose to vote for either.
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We have evidence that he's lying to please his corporate oligarch masters.
Pence will be very careful to not be clearly guilty of lying, but he'll push the boundaries. The Christian thing. Has he clearly lied about anything yet? I might have missed it?

I won't argue against you proposing that the corporate oligarchs are the R's front against Trump. That makes sense.
I listened carefully to the video and have an opinion that will be unpopular with pretty much everybody here, especially my fellow Patriots.
Existing laws can be interpreted differently from the intent or can be cancelled. New laws can be enacted to take their place. Why would anyone think that the leader of a coup wouldn't take steps that could be within the law too?

You're demonstrating that you will be as loyal to a Trump led revolution as the majority of the Cuban people were. You say you will vote for Trump. You don't stand on the side of government. That may be justifiable?
Pences political career is over so you don't need to worry about supporting him.
I hope not. I believe he is as close to being an honest and honorable man as any politician is. I don't worry about who I will support. My vote goes to the person who has a chance to win and who I think will be best for America. Any other choice would be a vote for more of the corrupt and incompetent administration we have now or worse.
No, Cult 45 expected that. Real Americans expected Pence to stand behind the rule of law and our Constitution, which he did. Cult 45 are not real Americans. They're insurrectionists end enemies to a free state.
Questioning the results of any election is totally within the rule of law and the Constitution, just assk your buddies Gore and the Hildabeast. The only cult full of non Americans is the one you are a card carrying member of, the Reich.
Trump is an enemy of the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump sought to violate the voting rights of millions of citizens and overturn the will of the people.

And yet, given these facts, conservatives, Republicans, and others on the right continue to support and defend Trump.
Once again, everything backwards here Mrs. Jones.
The results of any election may be questioned according to the laws of the country most of us belong to, maybe not you.
Your own ilk has demonstrated that in past elections. Were they overturning the will of the people too kookbot?
How? What's better than an AMERICA FIRST leader? Those RINOs do nothing BUT side with the enemy. The idea is to fight the Democrats. Not get all nicey nice with them.

The idea is to elect responsible people to office. Ones that operate within the law and for the benefit of the American people - regardless of which party they belong to.

The Democrats are not the enemy of the American people, but unfortunately the MAGGOTS are.

You are obviously either anti-American or an idiot that's been brainwashed by anti-Americans.

If you really want an AMERICA FIRST leader, vote for Biden. Trump is a TRUMP FIRST non-leader.
The idea is to elect responsible people to office. Ones that operate within the law and for the benefit of the American people - regardless of which party they belong to.

The Democrats are not the enemy of the American people, but unfortunately the MAGGOTS are.

You are obviously either anti-American or an idiot that's been brainwashed by anti-Americans.

If you really want an AMERICA FIRST leader, vote for Biden. Trump is a TRUMP FIRST non-leader.
Fuck off, Communist scum. I have never, and will never vote for Democrats---EVER!! BiDumb can keel over and I, along with every other REAL (See also: Conservative Republican) American will rejoice. Trump is 10X the leader no democrat, especially the Mulatto Menace, will never be.
Once again, everything backwards here Mrs. Jones.
The results of any election may be questioned according to the laws of the country most of us belong to, maybe not you.
Your own ilk has demonstrated that in past elections. Were they overturning the will of the people too kookbot?

The results may only be questioned when there is sufficient evidence that the results may not be accurate.

They may not be questioned because some spoiled brat refuses to accept them.
Fuck off, Communist scum. I have never, and will never vote for Democrats---EVER!! BiDumb can keel over and I, along with every other REAL (See also: Conservative Republican) American will rejoice. Trump is 10X the leader no democrat, especially the Mulatto Menace, will never be.

Trump is a sociopathic loser and a Stalinist asshole..

He is the most anti-American President in history.

Just the fact that you refuse to even consider a Democrat, just because they are a Democrat proves that you are Anti-American scum.

You are not even a Conservative Republican. You are a brainwashed cultist fascist.

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