Pencil neck at it again


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Schiff describes whistleblower complaint as 'most graphic evidence yet' against Trump

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) described the whistleblower complaint against President Trump as the "most graphic evidence yet" that Trump has abused his oath of office.

Remember back in the spring this liar said he had evidence of trump/Russian collusion?
How does anyone take this dipshit seriously?
And how in the hell is he chairman of the house intelligence committee?
Washington is such a joke!
Dat Boy is a great example of what happens to someone when they get afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Just think of all the stupid Moon Bats that voted him into office. Morons!

At least with their Trump Derangement Syndrome they are not pushing the agenda to take away our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. That is a a good thing.
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Schiff describes whistleblower complaint as 'most graphic evidence yet' against Trump

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) described the whistleblower complaint against President Trump as the "most graphic evidence yet" that Trump has abused his oath of office.

Remember back in the spring this liar said he had evidence of trump/Russian collusion?
How does anyone take this dipshit seriously?
And how in the hell is he chairman of the house intelligence committee?
Washington is such a joke!

That moron is gonna let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass just one too many times and get his tit in a wringer yet. I can't wait till they finally censure that little prick.
Most graphic evidence YET. Just wait until we see the Russian piss videos. :eek:
Three years of gotcha and millions of dollars wasted all because the media designated heir apparent was rejected by the people and now this, another veiled attempt to distract attention away from the abuse of power by Obama and company. One can only surmise that what they are attempting to distract attention away from has broad, reaching, and serious implications.
Adam is gonna schiff his pants when these retards get trump elected again
Schiff describes whistleblower complaint as 'most graphic evidence yet' against Trump

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) described the whistleblower complaint against President Trump as the "most graphic evidence yet" that Trump has abused his oath of office.

Remember back in the spring this liar said he had evidence of trump/Russian collusion?
How does anyone take this dipshit seriously?
And how in the hell is he chairman of the house intelligence committee?
Washington is such a joke!

Most graphic evidence yet?? He sure didn't read the same transcript I read.

Smells like desperation to me. What a bunch of idiots to waste tax dollars on a hearing that should never be held.


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