People are starting to break free.....

When you same the same name posting serially...with no break from a real know you're looking at a paid by the post troll.
Im2 and Penelope are paid shills,that’s well known,at least about Penelope,pretty much everybody laughs at that lying troll everyday,her Bose stretches miles long across the country. :laughing0301: :lmao:
Lol! Who is paying me? Because by Henrys assertion most everone here is paid.
If you are not a dnc paid shill like Penelope and candyass is,then you are indeed one gullible stupid fuck afraid of the truth.:laughing0301:

So gratifying to see my theory about serial posters being paid trolls proven so graphically!

Confession, it is oft said, is good for the soul.

But liberals being without's all kinda moot.
ive never seen DNC paid shills penelope and langley resident candyass come out and ADMIT they are paid shills. well im glad you saw it somewhere where they admitted it at least,thats cool to hear..:up:
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
Thanks for proving your afraid,that you don’t want to see those threads shill,hate to break your heart but one thread I made had a video of a a hand ful of doctors who represent close to a thousand German doctors that are behind these us doctors,you realy really need to stop embarrassing yourself claiming these doctors would lie about all this knowing they are already risking their livilhoods by ring brave enough to go against the establishment.:laughing0301::lmao:oh that’s right,you are trying to convince me I did not see that video and these doctors didnot say that,that I was hallucinating when I made that thread with that video.:cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
There is nothing to prove.

“There’s an implication here that hospitals are over-reporting their COVID patients because they have an economic advantage of doing so, [which] is really an outrageous claim,” Gerald Kominski, senior fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, told us. And, he said, any suggestion that patients may be put on ventilators out of financial gain, not medical need, “is basically saying physicians are violating their Hippocratic Oath … it would be like providing heart surgery on someone who doesn’t need it.”

Robert Berenson, an institute fellow at the Urban Institute, said the notion that hospitals are profiting off the pandemic — as some of the social media posts may imply — isn’t borne out by facts, either.

Berenson said revenues appear to be down for hospitals this quarter because many have suspended elective procedures, which are key to their revenue, forcing some hospitals to cut staff. He surmised that potential instances of patients being wrongly “upcoded” — or classified as COVID-19 when they’re not — are “trivial compared to these other forces that are affecting hospital finances.”

Berenson and others we spoke with also said that hospitals have profound disincentives for “upcoding,” which can result in criminal or civil liabilities, such as being susceptible to being kicked out of the Medicare program.

Jensen himself said in a phone interview that he was not alleging widespread medical fraud.

“Do I think people are misclassifying? No,” Jensen said. He said his concerns centered on what he deemed “less precise standards” for certifying deaths promulgated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and how deaths classified as COVID-19 without corroborating positive test results could lead to an over-counting.

The CDC guidance says that officials should report deaths in which the patient tested positive for COVID-19 — or, if a test isn’t available, “if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty.” It further indicates that if a “definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”

Fact sheets for different COVID-19 tests from the Food and Drug Administration note that a “negative result does not exclude the possibility of COVID-19. When diagnostic testing is negative, the possibility of a false negative result should be considered in the context of a patient’s recent exposures and the presence of clinical signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19. The possibility of a false negative result should especially be considered if the patient’s recent exposures or clinical presentation indicate that COVID-19 is likely, and diagnostic tests for other causes of illness (e.g., other respiratory illness) are negative.”

As for the accuracy of the death toll, other experts have previously told us that while it’s true that some deaths attributed to COVID-19 likely would have occurred regardless of the disease, other factors — like the deaths of undiagnosed COVID-19 victims, including those that occur at home — contribute to a more significant problem of under-counting the deaths.

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count -

You're misinformed.

