Pentagon proposes hormone bomb to turn Enemy soldiers into sex-crazed Homosexuals

Military plans from 1994 indicate that the US Air Force sought funding from the Defense Department to create a gay bomb according to the BBC.

The plan described a "love bomb" that would contain an aphrodisiac designed to incite homosexual behavior among soldiers. It seems the military was nearly in the sex business as it aimed to encourage gay sex among enemy soldiers in hopes of demoralizing them.

While the very ideas of a gay love bomb wreaks of rampant homoeroticism the plan's description of the weapon as "distasteful but completely non-lethal" also reveals the ever-present homophobia in the US military.

Had the gay love bomb been developed gays in the military wouldn’t have had to worry about the military ban on gays, they could just claim it was a "friendly fire accident".

Big Queer Blog - Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender (LGBT)
[ame=]YouTube - Gay Military Bomb weapon[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gay military trainning[/ame]
Nothing to see here, unless Eagleseven checks in.
Then it might become mildly entertaining.

I do find it ironic that Sunni Man is now reading LGBT blogs. Maybe he has turned a new leaf?

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Just drop Biker/Sailor and CurvedLight behind enemy lines. Those fuckers would be sucking every enemy cock in sight. Victory would be ours.
P.S. Military life has always been homoerotic...what else would you expect, when you pack hundreds of testosterone-loaded guys into close quarters?

Case in Point:

[ame=]YouTube - Jarhead: Field Fuck[/ame]
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I wish they would come up with an anti "fudge packer" bomb.

Then drop them all over the earth.

That would help rid the world of the homo plague that is infecting humanity.
Speaking of bombs,

[ame=]YouTube - Junjou Romantica - Sex Bomb[/ame]

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