Pentagon Officers: We Quit if Trump Wins

Pentagon officers are just entrenched govt employees wedded to big govt and big spending. Trump is the greatest man on earth. pentagon officers and govt employees will quit if he is elected. NICE!!
"It's okay. We're going to circle Iraq. We're going to circle. We're going to have so much money, and what I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are -- see, I love them."

- Free association rambling by Donald Trump, August 2015.​
Maybe he should build a wall around Iraq and make Iran pay for it.
Well, they are REPLACEABLE. see ya bye
go get a job in this lousy job market that you stood by under Obama and said, NOTHING
"It's okay. We're going to circle Iraq. We're going to circle. We're going to have so much money, and what I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are -- see, I love them."

- Free association rambling by Donald Trump, August 2015.​
Maybe he should build a wall around Iraq and make Iran pay for it.
Trump should build a wall around his mouth.
Cons forever disparaging the US military. In fact, who do cons not disparage? Why are these people so angry at the world?
Cons forever disparaging the US military. In fact, who do cons not disparage? Why are these people so angry at the world?

Obama is the one who has turned it into a laughingstock, not us. What good is a military staffed with homosexuals and transgenders whose primary mission is fighting global warming?

Just typing that makes me laugh out loud.
Cons forever disparaging the US military. In fact, who do cons not disparage? Why are these people so angry at the world?

I don't think conservatives are forever disparaging the US military. No way, all the contrary. Bless the military.

I believe they are disparaging this new military under Hussein Obama....and with good reason!

My two cents. :dunno:
trump has already shown he doesn't know how to be a commander in chief. Our military apparently understands this as well.

What military?

Obama purged all the military and put progressive/left wing dummies in their place.

Military my eye....

All the good ones have been "retired".
What is YOUR experience with military and how it is run?
As one who benefits from what the military is tasked to do I am a very keen interest in what occurs there. As taxpayer whop supports the military I have a right to question and then have an opinion. While you may enjoy what Obama has done to a once proud military I am appalled at his lack of experience and how he weakened this country and lied about how he was not going to cut funds to the military. have links to back up your comments on 1. he weakened this country and 2. he lied about he was not going to cut funds to the military.....right?
There are much more which you can find yourself since you hold yourself out to be the expert.

How Obama Shrank the Military
He’s used the budget sequester to accomplish what looks to have been his political goal from the start.

How Obama Shrank the Military
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
Of course you know better please enlighten us.
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
I don't doubt that we have some good people in our military (which is actually shrinking under Obungles), but the top leadership (INCLUDING the CinC) SUCKS....

Just look at how the fight in Afghanistan is going, or the fact that we can't deal with a ragtag bunch like ISIS....

If we ever get into a REAL war under the current conditions, God help us...
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
I don't doubt that we have some good people in our military (which is actually shrinking under Obungles), but the top leadership (INCLUDING the CinC) SUCKS....

Just look at how the fight in Afghanistan is going, or the fact that we can't deal with a ragtag bunch like ISIS....

If we ever get into a REAL war under the current conditions, God help us...

The top leadership sucks because it was hand picked by Obama, and you know the criteria wasn't their fighting skills. It revolved more around their ass kissing skills.
Look it up. I knew many who got riffed personally from Nixon to Reagan. And have heard of many more. Nothing new here, but RF likes acting shocked. Pussy.

I have seen "SENIOR COMMANDERS" replaced by one CIC to another - they weren't FIRED - they were allowed to resign. Pussy.
Have you heard about what happened in the USAF Missile defense command? Don't you think some heads should roll over that?
Where is the USAF missile defense command?

Honestly, it's according to what - and when, you are talking about. It COULD have been when SAC controlled it - or it COULD be Redstone Arsenal - I don't know what the idiot is referring to - hell, I don't think SHE knows what the hell she is referring to...
That was my point. I used to manage the missile officer crew force at SAC HQ from 71-74...then on to AFMPC. I know about missile duty.
I wouldn't trust you to manage a dog's bowel movement.
Right-wing propaganda certainly works on right-wingers.

Jesus you poor souls, stop listening to the mindless rubes who feed you this crap through the radio and on television every day.

I honestly feel sorry for you people. The US military is second to none on all fronts. NONE.
But isn't it nice that the military's primary goal now is fighting GLOBAL WARMING????
Funny Military Pic (73).jpg
"It's okay. We're going to circle Iraq. We're going to circle. We're going to have so much money, and what I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are -- see, I love them."

- Free association rambling by Donald Trump, August 2015.​
Maybe he should build a wall around Iraq and make Iran pay for it.
Trump should build a wall around his mouth.

Trump is just saying what the majority of the American people has been FEELING FORever. they are fed up with the: good ole establishment club having control and not doing what they SAY and doing what ever they want. some people don't like Trump, too bad.
Obama is the one who has turned it into a laughingstock, not us. What good is a military staffed with homosexuals and transgenders whose primary mission is fighting global warming?

Just typing that makes me laugh out loud.

Barry wants to turn us into Eurocucks. Like they're really gonna fight when shit hits the fan.


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