People are going to have to face the reality that there's NO GOD

People are going to have to face the reality that there's no God. The odds of such developing out of thin space is nearly ZERO.

Sure, physics and chemistry takes some faith in the start but it most certainly explains everything since. Everything when using evidenced based science works together very well.

The first stars came around 12 or billion years ago to form the first galaxies.
Our star formed within our galaxy a little earlier then the earth as gravity had to develop the planets like earth. So earth about 4.3 billion years ago.
The first single celled life
The first muilti celled life
Land life
on up to humans is everything at odds with the 2,000 year old book. The book makes no sense and it is just a crock of shit.

That is reality.

Life formed in the oceans
The fossil record shows that man is only a few million years old as a "family" group and a few hundred thousand years old as a single species.
The sun came first in the case of our solar system
Then the planets
Then life
Then more advanced life in the oceans
Then life on land
Then after a few hundred million years humans come into the picture.

This is once again reality.

One is a fool if they attempt to put belief ahead of the facts and evidence.

Time to come to the conclusion that there probably isn't a god and you shouldn't force religion on other people...Those other people are more likely to be RIGHT.
What if they just say F-U I'll do what I want?...there is no getting through to folk like that ya know.
If God created life elsewhere, then science is already winning. Those other ETs (God was the first illegal alien) are gonna be pissed the Bible sez Jews are his chosen people.
We maybe by the following...The classic Miller–Urey experiment and similar research demonstrated that most amino acids, the basic chemical constituents of the proteins used in all living organisms, can be synthesized from inorganic compounds under conditions intended to replicate those of the early Earth.

And first question...quantum physics and general relativity.
#1) Science doesn't have a clue as to the spark which turned inorganic chemicals and minerals into organic life.

#2) Quantum physics and general relativity only attempt to explain the past and the present, but not how the universe came into existence from nothing. Scientists call it a "singularity", which is scientific code for "we have no idea". .... :cool:
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I have met scientists who believe in God..

There are times that I simply sit in a spectacular spot looking at nature , there is no way we all just crawled out of the ocean.
The details and beauty go into depths that only a creator could have mastered.


There may have been a creator but it doesn't mean that creator is a god. It could have been a more sophisticated species that seeded the planet. For all we know we are just somebody's biology experiment.
I have met scientists who believe in God..

There are times that I simply sit in a spectacular spot looking at nature , there is no way we all just crawled out of the ocean.
The details and beauty go into depths that only a creator could have mastered.


There may have been a creator but it doesn't mean that creator is a god. It could have been a more sophisticated species that seeded the planet. For all we know we are just somebody's biology experiment.

The world may pass away, but our Father is eternal. So are we. We are made in His image.
Who programed the complex DNA code in the very first single celled life form?
Where did information originate?
I have met scientists who believe in God..

There are times that I simply sit in a spectacular spot looking at nature , there is no way we all just crawled out of the ocean.
The details and beauty go into depths that only a creator could have mastered.


There may have been a creator but it doesn't mean that creator is a god. It could have been a more sophisticated species that seeded the planet. For all we know we are just somebody's biology experiment.

Or livestock for a large planet of aliens that eat spirits when we


You know, I find the most astonishing belief in Faith and a Creator occur in the seemingly most simply observations. In my backyard this summer, watching a bee bounce from flower to flower. An anthill with hundreds of ants working together in a complex effort to succeed. How about birds of 1000 different colors and shapes. Nature is just amazing and it encourages questions.

All of these "simple" species are still not fully understood. Their biological processes very complex and bewildering. It can boggle the mind really, and none more complex and sophisticated as the very skin we live in. I have many Nature Blu-Ray DVD's and from time to time I will watch one in awe. The BBC Series Earth is one I highly recommend. They spent alot of tax dollars and didn't miss the mark. Excellent camera views and observation of the most private interactions between animals and nature.

When you consider all the insane species in the Rain Forest and other exotic places, one has to consider other forces beyond our own. We are the top of the food chain on this planet, but I don't think we are at the top in this Universe or in the Heavens.
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People are going to have to face the reality that there's no God. The odds of such developing out of thin space is nearly ZERO.

Sure, physics and chemistry takes some faith in the start but it most certainly explains everything since. Everything when using evidenced based science works together very well.

The first stars came around 12 or billion years ago to form the first galaxies.
Our star formed within our galaxy a little earlier then the earth as gravity had to develop the planets like earth. So earth about 4.3 billion years ago.
The first single celled life
The first muilti celled life
Land life
on up to humans is everything at odds with the 2,000 year old book. The book makes no sense and it is just a crock of shit.