Oh pahleese do not even try to appeal to moral character....i worked in the field for 12 years and got out because there is none....grow up.

they of course will accuse you of lying that you worked in the field for 12 years you know,thats a given.:lmao: whats really comical more than anything else is he REALLY embarrassed himself putting his foot in his mouth with two mistakes he made.the first one was using factcheck as a source,LOL

factcheck is just a mouthpiece for the government same as wikipedia is which is what many of these trolls have used many times in the past as their source,I give him props for ONE thing,at LEAST he was original and did not use wikipedia like so many other biden brainwashed fans here in the past have as their source.:lmao:

second of all,this is where he REALLY embarrassed himself not realising i had done my homework on this. LOL He posted that link of one of the major doctors, a minnesota senater scott jensen,where the link was saying that his words have been twisted and misunderstood that he allegedly never said hospitals are inflating the numbers.

The problem with his babble and rants is that jenson was one of the doctors I was referring to where i made a thread showing all these doctors who have come out and risked their careers and medical licence telling the truth that the numbers are inflated.

He is on video from several months ago shortly after the virus came out,talking about how the virus is not near as dangerous as the government claims it to be,that the numbers are inflated. that is WHY he refused to take my challenge and look at the threads i made of the evidence of jenson on video saying all this because he does not want to see the truth.

jensen sense that time,might have changed his tune because i heard rumors after he was exposing the corruption of the government,that he was visited by the police later on. He might not be saying that NOW because this logic will never register with him,that they got to him and gave death threats to him and his family if he is not talking about it now,but he is on record,on video seeral months ago where you get to here it from the horses MOUTH,that he indeed said the numbers are inflated,that masks are not needed and it is not a dangeous virus as they claim.:uhoh3:

I could not have said it any better myself,he REALLY needs to freaking grow up.:thup:

sparky knows this doctor,here first name is judy,he will tell you that when she came out and told the truth about the virus she was thrown in jail and received all kinds of abuse from the government.its so scary the abusive treatment she recieved that she talked about,that i dont even want to go into the details it makes me so sick what a third world banana republic dictatership we live in.
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A Minnesota state senator’s recent interview on Fox News about Medicare payments for COVID-19 hospitalizations has generated a frenzy of headlines on social media suggesting that hospitals may have a financial motivation when it comes to classifying cases or deaths as related to COVID-19.

One website ran a story headlined, “US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus.'” It called the information “disturbing” and the interview “bone-chilling.”

Numerous readers have asked us about such claims, some of which imply that hospitals are making money by simply listing patients as having the disease — when in fact the payments referenced are for treating patients. And while some of the posts imply that fraud may be afoot, multiple experts told us that such theories of hospitals deliberately miscoding patients as COVID-19 are not supported by any evidence.

The initial comment was made by Minnesota State Sen. Scott Jensen, a family physician, who spoke with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on April 8 about the idea that the number of COVID-19 deaths may be inflated. Jensen was responding to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, who — while answering a reporter’s question about that theory — said “you will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises. They are nothing but distractions.”

Jensen, April 8: I would remind him that anytime health care intersects with dollars it gets awkward. Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.
In an interview with, however, Jensen said he did not think that hospitals were intentionally misclassifying cases for financial reasons.

But that’s how his comments have been widely interpreted and paraded on social media. One YouTube video with Jensen’s interview, viewed 42,000 times, was titled “US: Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19…” That video was then posted in a Facebook group called “X22 Report [Geopolitical]” with a caption referencing the specific dollar amounts that read in part: “This also explains the inflated amount of covid deaths.” Nearly 3,000 users shared the video from that post.

“So, hospitals get an extra $13,000 if they diagnose a death as COVID-19,” a widely shared meme on Facebook claimed. “And an additional $39,000 if they use a ventilator!” One post of the meme, shared by hundreds, was captioned: “And then we wonder why the numbers of deaths are embellished…”

The figures cited by Jensen generally square with estimated Medicare payments for COVID-19 hospitalizations, based on average Medicare payments for patients with similar diagnoses.

