Pence’s Identity Crisis: wants to be POTUS. But can't figure out who he wants to run as. he hypocritically campaigned for election deniers in midterms

fuck pence.....hey bro do you think Freddie Blassie would have called him a PENCil neck geek?...
“Then came the day he had to choose between his boss — the leader of his party — and the Constitution. And he chose the latter. Suddenly, Pence found himself in unfamiliar territory — politically isolated. Reviled by former President Donald Trump’s supporters who saw him as a coward but not completely embraced by Trump’s critics who saw him as permanently tainted for having stood by the former president, he had no natural constituency upon which to build the last act of his political project. Now, as Pence peddles a new memoir and ponders his own run for president, he’s struggling to demonstrate where his loyalties really lie — to the former president whose White House record he proudly touts as a shared legacy, or to a wing of the party that is debating whether to unshackle itself from a conspiracy-laden cult of personality.” ibid

Pence could always pander to his fellow Christo-fascist authoritarian bigots in the GOP.

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