Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

You are correct, your lies are not working.

Your lack of reading comprehension is not working for you.

Your desire to believe the lies told to you is not working for you.

In the end you are just a loser that will die sad when you god is not put back in the White House
Do you really think your lies are working? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Do you really think your lies are working? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I have not told a lie, you are the only one here lying.

Though in your defense I doubt you are actually lying as one has to know waht they are saying is not true and you are too dumb to know that. You just parrot waht you are told to say, assuming it is true because your party masters told you it was.
Mass mail-out mail-in ballots are a recent development too
There were none of that in the swing states The only mass mailing were applications for mail in ballots, or request forms. They still have to be filled out and sent in to get a ballot.

The Neo-GOP "squeal" about that morphed it into ballots
Mass Hysteria is when all of you got Sand in Your Vaginas and went full DemNazi Fascist on America after pissing your panties over The Fauci Flu.

The Scamdemic was not different than "Russian Collusion" it was a con game to help you get your Fraud Machinery in place to steal an election, only where you failed in 2016 using The Russians, The 2020 Dem Collusion with The CCP Chinese put you over the top.

Two impeachment attempts that were defeated
Reality sucks for you emoters.

You are not really very smart.

The impeachments were successful, the attempts at convictions were not.

Trump will forever be known as the only POUTS to be impeached twice.
That is incorrect. One body sent their recommendation for approval and it was defeated
As others have said very recently, you should not be a moderator as you lack truth and impartiality.
You are confused. The House votes to impeach. The Senate votes to remove. Like Clinton he was impeached but not removed. How about educating yourself before denigrating others?
I have not told a lie, you are the only one here lying.

Though in your defense I doubt you are actually lying as one has to know waht they are saying is not true and you are too dumb to know that. You just parrot waht you are told to say, assuming it is true because your party masters told you it was.
You sure have told a lie. You keep repeating the Big Lie that the election was legitimate when every day more comes out showing it was nowhere near legitimate. All you have is the word of thoroughly corrupt people and a thoroughly weaponized media.

They have lied repeatably for over six years and they keep lying. That you are dumb enough to believe them is on you. Unfortunately the country is being destroyed because of it. The fact you do not mind the ongoing destruction is also on you.
You sure have told a lie. You keepepeating the Big Lie that the election was legitimate when every day more comes out showing it was nowhere near legitimate. All you have is the word of thoroughly corrupt people and a thoroughly weaponized media.

They have lied repeatably for over six years and they keep lying. That you are dumb enough to believe them is on you. Unfortunately the country is being destroyed because of it.
They lied the second they paid $13 Million to Uncle Putin for Russian Collusion and have been lying ever since.
The "Art of the Squeal" is an art form all it's own.

Lots of people are talking about it too! People here, people there. Everybody. Well Practically everybody, anybody whose somebody really, it'sall good!

listen to you squealing right now. Way to demonstrate how it looks and sounds. the ultimate professional you are.
This election showed that many Republicans are only Republicans in name only. The hate for Trump was clearly and still is bipartisan. Those Republicans will lose their primaries. Americans want what Trump gave them. A strong America.
sane people would think that. Cause those celebrating four dollar gas prices from their illegit president love paying more for everything, not.
Mail in worked fine in a number of states until Trumplicans lost.
There is no right to mail in voting and when 10-15% of the public did that then little chance for foul play. When 25-30 % and nearly 50% are Dems then matters are different and “it’s easier” is irrelevant. Voting is a commitment and obligation , not a nuisance to be dismissed as easily as possible

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