Hospital Payments and the COVID-19 Death Count -
Dude I don’t know how to break the news to you but Jensen,who I heard about wayyyyyyyyyyy back several months ago he was one of the doctors I was talking about that was being a patriot coming out talking about the hoax how they are inflating deaths,I was hearing rumors back then shortly after he first started talking about it,that he had been approached by authorities,they obviously got to him and threaten his him and his family but he was one of those doctors I was talking about that was on video originally several months ago exposing them,saying everything I been telling you. Logic and common sense that if he is not saying those things now as he was many months ago,they obviously got to him.logic and common sense is not one of your fortes though I see.:itsok::itsok:

nope,not just misiinformed,just not afraid of the facts as you are,that’s comedy gold you list fact-check as a source,same as Wikipedia,which so many brainwashed sheep also use for a source to try and disprove me,they are a mouthpiece for the government as

no,not misinformed,justnot afraid of the truth as you are obviously.
"they obviously got to him" is something that crazy people say when the jig is up and they`ve been exposed as dupes.
hey stupid fuck,this doctor is on VIDEO from several months ago where he said all the stuff i been saying.:lmao::auiqs.jpg: sorry the truth hurts that this doctor said all this and exposed their corruption.i know you dont want to hear the facts,sorry the truth hurts..:itsok: get mad at the doctors for saying this,dont be immature and shoot the messenger just because the facts dont go along with your warped opinions.. :uhoh3:
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Old people die.


Oh no haven't you heard? Nobody just dies anymore....they cannot pass into the next world unless they contract covid first. I have known several people who tried to get in but were sent back to catch COVID first.

Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
You idiots don't believe fat meat is greasy. Keep thinking COVID is fake.
Incredible after all this time you trolls still think is not fake,that’s what we got hundreds of hundreds of doctors around the country who are coming out telling us that hospitals are ruling practically every death they see as covid because they receive money by doing so.these doctors have come out and said this despite the fact they are putting their careers on the line idiot. :laughing0301: :lmao: A facti bring up to liar penny troll who always gets Alzheimer’s disease all the time.
Doctors are not doing that. This is a violation and they would lose their medical licenses and be barred from practicing medicine for the rest of their lives. Hospitals committing such fraud would be closed. You would be looking at potential criminal charges. So you're lying.
View attachment 428890
take a good look, and get back to us then....~S~

notice they are so angry with me for taking them to school sparky they keep playing dodgeball with this post of yours?:lmao:
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Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Old people die.


Oh no haven't you heard? Nobody just dies anymore....they cannot pass into the next world unless they contract covid first. I have known several people who tried to get in but were sent back to catch COVID first.

Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
You idiots don't believe fat meat is greasy. Keep thinking COVID is fake.
Incredible after all this time you trolls still think is not fake,that’s what we got hundreds of hundreds of doctors around the country who are coming out telling us that hospitals are ruling practically every death they see as covid because they receive money by doing so.these doctors have come out and said this despite the fact they are putting their careers on the line idiot. :laughing0301: :lmao: A facti bring up to liar penny troll who always gets Alzheimer’s disease all the time.
Doctors are not doing that. This is a violation and they would lose their medical licenses and be barred from practicing medicine for the rest of their lives. Hospitals committing such fraud would be closed. You would be looking at potential criminal charges. So you're lying.
View attachment 428890
take a good look, and get back to us then....~S~

notice they are so angry with me for taking them to school sparky they keep playing dodgeball with this post of yours?:lmao:
yeah, you and the rest of anyone else on this soul suckin' device being confronted with stats / science / reason La Fam

s*cks to be them

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
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Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
And you still believe this shit.
Not shit as you desperately want to believe,but facts,not my fault that you coward trolls keep running off with your tails between your legs deflecting with mouthpiece links of babble of internet links created by the government afraid to look at the truth everytime I OFFER to post videos of these doctors saying eveything I been saying where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH proving you all only want to look at one side of the coin..Jesus Christ,.
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Old people die.


