Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

More apropos abbreviation for {Penn.}or what them democrats
have turned the state into.
Philadelphia has never been so corrupted and
ruined.Like San Fransico,Minneapolis and Baltimore.
Just to name a few.
Yup, it was a joke.

Half the MAGAturds are in on the con, at this point. They know the election was not stolen. But they think keeping the big lie alive will help Republicans pass more laws to suppress the vote and to steal future elections.

And the other half are gullible rubes who actually believe this nonsense.
Get a fucking ID. Get your fat ass off the couch on a certain day. Drive your beat up Toyota to the polls. Vote. Eat shit then die
Yup, it was a joke.
Yes,ruining Major American big cities does seem to be
the favorite pastime of yer garden variety Democrat.
And it's definately not lost of most americans.
As most any poll openly demonstrates.
Sure, where is the proof.
How about Trump winning 2,497 counties.
Biden winning 477 Counties.You do the math.
Plus belwether states like Florida,Ohio and Texas
were called early.Why did it take till friday for
Pennsylvania to get a count.Atlanta ... even longer.
Because those places are Democrat havens for
corruption.Like Detroit and Philly.
How about Trump winning 2,497 counties.
Biden winning 477 Counties.You do the math.
Plus belwether states like Florida,Ohio and Texas
were called early.Why did it take till friday for
Pennsylvania to get a count.Atlanta ... even longer.
Because those places are Democrat havens for
corruption.Like Detroit and Philly.
What's the population of the counties?

You were told about mail in voting before election day.

What corruption can you show proof of?
I demand that a recount be done in Colorado for the 2014 Election and every election since. (mail-in voting since 2013). We demand our time so get with it.
Why, when if anything all that has to be audited without bias is the 2020 election, ummmm an election that possibly was one of the most corrupt election's the nation has ever seen due to COVID, and due to what else or who else that may have been involved ????????

A man once said "never let a good crisis go to waste". Remember ?

The fact that so many were trying so hard to cover it all up in order to make getting rid of Trump once and for all possible, uhhhh has now become a hindsight story that just keeps getting clearer and clearer as time goes by.

The biggest indicator is the new administration and their (in your face revenge), that which they began taking out on Americans immediately, and why ?? Was it because the conservatives wanted an America First Agenda, and because of them wanting their tradition's back, their decent pro-American school's back, their Christian culture back in law and order, otherwise for what it had stood for, and because of what it had done to help the nation for so long and through some very hard times ?? The American's wanted their manufacturing base back, their safe street's back, their good economy to continue, and on and on and on it all goes. They wanted the same things Democrat's should want too, otherwise as is listed above.

The Democrat's have become a wrecking ball that was set free in the nation, and why is this ? Because they hate everything that moves including themselves. Misery loves company, and they want company.

Well they're making it come true, uhhh well because American's are miserable now.

Democrat's, are ya happy in your demonic twisted ways ???
Eleventy-five million illegal Mexicans voted for Joe Biden. Two hundred and eighty-three thousand Democrats voted for Biden twice. The Italians used a military space satellite to change Trump votes to Biden votes. China mailed 800,000 bamboo ballots to Arizona pre-marked for Biden. The Democrat-controlled election commission in California mailed water soluble ballots to the registered Republicans in that state.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Slight of hand you're using now... It didn't work by the way.
Any day now Trump will be reinstated.

Then he will call inflation a hoax, issue press releases taking credit for the record stock market, blame China for the supply chain snarls, call Zelensky and tell him he will send arms if he can build a Trump Tower in Kyiv (whatever happened to Kiev?), hire more people who will end up resigning in disgrace, hold rallies where the Trumptards will line up for miles to get the wonderful terrific Trump Vaccine, finally go on a "date" with Ivanka (wink wink), call into OAN daily to talk about how much better than Lincoln and Jefferson he is, and pack on another 60 pounds.
Where will you be when all that is going on ?? Sitting there hoping America will fail once again ??? What about supporting America for a change ?? That's literally a foreign concept anymore for y'all right ??

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