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Pence’s True Colors: Jail Threat ‘Was One Of The Better Moments Of The Debate’

Hell YEAH it was one of the better moments. A candidate promised to restore true justice in this country by appointing an unbiased independent prosecutor to investigate Hillary and, based on all the evidence we have seen, she would rightfully, appropriately go to jail. Even the experienced agents in the FBI are coming out declaring Comey betrayed the FBI and the legal system because he participated in the covering of Hillary's backside, that she SHOULD have been indicted based on the evidence.
There was no crime committed? She exposed classified information to our enemies--one time while she was visiting another country.

No, that's a crazy fiction, one that exists only in the deranged imagination of Clinton-haters.

She deleted evidence that was requested for the Freedom of Information act and the US Congress

What else is on the list that your Stalinist masters told you to parrot? Sucks for you, the way you can't get any normal people to believe such tall tales.

Her charity accepted donations from foreigners while she was SOS.

So? That's not illegal or unethical in any way. Unlike the Trump foundation, which was solely a slush fund for the corrupt Trump to dip into, the Clinton foundation is squeaky clean. There's never been a penny of it funneled back to the Clintons. It gets an A-rating from all the charity raters, and has helped millions of people around the world.

She never turned in her GOVERNMENT cell phones to be processed by the State Department before destruction.

You come up with the craziest and dumbest reasons to imprison your political enemies. Don't you Stalinists have any shame?

She lied under oath to the US Congress repeatedly.

Nope, never happened. Someone is lying pathologically here, and it's all the Clinton-hjaters. They consider that to be a badge of honor, lying on behalf of the cult. It demonstrates how devoted to the cult they are.

Trump said he would reopen the investigation--not that he would throw her in jail (as if he had the power to). What he did say is that if he were President at the time, she would be in jail which is probably true.

Your Stalinist tactics have failed. Accept it and move on. In a wonderful twist of irony, it's your DearLeaderDonald who is going to have trouble staying out of jail. That's another reason the Stalinists are attacking Clinton, to deflect from their open love of brazen criminal
No, that's a crazy fiction, one that exists only in the deranged imagination of Clinton-haters.

I'm just going to address the 1st one because it is too long, and only the 1st one is needed to erase any credibility here...

The moment Hillary Clinton was 'Read Out' of the Special Compartmentalized TOP SECRET, TOP SECRET, and other Classified programs, once she signed the waiver declaring an oath never to talk about this information again OR HAVE ANY OF IT OR ANY CLASSIFIED MATERIAL IN HER POSESSION AGAIN, once she turned in her badge and officially stepped down as Secretary of State she became a CIVILIAN.

At that point SHE COULD NOT LEGALLY have in her possession ANY classified material, notes, e-mails, documents, etc.

She had several UN-AUTHORIZED, UN-APPROVED, UN-ENCRYPTED servers and devices on which THOUSANDS of classified documents, products, material, and e-mails were found.

These Servers were NOT encrypted (CRIME), were NOT SECURED according to US Law/Rules/Regs pertaining to classified material/storage - found in the BATHROOM of an IT Tech Company (CRIME), and these servers and information was handled / maintained / accessed by people who did NOT have the proper security clearances to do so (IT Tech company that stored her servers) or any clearance at all (Pagliano, Hillary IT Tech, & Hillary's Lawyer) (CRIME)!

Her Aides / Staff destroyed devices with hammers....in violation of specific US Laws/Rules/Regs that outline/mandate specific procedures for destroying classified material devices. (CRIME)

According to FBI Director Comey Hillary:
- Committed Perjury (CRIME)

- Sent/Received Classified Information (CRIME)
- Failed to turn in THOUSANDS of State Department work-related documents - a violation of the FOIA AND the Federal Records Act (CRIMES)

Not to mention the other possible charges that COULD be levied against her and her staff: Impeding an Investigation, Destruction of Evidence, Obstruction of justice...
I'm just going to address the 1st one because it is too long, and only the 1st one is needed to erase any credibility here...

That rant had no connection to reality. It was just repeating the same tired list of debunked nonsense talking points. It might fool people inside your delusion bubble, but normal people laugh at it, and then classify you as Stalinist thugs, for trying to prosecute your political opponents based on such fantasy crimes.

Be sure to keep up this line of attack, Clinton-haters, as we appreciate all the votes you send to the Democrats. Voters don't like Stalinists.
There was no crime committed? She exposed classified information to our enemies--one time while she was visiting another country.

No, that's a crazy fiction, one that exists only in the deranged imagination of Clinton-haters.

She deleted evidence that was requested for the Freedom of Information act and the US Congress

What else is on the list that your Stalinist masters told you to parrot? Sucks for you, the way you can't get any normal people to believe such tall tales.

