Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

It’s your obligation to make things easy and free for us or you are a racist
Lib 101 Core Course
ohhhh....that will teach me.

So, how about you highlight the part of the ruling that talks about fraud...
So how about you say you do not care the election was stolen and that the powers that be have successfully intimidated people in positions to do something about it to do nothing.

Admit you like gloating about a crime that has almost destroyed this country. You are nothing but someone who sides with bullies. That makes you a coward. You are far too modest.
No they were not. A right wing judge means nothing.
it was five judges you clueless fk. from the link. You just can't accept anything can you? spin spin spin spin. you must be one fking dizzy fk.

Friday’s decision by a five-judge Commonwealth Court panel could be put on hold immediately by an appeal from Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration to the state Supreme Court.
Approximately 1.38 million voters have expressed their interest in voting by mail permanently. If presented to the people, a constitutional amendment to end the Article VII, Section 1 requirement of in-person voting is likely to be adopted. But a constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation authorizing no-excuse mail-in voting can 'be placed upon our statute books,'" the opinion said.

This is what the real news is saying.

1. Mail in voting is popular.

2. The state constitution will have to be changed.

3. People are more than willing to change the state constitution.
you meant cult news, right?
With the mix of judges, I have to agree with Golfing on this one.

But I will say that IF it is held up, it should tell everyone the lengths the Left went to on insuring their win. If it was in force at the time, 2 million votes would have been ILLEGAL, and over 90% of them were for Biden.

For a comparison, this was the 1st time this was in effect. In essence........using Gators example, speed limit was 35 for forever, changed to 45 and wseen to be terrible for safety for 2 years, so changed back to 35.

And by the way, if the Left manages to resurrect its voting rights bill, no matter what any Supreme court in any state says, you will have this EVERYWHERE unless the Supreme Court of the United States decides it is unconstitutional. You willing to bet on them doing that?
The law was passed with wide bi-partisan support.
How does that make the Dems somehow nefarious or questionable?
It is not about legality but abusing a system set up to help people to vote. Which got us what we see today. So as people destroy things meant to improve a way of doing things, all others suffer for it. I am not of the Village. I understand the Village though. The Village is 2000 B.C.
What was abused and how?
What was abused and how?
put a voting machine in every court house, or county seed, let's get people out there and vote. Early voting is cool with me. Go to the location and vote. It seems you are opposed to chain of custody. And that says it all.
no chain of custody. I thought you read my posts. It isn't rocket science. Harvesting is what it's called.
Hutch Starskey , are you saying election officials are present when the ballots are received at the post office and they bring them to the polling office? ahahahahahahahahahahhahaha can't make it up.
About mail-in ballots?

the trump base?

not on your life because mail-in ballots represent a built-in and continuing advantage for democrats

but if you mean only trump that may be true

because thats human nature
Advantage through numbers and not through fraud.
Fraud is just the pretext for restrictive voting laws.
Advantage through numbers and not through fraud.
Fraud is just the pretext for restrictive voting laws.
yeah, especially when people create thousands of ballots for one reason. And why again, it took two extra days to get the necessary fraudulent ballots in to steal it. hahahahhaah. you're just a jim jonser dude. no help for you.
A statewide court in Pennsylvania ruled on Friday the expansive two-year-old mail-in voting is unconstitutional.

It just took a year to figure that out. But Trump was supposed to investigate and create viable court challenges for 100 fraud cases across six states and get them to court, heard and won in just a month and a half?

I guess they can relax and release this now-- -- it has been over a year now, far too late to nullify Joe's illegal, unwon installment.
It is not over yet, it now goes to the PA SC.

Not to mention that multiple states have been doing it for a decade and you people never whined about it till your god lost
Folks there was a pandemic going on in the fall of 2020 so many of us voted by mail for the first time. I didn't want to stand in line and run the risk of catching Covid. So I voted by mail for the first time and I voted for a Democrat for president for the first time ever (dating back to Gerald Ford 1976). I'm of the belief that the election was fair since nobody has proved otherwise and the people that say it was rigged, like Mike Lindell and Rudy Giuliani are dolts. If Trump is not incarcerated and does run, he will lose again. Biden will not run again, he's already out of gas.

I predicted that Trump would hide behind the big lie, in fact I thought the only way they would get him out of the White House was in a body bag.

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