Pentagon whistleblower claims that ‘UFOs have killed humans’


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
There is no doubt for whatever reason or reasons the truth about ufo's is still being hidden from the public.

according to :D - yeah sure.
Could we have aliens to thank for preventing a nuclear war on Earth? That’s what one former Nasa astronaut has claimed.

That Astronaut being Edgar Mitchell, who was involved in the Apollo 14 mission, .

Mitchell was the sixth man on the moon and was the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 14. Before his death in 2016, Mitchell spoke at length claiming that aliens visited Earth

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Could we have aliens to thank for preventing a nuclear war on Earth? That’s what one former Nasa astronaut has claimed.
Dozens of incidents where UAPs were over military bases and missile silos and took control . Sheeple and Normies do not want their world view disturbed and it is so easy to pretend that these kinds of incident never occurred or can be explained in other ways .More interesting is the debate about what selected leaders have bargained for to get technology "presents" ---- like us losing people . Permissable abductions , if you will .But that is just silly .Or not .
Could we have aliens to thank for preventing a nuclear war on Earth? That’s what one former Nasa astronaut has claimed.

That Astronaut being Edgar Mitchell, who was involved in the Apollo 14 mission, .

Mitchell was the sixth man on the moon and was the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 14. Before his death in 2016, Mitchell spoke at length claiming that aliens visited Earth

This UFO hype started more or less in 1940 - until today that is 83 years, without ever coming up with undeniable facts - but millions of personal statements and flimsy photos.
To believe in UFO's (extraterrestrials) is essentially the same as to believe in a religion - no proof whatsoever - simply a belief.

And just as people reported that e.g. God spoke to them to free Orleans, showing off fake bleeding stigmas - or to kill 800 people in a jungle camp - people report having seen UFO's and ET's.
If one day ET shows up on TV to give a live interview at the White House let me know.
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It looks like the intent is to portray every opinion as a "whistle blower" in order to diminish the impact of real whistle blowers that might have evidence that would hurt the Biden clan. You almost gotta laugh that the most important "whistle blower" in the 20th century was an anonymous unverified informant used by the Watergate reporters and the left trusted every unverified word he allegedly leaked. His identity wasn't revealed until he died.

Pentagon whistleblower says the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Mussolini at the end of WW2​

When UFOs went legit​

Interest in the idea that alien beings might be visiting Earth from off-planet has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly after the Pentagon verified that several videos showing what look to be objects moving at incredible speeds and with remarkable agility had indeed come from official U.S. Navy sources.

In 2017, news of the existence of a secretive Pentagon program that was established to examine sightings of unexplained aircraft and phenomena ignited public interest. It also brought new legitimacy and definition to an area of research that for decades was defined by speculation — and stereotypes of UFO enthusiasts running around in tinfoil hats.

The Pentagon reportedly began its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in an early form in 2007. Congress then funded it, and Elizondo took it over in 2010. But the Defense Department halted it in 2012.

In April 2020, the Department of Defense officially released footage from the Navy fighter pilots' on-board cameras.

The department said it was releasing the videos to clear up misconceptions about whether footage that had already been circulating is real.

"The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified,' " the Defense Department said.

Americans, it seems, are ready to believe. A 2019 Gallup Poll found that a third of U.S. adults agreed with the idea that "some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies."

The Navy Vildeos of UFO's cannot be disputed.......why do some need to believe that we are the only living species of a humanoid nature in the entire countless million universes?

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