Her charity accepted donations from foreigners while she was SOS.

So? That's not illegal or unethical in any way. Unlike the Trump foundation, which was solely a slush fund for the corrupt Trump to dip into, the Clinton foundation is squeaky clean. There's never been a penny of it funneled back to the Clintons. It gets an A-rating from all the charity raters, and has helped millions of people around the world.

She never turned in her GOVERNMENT cell phones to be processed by the State Department before destruction.

You come up with the craziest and dumbest reasons to imprison your political enemies. Don't you Stalinists have any shame?

She lied under oath to the US Congress repeatedly.

Nope, never happened. Someone is lying pathologically here, and it's all the Clinton-hjaters. They consider that to be a badge of honor, lying on behalf of the cult. It demonstrates how devoted to the cult they are.

Trump said he would reopen the investigation--not that he would throw her in jail (as if he had the power to). What he did say is that if he were President at the time, she would be in jail which is probably true.

Your Stalinist tactics have failed. Accept it and move on. In a wonderful twist of irony, it's your DearLeaderDonald who is going to have trouble staying out of jail. That's another reason the Stalinists are attacking Clinton, to deflect from their open love of brazen criminal

So that's all you got? Deny, deny, deny, and then talk about Stalin for some reason? This from a person that supports a candidate endorsed by the US Communist Party?

The Clinton foundation squeaky clean? If that's so, why did Hil-Liar use taxpayer dollars for aid to Haiti and used rebuilding companies that donated to her and her husbands slush fund? Does that sound squeaky clean to you?

Oh, I know your response, deny, deny, deny.
Hell YEAH it was one of the better moments. A candidate promised to restore true justice in this country by appointing an unbiased independent prosecutor to investigate Hillary and, based on all the evidence we have seen, she would rightfully, appropriately go to jail. Even the experienced agents in the FBI are coming out declaring Comey betrayed the FBI and the legal system because he participated in the covering of Hillary's backside, that she SHOULD have been indicted based on the evidence.

Or at the very least have the case heard by a grand jury. But of course based on the evidence and the laws, we all know where that would lead to.
Putting political opposition in jail - awesome! Who knew Banana Republic had so much to teach us about proper democracy?
You are confused, as usual. He said it needed to be looked into, meaning the judicial system. He didn't say what you retard leftists think he said. You people really should not be voting, honestly more than one moving part and you're lost.
The Clinton foundation squeaky clean? If that's so, why did Hil-Liar use taxpayer dollars for aid to Haiti and used rebuilding companies that donated to her and her husbands slush fund? Does that sound squeaky clean to you

It's sounds like another fraud you're trying to pass off. The use of propaganda in that manner is another trait of Stalinists.

Only Trump used his foundation as a slush fund.. You proudly kiss the butt of one of the most corrupt criminals the USA has ever produced, and we don't. Just making it clear where we each stand. You consider corruption to be a resume builder, while we consider it criminal.

Oh, I know your response, deny, deny, deny.

I also point out the flat earthers are full of crap. They cry at me too. It's a cultist thing, hating at the people who laugh at the cult.[/QUOTE]
What planet are you on? Fake charges, when we have already seen the prosecution of the mishandling of classified material by lower ranking officials?

And as Clinton didn't mishandle information like that, you've just shown us another of the double standards that you depend on. And thanks for confirmin your Stalinist nature again, shown by the way you want to prosecute on faked charges.

If your going to make the accusation they were fake charges, you have to FIRST have the ability to back that claim up. I don't believe the Inspector General quickly dismissed those charges as fake. Look at the government standards for handling classified documents below.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f)Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Do you have a proven record of what those deleted emails contained, or can find a justification for Hillary Clinton taken added precaution to thoroughly wipe her private server clean of those suspected deleted emails? Why go through the additional concern and safeguards if they were simply personal email conversations that were removed? You are going to have to provide a lot more than "Fake charges" if you want your BS argument to be at all convincing.

[QUOTE="ShaklesOfBigGov, post: 15526531while the left couldn't keep their big mouth shut through Republicans efforts to impeach Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky.

Remind us, when did CLinton brag about having affairs?[/QUOTE]

Bragging? Are you serious, this is your argument? We have an ex president you actually ACTED upon those statements when he was governor, has a trail of accusers going further into his political career to include his actions as president, has a wife that defended such actions by demonizijg the character of his accusers that came forward, and you're concerned over whether or not he bragged about it. Bill Clinton was a predictor of power with a known history of lewd acts against female subordinates, and later that very behavior would be defended by Hillary Clinton. Perhaps you are too young to comprehend what the Clinton's were involved in.

