Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

You should because I live in this country too and will keep pushing till the system is fixed

much to the tweeners annoyance

The system is not broken, it it just your imagination. That is why you have no actual evidence, just your feelings

On a related note, how do you feel about new laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not "feel" is valid? Does that fix the system in your world?
I guess thats your red line in the sand

there is no election fraud unless libs say there is

Again, show me some evidence, that is all I ask for. Is that really such a crazy thing?

also....On a related note, how do you feel about new laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not "feel" is valid? Does that fix the system in your world?
On a related note, how do you feel about new laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not "feel" is valid?

There are no new laws that allow that to happen. Which state and what law are you referring to? I call bullshit.
There are no new laws that allow that to happen. Which state and what law are you referring to? I call bullshit.

Fillmore’s bill would require the legislature to hold a special session after an election to review election processes and results, and to “accept or reject the election results.”
also....On a related note, how do you feel about new laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not "feel" is valid? Does that fix the system in your world?
Unelected judges tamper with election results all the time

no system is perfect

But at least the legislature is subject to recall by the people

federal judges are appointed for life and answer to no one
Unelected judges tamper with election results all the time

no system is perfect

But at least the legislature is subject to recall by the people

federal judges are appointed for life and answer to no one

So, you are cool with laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not feel is valid.

That pretty much makes any of your calls to "fix" the system a joke.
So, you are cool with laws that give state legislatures the power to reject the outcome of an election they do not feel is valid.
As cool as you are letting unelected dictators in black robes run our lives
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As cool as you are by letting unelected dictators in black robes run our lives

Can you find an example of a judge throwing out an entire election they did not feel was valid?

I will wait.
It was still just one persons opinion

if the entire legislature reviews an election and orders a redo thats a majority decision

A majority dominated by one party that has much skin in the game. And as the law was proposed they do not even have to give a reason.

At least a judge has no stake in the outcome, they do not gain anything no matter which way they go.
Ruling headed for PA Scotus, run by dem judges.

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