Oh no haven't you heard? Nobody just dies anymore....they cannot pass into the next world unless they contract covid first. I have known several people who tried to get in but were sent back to catch COVID first.

Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
You idiots don't believe fat meat is greasy. Keep thinking COVID is fake.
Incredible after all this time you trolls still think is not fake,that’s what we got hundreds of hundreds of doctors around the country who are coming out telling us that hospitals are ruling practically every death they see as covid because they receive money by doing so.these doctors have come out and said this despite the fact they are putting their careers on the line idiot. :laughing0301: :lmao: A facti bring up to liar penny troll who always gets Alzheimer’s disease all the time.
Doctors are not doing that. This is a violation and they would lose their medical licenses and be barred from practicing medicine for the rest of their lives. Hospitals committing such fraud would be closed. You would be looking at potential criminal charges. So you're lying.
View attachment 428890
take a good look, and get back to us then....~S~

notice they are so angry with me for taking them to school sparky they keep playing dodgeball with this post of yours?:lmao:
yeah, you and the rest of anyone else on this soul suckin' device being confronted with stats / science / reason La Fam

s*cks to be them


hey sparky. As you well know and have observed,I have done everything I can and know of to try and reason with these braindead trolls that there are many doctors that have come out and said on VIDEO no less,how the hospitals are receiving payoffs to rule practically every death a covid death and there have been many patriotic whistleblowing doctors that have come out and risked their careers by telling this even OFFERING to post videos of them saying this and yet even after I offer to do that,they get scared of hearing this truth and incredibly are so much in denial mode and afraid,,accuse me of lying and lieTHEMSELVES that these doctors did not say this. :cuckoo:

well I have given up on them and now know to add a couple more to my ignore list the fact they have proven in spades they don’t even want me to post my evidence for them that I was even EAGER to offer to post for them so THAT being said,sense I can’t get through to them,do me a favor,I can’t remember her name but I know you know who I am talking about,a very distinguished dr named Judy m something.

,tell them and explain to them for me how she got thrown in jail and beaten up by police for coming out and telling the truth about the covid hoax and that one troll Im something, I spent so much time wasting my breath in,just helped prove my case for me talking about Dr Scott Jensen who I know YOU same as me,are aware that he is on record on video talking about the virus being a hoax several months ago.I know you have done your research and know all this so maybe YOU can get through to their warped brains in a way I could not manage.:biggrin:

Give it a try,maybe YOU might have some kind of way I don’t know of to get them to accept that truth about these doctors. :biggrin: I don’t think you will do any better than I did honestly though because when someone offers to post videos of doctors saying all this till your blue in the face as I did,and all they keep saying is your lying,I don’t see how you WILL do any better than’s a long shot I know,but give it the old college try for me huh? I sure as hell am not going any further with these trolls. I’ve spelled it out for them dummies style,can only lead the horse to the water so many times,but I can’t force them to drink the water when they are so much afraid of the water. :cuckoo:
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Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Old people die.


Oh no haven't you heard? Nobody just dies anymore....they cannot pass into the next world unless they contract covid first. I have known several people who tried to get in but were sent back to catch COVID first.

Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
You idiots don't believe fat meat is greasy. Keep thinking COVID is fake.
Incredible after all this time you trolls still think is not fake,that’s what we got hundreds of hundreds of doctors around the country who are coming out telling us that hospitals are ruling practically every death they see as covid because they receive money by doing so.these doctors have come out and said this despite the fact they are putting their careers on the line idiot. :laughing0301: :lmao: A facti bring up to liar penny troll who always gets Alzheimer’s disease all the time.
Doctors are not doing that. This is a violation and they would lose their medical licenses and be barred from practicing medicine for the rest of their lives. Hospitals committing such fraud would be closed. You would be looking at potential criminal charges. So you're lying.
View attachment 428890
take a good look, and get back to us then....~S~

