Pentagon debunks reports claiming US abandoned dozens of military service dogs in Kabul.

This guy managed to get his rescues out but his story is haunting. It certainly gives readers a more clear understanding of the nightmare that the demented administration in DC caused to happen.
Boy, that’s a relief. We only left behind thousands of Americans and citizens from Allied nations.

If there is one thing I trust it is Government Bureacrats to tell me the truth about their screw ups.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing from handlers in the weeks to come.

Any time the word "debunk" is used, you know they're lying.
Boy, that’s a relief. We only left behind thousands of Americans and citizens from Allied nations.

Sorry. We were not able evacuate about 10-20.000 of our people including NGOS - as well Afghans and Germans. So this was and is a desaster. But it is not the fauIt of the USA that the government of Germany was totally blind and stupid in context Afghanistan. Without a concrete plan how to evacuate our people via Russia it had been completely impossible for Germany to be part of this absurde military intervention. The only reason to be there had been to stabilize an area of the world politically, which had been able to destabilize Russia, China, Pakistan, India and the Iran - and also Europe and the USA.

The situation now is that the Tailban - I guess this are all together less than 500,000 Pashtuns - "govern" about 38 million Afghans (now also with NATO-weapons). This is the opposite of stable. And soon will come a humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan - except the Taliban will have friends in the world of the Muslims, who will help them to avoid this humanitarian catastrophe.

If there is one thing I trust it is Government Bureacrats to tell me the truth about their screw ups.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing from handlers in the weeks to come.

That the USA gives in the NATO only orders any longer without to speak with any ally is by the way also an unstable situation which will destroy the NATO. And in general keeps the question "Quo vadis USA"? Your root is the European enligtenment - but looks like this light fades away. Rationality and humanity seem not to be the strongest side of the USA any longer. And this is not the fault of president Joe Biden.
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Well the dogs go where their handlers go. If those men were shipped out then their dogs went with them. Thank God.

Thousands were left in Vietnam. Only about 200 of those MWD's made it back to the states. The military considered those life saving dogs material to be discarded. Those dogs saved thousands of lives in Vietnam and were left. Many of their handles still cry about that to this day.

As for the people being left. That's on Bidung. If he's followed the plan then all Americans and friendlies would have been out of the Stan months ago along with whatever military equipment was ours to take.
The hair splitting that the Pentagon and democrats are trying to use to obfuscate this issue is what is truly shameful. Those dogs were basically being leased to our military. Animals other than military owned animal were denied space on the planes leaving Kabul. Contractors being evacuated were not able to take the dogs with them and the rescue that was trying to raise 3/4 of a million dollars to get a plane, ran out of time. There was no reason that those animals that had been being used by the military were left there.

The information I got at first was wrong, according to this source.

"Photos circulating on social media showing 150 dogs in cages lined up at the airport are of animals belonging to a group called Kabul Small Animal Rescue, the Pentagon said. They were not military working dogs or under the care of U.S. troops. As of Tuesday the dogs pictured were still in Afghanistan.

Kabul Small Animal Rescue was founded by an American, Charlotte Maxwell-Jones, in 2018; the group helped U.S. troops bring home cats and dogs they had befriended while deployed to Afghanistan."


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