Pennsylvania Court: Mail-In Voting Law Unconstitutional

It just took a year to figure that out. But Trump was supposed to investigate and create viable court challenges for 100 fraud cases across six states and get them to court, heard and won in just a month and a half?
I guess they can relax and release this now-- -- it has been over a year now, far too late to nullify Joe's illegal, unwon installment.
Exactly. So now we know Trump was right, there was massive voter fraud.
obviously you didn’t read the opinion.

the courts ruled, it was illegal

I did read the ruling, and from this point on it would be illegal. The ruling did not say that votes cast this way in the past were illegal.
I told you all it was illegally done.
yeah, especially when people create thousands of ballots for one reason. And why again, it took two extra days to get the necessary fraudulent ballots in to steal it. hahahahhaah. you're just a jim jonser dude. no help for you.
The voter rolls are the same whether people vote in person or by mail. It’s not like a million new ghost voters appeared on the rolls.
The voter rolls are the same whether people vote in person or by mail. It’s not like a million new ghost voters appeared on the rolls.
they didn't need them to. They had a list of dead voters not removed from the list, and used their names on the ballot. All one has to do is look up the register and they are there even though they are dead or moved or whatever. It is truly funny what you won't admit.
it was illegal then and obviously would be illegal in the future

the law was violated

The law was not violated, the people of the state voted according to the law at the time.

Punishing the voters now would like arresting someone for drinking on Jan 10, 1920
Don't you know what unconstitutional means? Pennsylvania Act 77 should have never even been voted on. It is irrelevant if Republicans voted for it or not. The legislature exceeded its authority by even voting on it. The changes made by Act 77 can only be made by amending the State Constitution.
Don't you know what unconstitutional means? Pennsylvania Act 77 should have never even been voted on. It is irrelevant if Republicans voted for it or not. The legislature exceeded its authority by even voting on it. The changes made by Act 77 can only be made by amending the State Constitution.
yep, what I said a year ago.
Y'all believe fake news too much.

A lower court said that mail in ballots were against the state constitution. That's the whole ruling. It doesn't change a thing about the 2020 election. It doesn't invalidate any votes.

The governor is going to appeal the lower court ruling.
and once sent out there is no way to know the ballot is from that individual. again, fk dude, read up on chain of fking custody already.
There is. It’s sent to their home and signed by them just like the book signed when voting in person.
How many voters complained of not receiving a ballot after requesting one but are documented as having voted?
I’ll help. None.
Reconciling the rolls to the received ballots is part of the certification process. All 50 states certified their elections. This is how every election cycle they find a few dozen, Republicans usually, who voted twice or otherwise fraudulently.
Folks there was a pandemic going on in the fall of 2020 so many of us voted by mail for the first time. I didn't want to stand in line and run the risk of catching Covid. So I voted by mail for the first time and I voted for a Democrat for president for the first time ever (dating back to Gerald Ford 1976). I'm of the belief that the election was fair since nobody has proved otherwise and the people that say it was rigged, like Mike Lindell and Rudy Giuliani are dolts. If Trump is not incarcerated and does run, he will lose again. Biden will not run again, he's already out of gas.

I predicted that Trump would hide behind the big lie, in fact I thought the only way they would get him out of the White House was in a body bag.
Well that was wise because voting in person would certainly made you 39X more likely to get Covid

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