Going after Trump, when Hillary soent a good part of her political life protecting a sexual predator and actually demonizing those victims who came forward, is exactly what liberal hypocrites have done here. Hillary should have allowed the judicial system to play out and do its job if she TRULY believed her husband should be acquitted of the accusations. By simply allowing herself to do that, she could honestly say she stands for and represents the rights of women who face powerful lewd men like Donald Trump. Instead, the only interest she has consistently shown an interest in, is preserving her own self image. She wants to be president, and she will use and defend, or turn and attack, predators that have a personal political benefit to her own powerful interests. Her actions prove she does not give a damn of what male predictors can do to women or the harm they cause. She will keep smiling and waving until she gets what she wants - "who honestly gives a crap" is her attitude.
If your going to make the accusation they were fake charges, you have to FIRST have the ability to back that claim up.

As you're the one making the wild claims, the onus is on you to back it up. So far, not you or any Clinton-hater has done so.

Clinton lost no defense information. Therefore, merely typing the statute means nothing.

Do you have a proven record of what those deleted emails contained,

As you admit you don't, it means you can't back up your wild claim that defense information was mishandled.

Bragging? Are you serious, this is your argument?

Yes. Trump has bragged about committing sexual assault. Bill Clinton hasn't. That's not a minor point. It's the crux of the issue. It destroys your arguments and makes you look awful. No wonder you want to hand wave the issue away.

We have an ex president you actually ACTED upon those statements when he was governor,

What statements? Again, Bill Clinton has never bragged about committing sexual assault.

And, most importantly, there's no believable evidence that Bill Clinton ever committed sexual assault. His few accusers put forth stories that were contradicted by the real-world facts. Evidence matters, and it supports Bill Clinton. And all of Clinton's accusers took big money payoffs to say what they said. The evidence indicates they were paid to lie about Clinton.

In contrast, Trump's accusers weren't paid off, and they haven't put forth stories contradicted by the facts. Some of them are on the record reporting it right after it happened. They were ignored, at the time.

Going after Trump, when Hillary soent a good part of her political life protecting a sexual predator and actually demonizing those victims who came forward, is exactly what liberal hypocrites have done here.

Sorry, but you revising history only makes you look bad. You can scream at the Clintons all you want, but at the end of the day, you're still running cover for Trump, an admitted sexual predator.
Hmm. You mean to tell me that ABC news is Stalinistic?

ABC has certainly been very anti-Clinton and anti-Democrat for decade, so yes, there's a strong streak of Stalinism there.

So , was there any point to posting that giant nothingburger that conspiracy theorists desperately tried to spin as something?

I mean, aside from revealing your desperation.
Republican vice presidential nominee and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Monday that his running mate, Donald Trump, threatening to throw Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton behind bars “was one of the better moments of the debate.”

Trump’s remarks at the Sunday presidential debate went beyond saying he would investigate Clinton ― he said definitively that she “would be in jail,” prompting comparisons to countries where dictators imprison their opponents, as MSNBC’sStephanie Ruhle noted.

“This isn’t the Congo. That sounds like a third-world dictator to me,” she said on “MSNBC Live.”

More: Pence’s True Colors: Jail Threat ‘Was One Of The Better Moments Of The Debate’

That tells me all I ever want to know about Mike Pence - and his Christian/Conservative/Republican (in that order) motto. I look forward to both Trump and Pence fading into obscurity.

So you think an actual investigation would be able to convict her in court do you? You're probably right

They never could convict Ted "the lush" Kennedy over Chappaquiddick, which speaks to our justice system. High profile Democrats with political power are not treated in the same manner as those ranking officials that are below them. Colonel John C. Nickerson Jr was found with "unsecured" classified documents in his home, David Petraeus of keeping classified information at home in the form of secret "black books, and Thomas Drake, a senior executive of the NSA, communicated unclassified information to a reporter who subsequently wrote articles about the waste, fraud and abuse at the NSA.

Do you honestly think Kennedy was a murderer - or just a coward?

Clearly. It wasn't premeditated or even 2nd degree. But it was clearly manslaughter, which is still murder

Manslaughter is not murder under the law.
Hmm. You mean to tell me that ABC news is Stalinistic?

ABC has certainly been very anti-Clinton and anti-Democrat for decade, so yes, there's a strong streak of Stalinism there.

So , was there any point to posting that giant nothingburger that conspiracy theorists desperately tried to spin as something?

I mean, aside from revealing your desperation.

ABC is anti-Hillary? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Is CNN next on your list or perhaps MSNBC???

Instead of running around with your stupid Stalin thing, why don't you try to prove the sources wrong instead? I have plenty more where that came from, and they all can't be wrong. But then again, you're a liberal so you think you're always right and the rest of the world is wrong.
Hmm. You mean to tell me that ABC news is Stalinistic?

ABC has certainly been very anti-Clinton and anti-Democrat for decade, so yes, there's a strong streak of Stalinism there.

