Pentagon Orders Stars And Stripes To Shut Down For No Good Reason


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Even for those of us who are all too wearily familiar with President Donald Trump’s disdain for journalists, his administration’s latest attack on the free press is a bit of a jaw-dropper.

In a heretofore unpublicized recent memo, the Pentagon delivered an order to shutter Stars and Stripes, a newspaper that has been a lifeline and a voice for American troops since the Civil War. The memo orders the publisher of the news organization (which now publishes online as well as in print) to present a plan that “dissolves the Stars and Stripes” by Sept. 15 including "specific timeline for vacating government owned/leased space worldwide.”

“The last newspaper publication (in all forms) will be September 30, 2020,” writes Col. Paul Haverstick Jr., the memo’s author.

Even for those of us who are all too wearily familiar with President Donald Trump’s disdain for journalists, his administration’s latest attack on the free press is a bit of a jaw-dropper.

In a heretofore unpublicized recent memo, the Pentagon delivered an order to shutter Stars and Stripes, a newspaper that has been a lifeline and a voice for American troops since the Civil War. The memo orders the publisher of the news organization (which now publishes online as well as in print) to present a plan that “dissolves the Stars and Stripes” by Sept. 15 including "specific timeline for vacating government owned/leased space worldwide.”

“The last newspaper publication (in all forms) will be September 30, 2020,” writes Col. Paul Haverstick Jr., the memo’s author.

Since Stars and Stripes is an independent news publication (NOT a military-controlled one), they should finance their operations through their revenues (like any other news business)...

Otherwise, you would find yourself in a position of having any news outlet (including FOX) being able to demand government funding in the interest of "fairness"....

Or are you maintaining that Stars and Stripes is military controlled (meaning that the military can do as they damn well please with it)???
Another cheap attempt by the orange whore to shut down the free exchange of information. He shut down in-person briefings of the legislative branch of the federal government in the area of election security, too. He has a record of refusing to testify or answer pertinent questions, of ordering his underlings not to testify, of not handing over documents that he is supposed to turn over to Congress or make public. These are the actions of a dictator, who himself has lied so many times that he has no credibility. It's past time to kick this nutcase out of office and send him to an asylum. I would never have dreamed that such a lowlife scumbag would ever occupy the White House. He is a disgrace to every American.
Stars and Stripes have taken a hard left turn and are pushing social justice stories that are divisive....and we can't have that within the military....not to mention the fact that it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep it going and no one reads the rag anyway....what makes the OP think this is solely Trumps decision anyway?....
I might have seen a handful of copies of that leaflet when I was in the AF....It read like Highlights for people in uniform....An entirely insignificant and worthless publication.

Another cheap attempt by the orange whore to shut down the free exchange of information. He shut down in-person briefings of the legislative branch of the federal government in the area of election security, too. He has a record of refusing to testify or answer pertinent questions, of ordering his underlings not to testify, of not handing over documents that he is supposed to turn over to Congress or make public. These are the actions of a dictator, who himself has lied so many times that he has no credibility. It's past time to kick this nutcase out of office and send him to an asylum. I would never have dreamed that such a lowlife scumbag would ever occupy the White House. He is a disgrace to every American.
So you're mad because your scumbag didn't get enough votes to beat our scumbag? Waah frickin waah whiner! Do you libbers EVER shut up? And then you come up with Biden as a replacement? What a hypocrite.
Another cheap attempt by the orange whore to shut down the free exchange of information.

I can think of many better uses for that money than a newspaper...

He shut down in-person briefings of the legislative branch of the federal government in the area of election security, too. He has a record of refusing to testify or answer pertinent questions, of ordering his underlings not to testify, of not handing over documents that he is supposed to turn over to Congress or make public. These are the actions of a dictator, who himself has lied so many times that he has no credibility. It's past time to kick this nutcase out of office and send him to an asylum. I would never have dreamed that such a lowlife scumbag would ever occupy the White House. He is a disgrace to every American.



I retired almost 20 years ago. In that time, I've not once laid eyes on a copy of Stars & Stripes. I don't know a single Veteran who has. During my 20 year career I probably saw a total of a dozen or two issues.

As much as I know they'd like to be, they're just not really relevant...
Even for those of us who are all too wearily familiar with President Donald Trump’s disdain for journalists, his administration’s latest attack on the free press is a bit of a jaw-dropper.

In a heretofore unpublicized recent memo, the Pentagon delivered an order to shutter Stars and Stripes, a newspaper that has been a lifeline and a voice for American troops since the Civil War. The memo orders the publisher of the news organization (which now publishes online as well as in print) to present a plan that “dissolves the Stars and Stripes” by Sept. 15 including "specific timeline for vacating government owned/leased space worldwide.”

“The last newspaper publication (in all forms) will be September 30, 2020,” writes Col. Paul Haverstick Jr., the memo’s author.

This is an opinion piece from USA Today, but if the story is accurate, then it could be that a hostile government like China is involved. But President Trump likely has very little if anything to do with this as you claim .
Sounds like Trump doesn't want everyone to know the military's turning against him.
Well they aren't and you can't believe anything in what this rag had become anyway.
I'm always amazed that some people will worry about what a magazine says, but Trump gets a pass no matter what he says.

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