People are so freaking concerned about Sarah Palin

Yet an Idiot like Hank Johnson is an elected offical. Now who can do more harm to this country?
Sarah or Hank?

YouTube - Hank Johnson, 10 Reasons.

Hank Johnson represents a district that is 55-60% black, is it prejuidice to point out that Hank won over Catherine Davis (a white woman), because Blacks don't care or know about the issues, rather they care only about the color of ones skin! MLK would be rolling over in his grave!
Playing the race card again? Why would you expect a token Republican candidate to win, in one of the most Democratic leaning districts in the country?

The district that elected Cynthia McKinney?
Who cares about someone who can do nothing to them unless they are scared of them?

I make fun of Lindsey Lohan too. Does that mean I'm scared of her?

( might be time to go thru your posts to see who you care about in order to find out who you're scared of.....:eusa_whistle:)

Lohan does things to bring ridicule on her Sarah tells the truth which will bring ridicule from the left and that is why you fear Sarah.

Exactly. Thanks for proving that my comparison is spot on.
so it looks like "mosque" threads are being replaced with Palin threads, and it'll will probably ramp up after she speaks at this Beck-pretends-he's-MLK rally.
I make fun of Lindsey Lohan too. Does that mean I'm scared of her?

( might be time to go thru your posts to see who you care about in order to find out who you're scared of.....:eusa_whistle:)

Lohan does things to bring ridicule on her Sarah tells the truth which will bring ridicule from the left and that is why you fear Sarah.

Exactly. Thanks for proving that my comparison is spot on.

When was the last time Sarah was locked in Jail or went to a rehab center?
Thanks for proving my point.
so it looks like "mosque" threads are being replaced with Palin threads, and it'll will probably ramp up after she speaks at this Beck-pretends-he's-MLK rally.

You know....I was noticing the same thing and was thinking of starting a thread telling people to FOCUS back on the "at ground zero victory mosque".
I remember people telling me that about Clinton, too. How'd THAT work out for you?


Please don't compare Clinton to obama. Holy shit. Clinton was a great President compared to obama.

Yes, Clinton was superior in the actual job of president in every way to Obama.

Obama Doesn’t Get It | Newsflavor

Its scarry when people make that comparison. Carter maybe could be a good comparison to obama but I think Carter has become a good president because of obama.
I love the conservative reverse psychology attempts on this matter.

You want us to stop mocking, Palin? Stop inviting her to speak at all your events.

The same goes for you, cable news.

Don't stop. Mocking Sarah. The more you mock, the better she gets, she's doing what she promised, kicking demonRats asses from behind the scenes. and meanwhile. Guam tips over, allegorically speaking of course.
so it looks like "mosque" threads are being replaced with Palin threads, and it'll will probably ramp up after she speaks at this Beck-pretends-he's-MLK rally.

You know....I was noticing the same thing and was thinking of starting a thread telling people to FOCUS back on the "at ground zero victory mosque".

at ground zero victory mosque? Say what?
I love the conservative reverse psychology attempts on this matter.

You want us to stop mocking, Palin? Stop inviting her to speak at all your events.

The same goes for you, cable news.

Don't stop. Mocking Sarah. The more you mock, the better she gets, she's doing what she promised, kicking demonRats asses from behind the scenes. and meanwhile. Guam tips over, allegorically speaking of course.

I like how you run a comparison between Palin and some relatively unknown STUPID congresscritter who you remember for saying something STUPID.

Very apt.
It's the politics of personal destruction... it is the way the left rolls. No worries, it is going to be their undoing.
I love the conservative reverse psychology attempts on this matter.

You want us to stop mocking, Palin? Stop inviting her to speak at all your events.

The same goes for you, cable news.

Don't stop. Mocking Sarah. The more you mock, the better she gets, she's doing what she promised, kicking demonRats asses from behind the scenes. and meanwhile. Guam tips over, allegorically speaking of course.

I like how you run a comparison between Palin and some relatively unknown STUPID congresscritter who you remember for saying something STUPID.

Very apt.