So , was there any point to posting that giant nothingburger that conspiracy theorists desperately tried to spin as something?

I mean, aside from revealing your desperation.
Being a smug asshole won't make it go away, no matter how well you perfect the art.
Republican vice presidential nominee and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Monday that his running mate, Donald Trump, threatening to throw Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton behind bars “was one of the better moments of the debate.”

Trump’s remarks at the Sunday presidential debate went beyond saying he would investigate Clinton ― he said definitively that she “would be in jail,” prompting comparisons to countries where dictators imprison their opponents, as MSNBC’sStephanie Ruhle noted.

“This isn’t the Congo. That sounds like a third-world dictator to me,” she said on “MSNBC Live.”

More: Pence’s True Colors: Jail Threat ‘Was One Of The Better Moments Of The Debate’

That tells me all I ever want to know about Mike Pence - and his Christian/Conservative/Republican (in that order) motto. I look forward to both Trump and Pence fading into obscurity.
I look forward to hillary dying in office.
Republican vice presidential nominee and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Monday that his running mate, Donald Trump, threatening to throw Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton behind bars “was one of the better moments of the debate.”

Trump’s remarks at the Sunday presidential debate went beyond saying he would investigate Clinton ― he said definitively that she “would be in jail,” prompting comparisons to countries where dictators imprison their opponents, as MSNBC’sStephanie Ruhle noted.

“This isn’t the Congo. That sounds like a third-world dictator to me,” she said on “MSNBC Live.”

More: Pence’s True Colors: Jail Threat ‘Was One Of The Better Moments Of The Debate’

That tells me all I ever want to know about Mike Pence - and his Christian/Conservative/Republican (in that order) motto. I look forward to both Trump and Pence fading into obscurity.
I look forward to hillary dying in office.
I was kinda hoping for the October 19th debate. :)
Republican vice presidential nominee and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Monday that his running mate, Donald Trump, threatening to throw Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton behind bars “was one of the better moments of the debate.”

Trump’s remarks at the Sunday presidential debate went beyond saying he would investigate Clinton ― he said definitively that she “would be in jail,” prompting comparisons to countries where dictators imprison their opponents, as MSNBC’sStephanie Ruhle noted.

“This isn’t the Congo. That sounds like a third-world dictator to me,” she said on “MSNBC Live.”

More: Pence’s True Colors: Jail Threat ‘Was One Of The Better Moments Of The Debate’

That tells me all I ever want to know about Mike Pence - and his Christian/Conservative/Republican (in that order) motto. I look forward to both Trump and Pence fading into obscurity.
I look forward to hillary dying in office.
I was kinda hoping for the October 19th debate. :)
the left would just blame Trump. Claim he had nerve gas or something pumped up through her microphone.
If your going to make the accusation they were fake charges, you have to FIRST have the ability to back that claim up.

As you're the one making the wild claims, the onus is on you to back it up. So far, not you or any Clinton-hater has done so.

Clinton lost no defense information. Therefore, merely typing the statute means nothing.

Do you have a proven record of what those deleted emails contained,

As you admit you don't, it means you can't back up your wild claim that defense information was mishandled.

Bragging? Are you serious, this is your argument?

Yes. Trump has bragged about committing sexual assault. Bill Clinton hasn't. That's not a minor point. It's the crux of the issue. It destroys your arguments and makes you look awful. No wonder you want to hand wave the issue away.

We have an ex president you actually ACTED upon those statements when he was governor,

What statements? Again, Bill Clinton has never bragged about committing sexual assault.

And, most importantly, there's no believable evidence that Bill Clinton ever committed sexual assault. His few accusers put forth stories that were contradicted by the real-world facts. Evidence matters, and it supports Bill Clinton. And all of Clinton's accusers took big money payoffs to say what they said. The evidence indicates they were paid to lie about Clinton.

In contrast, Trump's accusers weren't paid off, and they haven't put forth stories contradicted by the facts. Some of them are on the record reporting it right after it happened. They were ignored, at the time.

Going after Trump, when Hillary soent a good part of her political life protecting a sexual predator and actually demonizing those victims who came forward, is exactly what liberal hypocrites have done here.

Sorry, but you revising history only makes you look bad. You can scream at the Clintons all you want, but at the end of the day, you're still running cover for Trump, an admitted sexual predator.

These are fake charges on Hillary Clinton based on??

What proof do you have that these were false accusations against Bill Clinton and that none of these accusations from the women victims were believable?

I know you are making a lot BS claims in hopes to actually "sound" convincing, but in reality you're either too ignorant and lazy to try and support them with any known facts ... or it's based on the discovery that you really have not done a very good job of researching the subject. I'd be willing to bet it's the latter in this case.

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