Pentagon Purge


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Pentagon Purge

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.

These proposed deployments come after months of the impeached president trump actively eroding the Defense Department’s apolitical nature, while increasingly purging senior officials deemed not sufficiently loyal to the commander-in-chief.

Six top officials have bailed from the Pentagon since February, including four in the last week, ever since the White House installed a new personnel manager charged with vetting appointees’ willingness to lick the impeached president trump’s boots.“The moves are sending a clear signal to the Defense Department leadership that those who aren't viewed as completely on board with the president will either be ousted or passed over for higher positions.”

We are now in the final months before the 2020 presidential election, and the impeached president trump’s approval numbers are crashing in poll after poll as his incompetence becomes apparent to more and more of his former supporters.

His many past comments about deserving extra years in the Whitest House, due simply to the unprecedented abuse he has suffered at the hand of critics and political opponents, which he shrugs off as “jokes” that are not. He truly believes he is owed more time in office, so there can be no other reason for his need for absolute loyalty from military leaders, than to hold on to the presidency, regardless of the election results.

The impeached president trump is a petulant and vindictive a$$hole, and is convinced he is above all law. (Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans reinforced that belief in the twisted mind of the impeached president trump.) So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Trump loyalty purge roils Pentagon

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.
You got a link on this?
Pentagon Purge

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.

These proposed deployments come after months of the impeached president trump actively eroding the Defense Department’s apolitical nature, while increasingly purging senior officials deemed not sufficiently loyal to the commander-in-chief.

Six top officials have bailed from the Pentagon since February, including four in the last week, ever since the White House installed a new personnel manager charged with vetting appointees’ willingness to lick the impeached president trump’s boots.“The moves are sending a clear signal to the Defense Department leadership that those who aren't viewed as completely on board with the president will either be ousted or passed over for higher positions.”

We are now in the final months before the 2020 presidential election, and the impeached president trump’s approval numbers are crashing in poll after poll as his incompetence becomes apparent to more and more of his former supporters.

His many past comments about deserving extra years in the Whitest House, due simply to the unprecedented abuse he has suffered at the hand of critics and political opponents, which he shrugs off as “jokes” that are not. He truly believes he is owed more time in office, so there can be no other reason for his need for absolute loyalty from military leaders, than to hold on to the presidency, regardless of the election results.

The impeached president trump is a petulant and vindictive a$$hole, and is convinced he is above all law. (Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans reinforced that belief in the twisted mind of the impeached president trump.) So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Trump loyalty purge roils Pentagon


Were you fine with Bambi canning 195 officers he didn't like?
Pentagon Purge

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.

These proposed deployments come after months of the impeached president trump actively eroding the Defense Department’s apolitical nature, while increasingly purging senior officials deemed not sufficiently loyal to the commander-in-chief.

Six top officials have bailed from the Pentagon since February, including four in the last week, ever since the White House installed a new personnel manager charged with vetting appointees’ willingness to lick the impeached president trump’s boots.“The moves are sending a clear signal to the Defense Department leadership that those who aren't viewed as completely on board with the president will either be ousted or passed over for higher positions.”

We are now in the final months before the 2020 presidential election, and the impeached president trump’s approval numbers are crashing in poll after poll as his incompetence becomes apparent to more and more of his former supporters.

His many past comments about deserving extra years in the Whitest House, due simply to the unprecedented abuse he has suffered at the hand of critics and political opponents, which he shrugs off as “jokes” that are not. He truly believes he is owed more time in office, so there can be no other reason for his need for absolute loyalty from military leaders, than to hold on to the presidency, regardless of the election results.

The impeached president trump is a petulant and vindictive a$$hole, and is convinced he is above all law. (Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans reinforced that belief in the twisted mind of the impeached president trump.) So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Trump loyalty purge roils Pentagon

Good, get all those traitors out, hope comes for you next.
The President, ALL Presidents get their pople. Bambi cleaned house and he had every "Right" to do it. So does Rump.
Excellent, all DoD honchos who have either publicly, or privately voiced their support for antifa/blm, and obstructed the presidents lawful and fully constitutional warnings to all of the states that he will deploy troops to defend the republic, are traitors to the nation! This includes James Mattis, Mike Mullen, Mark Esper, and Mark Milley who is the current chairman of the joint chiefs! Their public statements were to date, the most horrifying manifestation yet of the coup d' tat Obama set in motion, and I would not hesitate in supporting the president in executing every fucking one of them, including most especially Obama! The only good traitor is a dead traitor!
Pentagon Purge

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.

