People are going to hack these "ASSISTANTS" (Google/Amazon) and use it to rob or murder someone.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
3,615's only a matter of time.

Cameras on phones, tablets, and computers have been hacked for years....the same thing will be going on with these at home assistants...if it's not already going on.
My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.
Why is this in politics? Isn't there a forum for people who don't understand technology that you could post this to? Maybe ask your grandkids?
I couldn't possibly be less enthusiastic about the Internet-of-Thangs. I don't want to provide details of my life at home in order to enable more advertising spammed at me.

Either the things will get hacked to spy upon or kill you...or they will be a dysfunctional mess:

I WAKE UP at four to some old-timey dubstep spewing from my pillows. The lights are flashing. My alarm clock is blasting Skrillex or Deadmau5 or something, I don’t know. I never listened to dubstep, and in fact the entire genre is on my banned list. You see, my house has a virus again.

Technically it’s malware. But there’s no patch yet, and pretty much everyone’s got it. Homes up and down the block are lit up, even at this early hour. Thankfully this one is fairly benign. It sets off the alarm with music I blacklisted decades ago on Pandora. It takes a picture of me as I get out of the shower every morning and uploads it to Facebook. No big deal.

I don’t sleep well anyway, and already had my Dropcam Total Home Immersion account hacked, so I’m basically embarrassment-proof. And anyway, who doesn’t have nudes online? Now, Wat3ryWorm, that was nasty. That was the one with the 0-day that set off everyone’s sprinkler systems on Christmas morning back in ’22. It did billions of dollars in damage.

Going back to sleep would be impossible at this point, so I drag myself into the kitchen to make coffee. I know this sounds weird, but I actually brew coffee with a real kettle. The automatic coffee machine is offline. I had to pull its plug because it was DDOSing a gaming server in Singapore. Basically, my home is a botnet. The whole situation makes me regret the operating system I installed years ago, but there’s not much I can do. I’m pretty much stuck with it....

The Nightmare on Connected Home Street
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My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.

You won't get any arguments here.

#1 You suck at making an argument.

#2 Billy_Kinetta is infinitely more informed than you are. Needless to say, I am less than impressed with your intellectual abilities and your belief in man-made "climate change/ Gorebal Warming" caused by an over abundance of CO2 without factoring in the geo-engineering that has been going on by the Deep State since 1997 tells me all I need to know about you.

Any questions? Please, let me know.

My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.

You won't get any arguments here.

#1 You suck at making an argument.

#2 Billy_Kinetta is infinitely more informed than you are. Needless to say, I am less than impressed with your intellectual abilities and your belief in man-made "climate change/ Gorebal Warming" caused by an over abundance of CO2 without factoring in the geo-engineering that has been going on by the Deep State since 1997 tells me all I need to know about you.

Any questions? Please, let me know.


1) Who are you?

2) Why should I care about your opinion?

3) WTF are you rambling about?

Don't bother responding, because I actually don't care.
Why is this in politics?

A surveillance society is political.

So you must have been up in arms when Trump signed the bill to rollback internet privacy regulations. Right?

Actually, I'm looking forward to reading the internet tracks of all our political leaders.

Anything to justify your hypocrisy. Right comrade?

Well, it's the old "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" gambit come back to haunt them.
My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.

You won't get any arguments here.

Aren't you the witty lad. What will you do if the machines stop?


All the GPS addicts will be spinning donuts.

GPS addict?

I can think of 1,000 things that would make a better kink than GPS addiction.
My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.

You won't get any arguments here.

#1 You suck at making an argument.

#2 Billy_Kinetta is infinitely more informed than you are. Needless to say, I am less than impressed with your intellectual abilities and your belief in man-made "climate change/ Gorebal Warming" caused by an over abundance of CO2 without factoring in the geo-engineering that has been going on by the Deep State since 1997 tells me all I need to know about you.

Any questions? Please, let me know.


1) Who are you?

2) Why should I care about your opinion?

3) WTF are you rambling about?

Don't bother responding, because I actually don't care.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have taken the time to reply and ask three questions.....but I will answer the questions.

1: I am someone that knows more than you.

2: Why should you care? Because I know more than you do.

3: What am I rambling about? The fact that you believe in man-made global climate change without factoring in the geo-engineering program.....

Any MORE questions? I'm here to help......

Why is this in politics?

A surveillance society is political.

So you must have been up in arms when Trump signed the bill to rollback internet privacy regulations. Right?

Actually, I'm looking forward to reading the internet tracks of all our political leaders.

Anything to justify your hypocrisy. Right comrade?

Well, it's the old "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" gambit come back to haunt them.

You too idiot. This impacts you too.
A surveillance society is political.

So you must have been up in arms when Trump signed the bill to rollback internet privacy regulations. Right?

Actually, I'm looking forward to reading the internet tracks of all our political leaders.

Anything to justify your hypocrisy. Right comrade?

Well, it's the old "If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" gambit come back to haunt them.

You too idiot. This impacts you too.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.
My comp and tablet cameras are all taped when not in use. I won't have an "assistant" in the house.

I don't use "smart" anything.

You are smart for doing so.

If those things are listening to what you are saying in order to receive commands, it means they can potentially transmit and/or save audio of EVERYTHING spoken in your home.

It would be so easy to use that information against you, whatever it might be. (Vacation plans, personal finances, political leanings....)

It would be one thing if we didnt' have a government that WE KNOW spies on every person in America and also spies on political opponents.

It's too easy to spy using these are not only bringing a bug/listening device into your home....YOU ARE FUCKING PAYING FOR IT.

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