notice they are so angry with me for taking them to school sparky they keep playing dodgeball with this post of yours?:lmao:
yeah, you and the rest of anyone else on this soul suckin' device being confronted with stats / science / reason La Fam

s*cks to be them


hey sparky. As you well know and have observed,I have done everything I can and know of to try and reason with these braindead trolls that there are many doctors that have come out and said on VIDEO no less,how the hospitals are receiving payoffs to rule practically every death a covid death and there have been many patriotic whistleblowing doctors that have come out and risked their careers by telling this even OFFERING to post videos of them saying this and yet even after I offer to do that,they get scared of hearing this truth and incredibly are so much in denial mode and afraid,,accuse me of lying and lieTHEMSELVES that these doctors did not say this. :cuckoo:

well I have given up on them and now know to add a couple more to my ignore list the fact they have proven in spades they don’t even want me to post my evidence for them that I was even EAGER to offer to post for them so THAT being said,sense I can’t get through to them,do me a favor,I can’t remember her name but I know you know who I am talking about,a very distinguished dr named Judy m something.

,tell them and explain to them for me how she got thrown in jail and beaten up by police for coming out and telling the truth about the covid hoax and that one troll Im something, I spent so much time wasting my breath in,just helped prove my case for me talking about Dr Scott Jensen who I know YOU same as me,are aware that he is on record on video talking about the virus being a hoax several months ago.I know you have done your research and know all this so maybe YOU can get through to their warped brains in a way I could not manage.:biggrin:

Give it a try,maybe YOU might have some kind of way I don’t know of to get them to accept that truth about these doctors. :biggrin: I don’t think you will do any better than I did honestly though because when someone offers to post videos of doctors saying all this till your blue in the face as I did,and all they keep saying is your lying,I don’t see how you WILL do any better than’s a long shot I know,but give it the old college try for me huh? I sure as hell am not going any further with these trolls. I’ve spelled it out for them dummies style,can only lead the horse to the water so many times,but I can’t force them to drink the water when they are so much afraid of the water. :cuckoo:
I'm on social media all the time tryin' to 'splain the obvious La Ram, i mean...there's so much 'censored' info out there i just want to scream 'foul' at every panic porn article

The real trick might be to get people over their fear

fear is historically the tool of oppressors

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...…..LOLOLOLOLOLOL...……………….What a tribute God damned...…………….LOLOL

You wrote all that shit for me...…….LOLOL...…………
No one has ever wrote that much. Wow I smoked yer ass man.

Fuk your Tom Brady thread. I made 2 fuking comments. You act like that in the Sports section. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Wow. This is your life. So many liburds live here.

Thanks for the laugh

This place is your life, m god I relaly
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Old people die.


Oh no haven't you heard? Nobody just dies anymore....they cannot pass into the next world unless they contract covid first. I have known several people who tried to get in but were sent back to catch COVID first.

Tell me if you have any similar experience of this, a friend of mine had two of his brothers die in a car accident and yet their death certificates are listed as covid.
You idiots don't believe fat meat is greasy. Keep thinking COVID is fake.
Incredible after all this time you trolls still think is not fake,that’s what we got hundreds of hundreds of doctors around the country who are coming out telling us that hospitals are ruling practically every death they see as covid because they receive money by doing so.these doctors have come out and said this despite the fact they are putting their careers on the line idiot. :laughing0301: :lmao: A facti bring up to liar penny troll who always gets Alzheimer’s disease all the time.
Doctors are not doing that. This is a violation and they would lose their medical licenses and be barred from practicing medicine for the rest of their lives. Hospitals committing such fraud would be closed. You would be looking at potential criminal charges. So you're lying.
View attachment 428890
take a good look, and get back to us then....~S~

notice they are so angry with me for taking them to school sparky they keep playing dodgeball with this post of yours?:lmao:
yeah, you and the rest of anyone else on this soul suckin' device being confronted with stats / science / reason La Fam

