Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

Fillmore’s bill would require the legislature to hold a special session after an election to review election processes and results, and to “accept or reject the election results.”

A proposal is NOT a law.

Fillmore’s bill would require the legislature to hold a special session after an election to review election processes and results, and to “accept or reject the election results.”
First of all, they are not unfounded allegations. 30 laws were broken and there are plainly illegal ballots that were counted. As I have said before the RINO AG. will not move on the evidence he has. Your bullshit is just that, bullshit.
First of all, they are not unfounded allegations. 30 laws were broken and there are plainly illegal ballots that were counted. As I have said before the RINO AG. will not move on the evidence he has. Your bullshit is just that, bullshit.

Every Repub in your world that does not support your attempt to overturn the election is RINO, it is a meaningless label you use for any Repub that does not think exactly like you.
Review and redo if necessary

Interestingly there is nothing in the law about "redoing" other than any citizen can ask a judge for a redo one the results are rejected.

And if the folks do not like the redo, they reject it again until they get the results they want.

And you think that is a good idea....
Interestingly there is nothing in the law about "redoing" other than any citizen can ask a judge for a redo one the results are rejected.

And if the folks do not like the redo, they reject it again until they get the results they want.

And you think that is a good idea....
Funny that is exactly what the Democrats are planning to do in 2022 and 2024. They will not have such an easy time this time around.
Interestingly there is nothing in the law about "redoing" other than any citizen can ask a judge for a redo one the results are rejected.
What law?

as you know the bill is not law but merely a work in progress
yes, your label of RINO is every bit as meaningless as your ass.

Glad we agree on this
Wrong again. Someone like you who insists he is always right has a serious problem. Take care of yourself. Get some therapy.

Brooks thinks there are RINOs
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I asked if you all would approve of such a law, I did not way it was in place yet. Interestingly none of you have been opposed to it yet

Nah, nah, nah, you don't get off that easy. You asked for opinions on a law that does not exist and IMHO never will. If I'm not mistaken, once the election is over and the results are in and confirmed by the appropriate election leadership, the legislature approves/confirms the results, do they not? Some crackpot may offer up that proposition, but I predict it'll go nowhere. But, since "none of you have been opposed to it yet", let me be the 1st.

Once an election is over, IMHO it's OVER. Meaning, after everyone has signed off on it and gone home, it's a done deal. If the loser wants to cry foul and piss and moan about it for however long, so be it. 1st amendment and all that. It does not put him or her is a positive light and could be costly in political terms, and I say that without regard to one side or the other, or one person or another. AND - since the time frame between the election period and the inauguration of the new Congress and President is kinda short, we ought to be thinking about one of two things: 1) push back the inauguration day to allow more time for objections and allegations, * and 2) state legislatures should propose and adopt any necessary measure that improve the integrity and trust in the results. Right now there is quite a number of people that have some doubts or concerns about that 2020 election, by some estimates approaching 50%. We can't have that in this country. I so far as is possible, we should be doing what we can to allay that mistrust that delegitimizes our elected officals.

* added: could also move election day up to October

SO - I am opposed to any law that allows any state to reject and overturn the results of an election that has been confirmed. Hell, they don't have to accept the results in the 1st place, do they? If they don't have the balls to do it in December after the election is over then sorry Charlie.
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Wrong again. Someone like you who insists he is always right has a serious problem. Take care of yourself. Get some therapy.

Brooks thinks there are RINOs

But you think every single Repub that does not worship Trump is RINO, that is why your label is meaningless.
Yes, I understand that, but it is a bill that and those on your side of the political aisle support
As I explained at law passed by our elected representatives is better that something conjured up by an unelected demogod
As I explained at law passed by our elected representatives is better that something conjured up by an unelected demogod

Sure, as long as the elected representatives are from your party and they ensure that you party cannot possibly lose an election.

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