Isn't it the incumbents that got us into the mess we are in? So why do you support them? They are running scared and you know they are.
This thread is kind of joke. How can you compare someone no one's heard of except his own constituents to Sarah Palin? If he's very stupid and she's just a little stupid, that still makes her the bigger danger.
This thread is kind of joke. How can you compare someone no one's heard of except his own constituents to Sarah Palin? If he's very stupid and she's just a little stupid, that still makes her the bigger danger.

Hank Johnson is an elected official Sarah Palin is?
Who can do more damage to this country someone who is armed with a legislative vote or someone who make speeches?

Granted Hank Johnson is just one individual but where there is one hank there is another hank Polise, Hank Ried, Hank Dodd, Hank Franks.
This thread is kind of joke. How can you compare someone no one's heard of except his own constituents to Sarah Palin? If he's very stupid and she's just a little stupid, that still makes her the bigger danger.

Sarah Palin is not stupid. Anyway, Obama was supposed to be like, the smartest Pesident ever, and look how lame he is. Speaks well, says nothing.

Seems to me it is more of the "style over substance" nonsense.
Palin’s words proved quite effective in favor of the Joe Miller campaign, and now the political outsider underdog is poised to enjoy one of the most significant upsets in Alaska political history. With absentee ballots remaining to be counted, Joe Miller has a slim 2000 vote lead over Lisa Murkowski. By next week Alaskans and Americans will know if this political upset becomes reality.

Either way, the political influence of Sarah Palin and conservative Americans is undeniable, and will likely continue to play a very significant factor as the nation prepares to vote in November.

Palin Power Strikes Back | Newsflavor
Yet an Idiot like Hank Johnson is an elected offical. Now who can do more harm to this country?
Sarah or Hank?

YouTube - Hank Johnson, 10 Reasons.

Hank Johnson represents a district that is 55-60% black, is it prejuidice to point out that Hank won over Catherine Davis (a white woman), because Blacks don't care or know about the issues, rather they care only about the color of ones skin! MLK would be rolling over in his grave!
Playing the race card again? Why would you expect a token Republican candidate to win, in one of the most Democratic leaning districts in the country?

The district that elected Cynthia McKinney?

That was McKinney's old district! WOW, that explains alot! Carry on!
Palin’s words proved quite effective in favor of the Joe Miller campaign, and now the political outsider underdog is poised to enjoy one of the most significant upsets in Alaska political history. With absentee ballots remaining to be counted, Joe Miller has a slim 2000 vote lead over Lisa Murkowski. By next week Alaskans and Americans will know if this political upset becomes reality.

Either way, the political influence of Sarah Palin and conservative Americans is undeniable, and will likely continue to play a very significant factor as the nation prepares to vote in November.

Palin Power Strikes Back | Newsflavor

And that my friend, is what generates all the hateful rhetoric. It is very apparant that the country did not want this European style social democracy shit we're being force fed. And the left knows it. And they also know they have way overstepped their bounds and will pay a very dear price.

However... watch for the lame-ducks.. they may do some serious damage.
The reason the left is so concerned with Palin is a two fold answer:

On one Hand, she is like Biden and makes so many fuckups and face it she doesn't always come off as the most intelligent. Aka writing on her hand and pardoning a turkey while one is getting slaughtered in the background (I still laugh at that one)

On the other hand, she is very charismatic, very physically attractive and electricifying figure who gets a lot of press and has an enormous following. On top of that she is in high demand and making a ton of money off her fame.

Like it or not those two aspects lead to fear, jealous and hatred on the other side.
Yet an Idiot like Hank Johnson is an elected offical. Now who can do more harm to this country?
Sarah or Hank?

Lets see, how does this sound, "Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload!" (Time mag)

Then she attacks Park51 implying they are terrorists. She herself is a Holy Rolling donut Christian that flip flops on the church floor like a fish out of water. If you have seen the YouTube tapes of the congergation.

Prior to her run for VP, she was denouncing America and wanting Alaska to secede from the union.

In spite of the spewing oil in the gulf, her cry was "drill, baby drill!"

And it goes on with this radical. She is threat to National Security.

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