s*cks to be them


hey sparky. As you well know and have observed,I have done everything I can and know of to try and reason with these braindead trolls that there are many doctors that have come out and said on VIDEO no less,how the hospitals are receiving payoffs to rule practically every death a covid death and there have been many patriotic whistleblowing doctors that have come out and risked their careers by telling this even OFFERING to post videos of them saying this and yet even after I offer to do that,they get scared of hearing this truth and incredibly are so much in denial mode and afraid,,accuse me of lying and lieTHEMSELVES that these doctors did not say this. :cuckoo:

well I have given up on them and now know to add a couple more to my ignore list the fact they have proven in spades they don’t even want me to post my evidence for them that I was even EAGER to offer to post for them so THAT being said,sense I can’t get through to them,do me a favor,I can’t remember her name but I know you know who I am talking about,a very distinguished dr named Judy m something.

,tell them and explain to them for me how she got thrown in jail and beaten up by police for coming out and telling the truth about the covid hoax and that one troll Im something, I spent so much time wasting my breath in,just helped prove my case for me talking about Dr Scott Jensen who I know YOU same as me,are aware that he is on record on video talking about the virus being a hoax several months ago.I know you have done your research and know all this so maybe YOU can get through to their warped brains in a way I could not manage.:biggrin:

Give it a try,maybe YOU might have some kind of way I don’t know of to get them to accept that truth about these doctors. :biggrin: I don’t think you will do any better than I did honestly though because when someone offers to post videos of doctors saying all this till your blue in the face as I did,and all they keep saying is your lying,I don’t see how you WILL do any better than’s a long shot I know,but give it the old college try for me huh? I sure as hell am not going any further with these trolls. I’ve spelled it out for them dummies style,can only lead the horse to the water so many times,but I can’t force them to drink the water when they are so much afraid of the water. :cuckoo:
I'm on social media all the time tryin' to 'splain the obvious La Ram, i mean...there's so much 'censored' info out there i just want to scream 'foul' at every panic porn article

The real trick might be to get people over their fear

fear is historically the tool of oppressors

Well as I said,I can’t get through to them,maybe they will listen to you sense I seem to be pissing them off offering to post videos of these doctors saying that and yet,they keep coming back with the most lame ass comebacks of links that are very questionable instead of taking me up on my offer, :cuckoo: maybe my explanations were too long and complicated for them so just tell them for me that I am correct,that you have seen those videos of dr Jensen and Judy m talking about this on video.that I am indeed telling the truth thst she is on record talking about getting arrested and best up up authorities for exposing the hoax, sense I know YOU same as me,have seen those videos.

as I said,maybe sense my posts were so long that they just decided to not read the parts I mentioned of me offering to post the videos,if it’s someone else like you that offers it for them to see,maybe it will make a differerence hearing it from someone else sense they are not pissed at you at the moment as they are me,you never know,maybe you might register with them in a way I wasn’t able to.

man you ain’t kidding about the censorship,there needs to be another popular video platform other than YouTube started because they are sensorineural eveything anti government left and right even coming out and admitting as you know,anything that does not fit the official narrative on covid.
Last edited:
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...…..LOLOLOLOLOLOL...……………….What a tribute God damned...…………….LOLOL

You wrote all that shit for me...…….LOLOL...…………
No one has ever wrote that much. Wow I smoked yer ass man.

Fuk your Tom Brady thread. I made 2 fuking comments. You act like that in the Sports section. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Wow. This is your life. So many liburds live here.