These proposed deployments come after months of the impeached president trump actively eroding the Defense Department’s apolitical nature, while increasingly purging senior officials deemed not sufficiently loyal to the commander-in-chief.

Six top officials have bailed from the Pentagon since February, including four in the last week, ever since the White House installed a new personnel manager charged with vetting appointees’ willingness to lick the impeached president trump’s boots.“The moves are sending a clear signal to the Defense Department leadership that those who aren't viewed as completely on board with the president will either be ousted or passed over for higher positions.”

We are now in the final months before the 2020 presidential election, and the impeached president trump’s approval numbers are crashing in poll after poll as his incompetence becomes apparent to more and more of his former supporters.

His many past comments about deserving extra years in the Whitest House, due simply to the unprecedented abuse he has suffered at the hand of critics and political opponents, which he shrugs off as “jokes” that are not. He truly believes he is owed more time in office, so there can be no other reason for his need for absolute loyalty from military leaders, than to hold on to the presidency, regardless of the election results.

The impeached president trump is a petulant and vindictive a$$hole, and is convinced he is above all law. (Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans reinforced that belief in the twisted mind of the impeached president trump.) So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Trump loyalty purge roils Pentagon


Trump is the boss of all the people in the Pentagon and every damn one of them who engage in political discourse should be told to clear out their desk and vacate the premises before the flag goes down.
Pentagon Purge

The impeached president trump is preparing to deploy troops in cities across the nation. The military presence to, ostensibly, deter violence during “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations and possible violence related to the COVID-19 crisis.

These proposed deployments come after months of the impeached president trump actively eroding the Defense Department’s apolitical nature, while increasingly purging senior officials deemed not sufficiently loyal to the commander-in-chief.

Six top officials have bailed from the Pentagon since February, including four in the last week, ever since the White House installed a new personnel manager charged with vetting appointees’ willingness to lick the impeached president trump’s boots.“The moves are sending a clear signal to the Defense Department leadership that those who aren't viewed as completely on board with the president will either be ousted or passed over for higher positions.”

We are now in the final months before the 2020 presidential election, and the impeached president trump’s approval numbers are crashing in poll after poll as his incompetence becomes apparent to more and more of his former supporters.

His many past comments about deserving extra years in the Whitest House, due simply to the unprecedented abuse he has suffered at the hand of critics and political opponents, which he shrugs off as “jokes” that are not. He truly believes he is owed more time in office, so there can be no other reason for his need for absolute loyalty from military leaders, than to hold on to the presidency, regardless of the election results.

The impeached president trump is a petulant and vindictive a$$hole, and is convinced he is above all law. (Moscow Mitch and the Senate Republicans reinforced that belief in the twisted mind of the impeached president trump.) So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Trump loyalty purge roils Pentagon


Were you fine with Bambi canning 195 officers he didn't like?

President Zero did such great harm to the military. The same clown who went on his world-bowing tour.
So, with troops in place, he has no doubt that positioning of loyalists as military leaders guarantees the armed forces will fight and defeat all attempts to “steal” from him, those extra years as POTUS he so deserves.

Do you realize that paranoid retards like yourself have said this exact same thing about every president going to back to Clinton?
Amazing how nothing changes, enjoy the next set of riots when they take the White House.

Oh, I doubt that will happen, but the progressives are pushing for revolution so it is going to get interesting real quick.
Amazing how nothing changes, enjoy the next set of riots when they take the White House.
The next set of riots will be met with focused violence, you'd do good to remain locked in your mothers basement, people are gonna die in the next set of riots, and we don't mean the black tools up front, the rich white fascist kids controlling the show are those who will be shot!
With the impeached president trump's tweet explaining the dangers of voting-by-mail and thus, the November elections must be postponed, he has taken another, in a series of steps, to install himself as president-for-life. This is a euphemism for dictator.

The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

America and the world are getting closer each day to seeing whether the U.S. military leaders (and troops) will, support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, as they have sworn, or whether they will obey the unconstitutional demands of the impeached president trump by making war on the citizens of the Unites States.

Murdering unarmed citizens to “maintain civil order” as ordered by the impeached president trump to protect his newly established dictatorship, is an order all members of “dictator trump’s” Wehrmacht should consider carefully. An important part of this consideration can be summed up with one word: Nuremberg.

Without Putin’s military help the American public vastly outnumbers the military. After discovering dictator trump no longer needs his devoted fanatics, most of them will join in overthrowing their former hero’s oppressive regime.

When the criminals that murdered thousands of unarmed civilians are brought to trial, just as in Nuremberg, “I was just following orders,” will not be an acceptable defense.


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