Pentagon funding our "enemies" again.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
Today, American influence in Iraq is felt largely through powerful defense contractors, like Sallyport, that act as unacknowledged boots on the ground. These companies have a vested interest in the continuation of the war and the stealth occupation. Sallyport’s leadership contains a roster of former military and intelligence brass, and it has won around $2 billion in Pentagon-awarded contracts at the Iraqi air base since 2014. American military contracts are ostensibly meant to help bring peace and democracy to Iraq—and security for the United States. In reality, Pentagon spending has led to more violence. The fuel crisis at Balad is a perfect example.

How the Pentagon Accidentally Funnels Millions to Iraqi Militia Groups It’s Also Fighting

Now I will point out that this all happened under Trump BUT I have consistently condemned Obama for the same sort of things in Libya and Syria.

It also shows this is all done for $$$$, not because of the people like politicians claim. It also shows that just because we claim we are no longer going to have soldiers there, we are still there.

It's all as corrupt as anything ever in history and why I say Bush, Cheney, Obama, Hillary, Trump and Biden all deserve nothing better than to rot in hell for what they have done. (along with a long list of others)
Start a thread on military corruption and no one cares. Start a thread on race and they will scurry from out under the fridge to post.
Start a thread on military corruption and no one cares. Start a thread on race and they will scurry from out under the fridge to post.
No joke - and call themselves wondering what's wrong with everyone- but me- idiots everyone.

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