That is reality.

Life formed in the oceans
The fossil record shows that man is only a few million years old as a "family" group and a few hundred thousand years old as a single species.
The sun came first in the case of our solar system
Then the planets
Then life
Then more advanced life in the oceans
Then life on land
Then after a few hundred million years humans come into the picture.

This is once again reality.

One is a fool if they attempt to put belief ahead of the facts and evidence.

Time to come to the conclusion that there probably isn't a god and you shouldn't force religion on other people...Those other people are more likely to be RIGHT.

Since the universe is much older than the earth and since the earth had no life on it when it was formed the odds are that life did not begin in the oceans or on the earth but originated elsewhere, most likely a much older sphere of existence of unknown origin..

Its not like there's just humans. The planet is teeming with many diverse life forms that can survive in environments that would kill many others.

The odds that life did not originate elsewhere, given the many ways life on this planet can adapt to extreme conditions, are very slim..
Why would the adaptation here mean life originated elsewhere? Do you have some sort of math at hand that determines how long it takes for a genetic line to adapt to a condition?
People are going to have to face the reality that there's no God. The odds of such developing out of thin space is nearly ZERO.

Sure, physics and chemistry takes some faith in the start but it most certainly explains everything since. Everything when using evidenced based science works together very well.

The first stars came around 12 or billion years ago to form the first galaxies.
Our star formed within our galaxy a little earlier then the earth as gravity had to develop the planets like earth. So earth about 4.3 billion years ago.
The first single celled life
The first muilti celled life
Land life
on up to humans is everything at odds with the 2,000 year old book. The book makes no sense and it is just a crock of shit.

That is reality.

Life formed in the oceans
The fossil record shows that man is only a few million years old as a "family" group and a few hundred thousand years old as a single species.
The sun came first in the case of our solar system
Then the planets
Then life
Then more advanced life in the oceans
Then life on land
Then after a few hundred million years humans come into the picture.

This is once again reality.

One is a fool if they attempt to put belief ahead of the facts and evidence.

Time to come to the conclusion that there probably isn't a god and you shouldn't force religion on other people...Those other people are more likely to be RIGHT.
Thanks for clearing that up. .... :thup:

But I have just a couple of questions:

How did the universe come about from nothing?

And how did organic life manifest from inorganic materials? ...... :cool:

For as long as they deny even the possibility of existence of God the means by which these things came to be will remain unknown.
Haha, what a bunch of nonsense. Last time I checked the scoreboard, there were a lot more theists than atheists out there. Yet the theists have exactly zero answers.
So there is no God, but we should beleive in magic when it comes to the creation of life from an inorganic universe. Scientists don't have a clue how life was created, there is no proven scientific method for life's creation. Hell there isn't even a sound theory on it.
Actually there are many reasonable theories just no proof which if any is true. Probably never will be either.
People are going to have to face the reality that there's no God. The odds of such developing out of thin space is nearly ZERO.

Sure, physics and chemistry takes some faith in the start but it most certainly explains everything since. Everything when using evidenced based science works together very well.

The first stars came around 12 or billion years ago to form the first galaxies.
Our star formed within our galaxy a little earlier then the earth as gravity had to develop the planets like earth. So earth about 4.3 billion years ago.
The first single celled life
The first muilti celled life
Land life
on up to humans is everything at odds with the 2,000 year old book. The book makes no sense and it is just a crock of shit.

That is reality.

Life formed in the oceans
The fossil record shows that man is only a few million years old as a "family" group and a few hundred thousand years old as a single species.
The sun came first in the case of our solar system
Then the planets
Then life
Then more advanced life in the oceans
Then life on land
Then after a few hundred million years humans come into the picture.

This is once again reality.

One is a fool if they attempt to put belief ahead of the facts and evidence.

Time to come to the conclusion that there probably isn't a god and you shouldn't force religion on other people...Those other people are more likely to be RIGHT.

Since the universe is much older than the earth and since the earth had no life on it when it was formed the odds are that life did not begin in the oceans or on the earth but originated elsewhere, most likely a much older sphere of existence of unknown origin..

Its not like there's just humans. The planet is teeming with many diverse life forms that can survive in environments that would kill many others.

The odds that life did not originate elsewhere, given the many ways life on this planet can adapt to extreme conditions, are very slim..
Why would the adaptation here mean life originated elsewhere? Do you have some sort of math at hand that determines how long it takes for a genetic line to adapt to a condition?

