Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

Why, when if anything all that has to be audited without bias is the 2020 election, ummmm an election that possibly was one of the most corrupt election's the nation has ever seen due to COVID, and due to what else or who else that may have been involved ????????

A man once said "never let a good crisis go to waste". Remember ?

The fact that so many were trying so hard to cover it all up in order to make getting rid of Trump once and for all possible, uhhhh has now become a hindsight story that just keeps getting clearer and clearer as time goes by.

The biggest indicator is the new administration and their (in your face revenge), that which they began taking out on Americans immediately, and why ?? Was it because the conservatives wanted an America First Agenda, and because of them wanting their tradition's back, their decent pro-American school's back, their Christian culture back in law and order, otherwise for what it had stood for, and because of what it had done to help the nation for so long and through some very hard times ?? The American's wanted their manufacturing base back, their safe street's back, their good economy to continue, and on and on and on it all goes. They wanted the same things Democrat's should want too, otherwise as is listed above.

The Democrat's have become a wrecking ball that was set free in the nation, and why is this ? Because they hate everything that moves including themselves. Misery loves company, and they want company.

Well they're making it come true, uhhh well because American's are miserable now.

Democrat's, are ya happy in your demonic twisted ways ???
Wally the Beavers here to play.
What good is your vote if the people you are voting against gave themselves the power to reject any election they do not like the outcome of?

How do you vote someone out of office that has the power to reject your vote?
I dont know

since you distrust the red states as much as I distrust blue states I understand your suspicions

But the beauty of federalism is that the individual can try out new ideas and see what happens
I dont know

since you distrust the red states as much as I distrust blue states I understand your suspicions

I distrust all states equally, never really been into the whole red vs blue thing.
Meaning you cant see that california and at least 10 other states are totally dominated by democrats ?

do you think thats mere chance?

Meaning I do not distrust Dems any more than Repubs.

Meaning that "blue" states are filled with red areas and red states have large blue cities.

Red vs blue is just one more tool used to divide the country to keep us controlled.

Here is a blue state....just how blue is it really?

You should

Why, both only care about themselves and their party. Neither give a rats ass about us or the country.

not being able to decide between the two is the weakness of tweeners

Actually it is just the opposite. We had decided, also also we are not tweeners as we are not torn between the two, nor do our views fall between the two. We are outside of the two.
Meaning I do not distrust Dems any more than Repubs.

Meaning that "blue" states are filled with red areas and red states have large blue cities.

Red vs blue is just one more tool used to divide the country to keep us controlled.

Here is a blue state....just how blue is it really?

View attachment 594737
Ok, and riddle me this batman - what are the values, morals, and positions being taken in the red verses blue area's within the state's, and what are the results ??

Once you've come up with your answer, then it should be obvious where your loyalties should lay. Being neither hot nor cold is a non-starter, because it indicates that you are tossed around like a wave in the ocean. You will eventually ground yourself at some point, and when you do it's only to realize that everything comes to an end. Be ready to know the truth, because the truth shall set you free.
Ok, and riddle me this batman - what are the values, morals, and positions being taken in the red verses blue area's within the state's, and what are the results ??

Once you've come up with your answer, then it should be obvious where your loyalties should lay. Being neither hot nor cold is a non-starter, because it indicates that your are tossed around like a wave in the ocean. You will eventually ground yourself at some point, and when you do it's only to realize that everything comes to an end. Be ready to know the truth, because the truth shall set you free.

I am already grounded, well grounded in fact. I am grounded upon the hill watching you all in your sheep pens on the left and the right telling yourself how different you are from the folks in the other pen.
About 3% of all voters are in such a condition or circumstance that makes Mail in the only feasible method.
If 3% is accurate, those few individuals should be allowed to request a mail-in ballot and after explaining and proving their disability be permitted to vote via mail. The 97% should continue to show up at the polls to vote after proving who they are.
I am already grounded, well grounded in fact. I am grounded upon the hill watching you all in your sheep pens on the left and the right telling yourself how different you are from the folks in the other pen.
What a stupid analogy for someone that says that he's grounded... ROTFLMBO.

Don't vote please, I mean why bother anyways, you already made it known that you don't agree with either side.
What a stupid analogy for someone that says that he's grounded... ROTFLMBO.

Don't vote please, I mean why bother anyways, you already made it known that you don't agree with either side.

I am sure you see it as stupid, you are one of those that thinks you are sooooo very different than those on the other side you hate so much.
Why, when if anything all that has to be audited without bias is the 2020 election, ummmm an election that possibly was one of the most corrupt election's the nation has ever seen due to COVID, and due to what else or who else that may have been involved ????????

A man once said "never let a good crisis go to waste". Remember ?

The fact that so many were trying so hard to cover it all up in order to make getting rid of Trump once and for all possible, uhhhh has now become a hindsight story that just keeps getting clearer and clearer as time goes by.

The biggest indicator is the new administration and their (in your face revenge), that which they began taking out on Americans immediately, and why ?? Was it because the conservatives wanted an America First Agenda, and because of them wanting their tradition's back, their decent pro-American school's back, their Christian culture back in law and order, otherwise for what it had stood for, and because of what it had done to help the nation for so long and through some very hard times ?? The American's wanted their manufacturing base back, their safe street's back, their good economy to continue, and on and on and on it all goes. They wanted the same things Democrat's should want too, otherwise as is listed above.

The Democrat's have become a wrecking ball that was set free in the nation, and why is this ? Because they hate everything that moves including themselves. Misery loves company, and they want company.

Well they're making it come true, uhhh well because American's are miserable now.

Democrat's, are ya happy in your demonic twisted ways ???
Your message is full or irony .
I am sure you see it as stupid, you are one of those that thinks you are sooooo very different than those on the other side you hate so much.
Don't hate anyone, buy I sure don't agree with their sinful ways being foisted upon the masses against it's will. You are one that ignores the wolf hanging around the chicken coup until it has entered into the pen killing have of the chickens. Unexceptable.

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