Research the complexity of DNA. The incredible complexity of the very first eye to realize, as science tells us, there was nothing random about the seeing eye. It needed an extremely complex code to form and work.
The thing people don't realize is that the simplest of life forms was embedded with a complex code. That single celled life form had a complex code.
Codes don't appear. They are created. Look to your computer. Did it just come into existence one fine day or was it encoded in order for it to work?

How long it would take? The math has been calculated. DNA is self correcting, so if it starts to mutate, it will attempt NOT to mutate again. For a species to mutate into a different species, the DNA would have to make the exact same mistake for millions of years for Darwin's hypothesis to be correct. We would be walking on all of the bones of all of the "missing links" it would take to finally emerge as a new species.

Who had the information to code DNA into becoming a life form? It had to come from someone. We know Gates encoded computers. Who encoded the amoeba?
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Research the complexity of DNA. The incredible complexity of the very first eye to realize, as science tells us, there was nothing random about the seeing eye. It needed an extremely complex code to form and work.
The thing people don't realize is that the simplest of life forms was embedded with a complex code. That single celled life form had a complex code.
Codes don't appear. They are created. Look to your computer. Did it just come into existence one fine day or was it encoded in order for it to work?

How long it takes? The math has been calculated. DNA is self correcting, so if it starts to mutate, it will attempt NOT to mutate again. For a species to mutate into a different species, the DNA would have to make the exact same mistake for millions of years for Darwin to be correct. We would be walking on all of the bones of all of "missing links" it would take to finally emerge as a new species. It never happened.
Who had the information to code DNA into a life form? It had to come from someone. We know Gates encoded computers. Who encoded the amoeba?
You'd be much more convincing if you actually understood what you were talking about. If you want to dispute something you must study it first and you have obviously not done so.
The simplest facts on the other hand is that humans lack the capability to confirm the past beyond doubt, while humans don't actually know what time itself is in terms of physics.

The other fact is that science is never to good tool to examine the past. Science has also the limitation of incapable of examining what lying outside our 3D space. Science is accurate only when humans can go physically to a place to do experiments and observations repeatedly till the repeating behavior of the object under research can be made predictable. Only then a scientific truth is said to be confirmed.

That's why;

Big Bang is a speculation (unless you can make it repeat unlimited number of times for human experimentation or go back 10 billion years to do your observation)
Life started from ocean is a speculation (unless you can either make the process repeat itself, or to go back 10 billion years to do your observation).

Through the secular education since your childhood, you are brainwashed to think that whatever bearing the name of "science" should be the truth, and science must be omnipotent. That's just yet another simple fact you may fail to realize!
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Research the complexity of DNA. The incredible complexity of the very first eye to realize, as science tells us, there was nothing random about the seeing eye. It needed an extremely complex code to form and work.
The thing people don't realize is that the simplest of life forms was embedded with a complex code. That single celled life form had a complex code.
Codes don't appear. They are created. Look to your computer. Did it just come into existence one fine day or was it encoded in order for it to work?

How long it takes? The math has been calculated. DNA is self correcting, so if it starts to mutate, it will attempt NOT to mutate again. For a species to mutate into a different species, the DNA would have to make the exact same mistake for millions of years for Darwin to be correct. We would be walking on all of the bones of all of "missing links" it would take to finally emerge as a new species. It never happened.
Who had the information to code DNA into a life form? It had to come from someone. We know Gates encoded computers. Who encoded the amoeba?
You'd be much more convincing if you actually understood what you were talking about. If you want to dispute something you must study it first and you have obviously not done so.

What is it you think I missed? Is there not a DNA code in singled celled life forms? Is DNA random? What does science say about randomness? Where are all of those "transitional" bones?
How difficult is it for an eye to form correctly? Can it happen by chance? Hardly.
What is it you think I missed? Is there not a DNA code in singled celled life forms?
You missed a lot but this one you did get.

Is DNA random? What does science say about randomness?
You fail to understand that evolution is NOT a random process. Natural selection is the key. If you had an large box of letters and spilled them onto a table the odds that they would match Shakespare's Hamlet are infinitesimally small. However some would match and if you removed every letter that didn't match and spilled them out again some more would match. It wouldn't take very long to get to Hamlet with this selective pressure.

Where are all of those "transitional" bones?
Every bone is a transitional bone, every fossil a transitional fossil.

How difficult is it for an eye to form correctly?
Not difficult at all if you have enough time.

Can it happen by chance?
No and it didn't.

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