Thanks for the laugh

This place is your life, m god I relaly
Smoked my ass in the fact you have reading comprehension problems same as them that you somehow incredibly missed the part of me offering to post those videos of those doctors and then you said that’s Not convincing? .that’s smoking my ass in your warped logic? comedy gold. :laughing0301: :lmao: You play dodgeball as you always do as well thatsparky and the op easily were convinced by me,think it mightbe it’s cause YOU can’t keep up as they can Einstein? Obviously you won’t consider that. :uhoh3:

On Tom Brady yeah I act the same way I admit cause you did the same thing there they are doing here, trolled the thread evading the facts about him with irrelevent garbage that had notihing to do with the topic.:cuckoo: You obviously brought your butthurt over that to THIS section. :lmao: :laughing0301:

yes right now sense October I visit this board much more so than in the past because of what is at stake in this election but come January 20 when we know for sure who is president,it will be like days of the past for me when I don’t come here much,so hate to break your heart but it’s hardly my life,I only started coming on here much much more than I did in the past sense October when election time heated up Einstein. :cuckoo:
Last edited:
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...…..LOLOLOLOLOLOL...……………….What a tribute God damned...…………….LOLOL

You wrote all that shit for me...…….LOLOL...…………
No one has ever wrote that much. Wow I smoked yer ass man.

Fuk your Tom Brady thread. I made 2 fuking comments. You act like that in the Sports section. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Wow. This is your life. So many liburds live here.

Thanks for the laugh

This place is your life, m god I relaly
Smoked your ass in the fact you have reading comprehension problems same as them that you somehow incredibly missed the part of me offering to post those videos of those doctors and then you said that’s Not convincing? .that’s smoking my ass in your warped logic? comedy gold. :laughing0301: :lmao: Y

On Tom Brady yeah I act the same way I admit cause you did the same thing there they are doing here,ttrolled the thread evading the facts about him with irrelevent garbage that had notihing to do with the topic.:cuckoo:

yes right now I visit this board much more so than in the past because of what is at stake in this election but come January 20 when we know for sure who is president,it will be like days of the past for me when I don’t come here much,so hate to break your heart but it’s hardly my life,I only started coming on here much much more than I did in the past in October when election time heated up Einstein. :cuckoo:
OMFG. Are you serious??....LOLOL In your 35k posts you have an abysmal reputation score. That means you're fellow libturds think you suck. You can flame me all you want. I don't play 3rd grade

You know what. I kinda respected you a bit. But I think a scroll by is all that is left in our relationship
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...…..LOLOLOLOLOLOL...……………….What a tribute God damned...…………….LOLOL

You wrote all that shit for me...…….LOLOL...…………
No one has ever wrote that much. Wow I smoked yer ass man.

Fuk your Tom Brady thread. I made 2 fuking comments. You act like that in the Sports section. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Wow. This is your life. So many liburds live here.

Thanks for the laugh

This place is your life, m god I relaly
Smoked your ass in the fact you have reading comprehension problems same as them that you somehow incredibly missed the part of me offering to post those videos of those doctors and then you said that’s Not convincing? .that’s smoking my ass in your warped logic? comedy gold. :laughing0301: :lmao: Y

On Tom Brady yeah I act the same way I admit cause you did the same thing there they are doing here,ttrolled the thread evading the facts about him with irrelevent garbage that had notihing to do with the topic.:cuckoo:

yes right now I visit this board much more so than in the past because of what is at stake in this election but come January 20 when we know for sure who is president,it will be like days of the past for me when I don’t come here much,so hate to break your heart but it’s hardly my life,I only started coming on here much much more than I did in the past in October when election time heated up Einstein. :cuckoo:
OMFG. Are you serious??....LOLOL In your 35k posts you have an abysmal reputation score. That means you're fellow libturds think you suck. You can flame me all you want. I don't play 3rd grade

You know what. I kinda respected you a bit. But I think a scroll by is all that is left in our relationship

Sure you play third grade,the fact you keep evading it that the two truthers I mentioned had no problem understanding me and the fact I spelled it out of the evidence I offered but you said I did not prove anything,hard for you to be convinced when you act juvenile same as them refusing to take me up on the offer I gave you same as them. :cuckoo:

you know as I do,that has I not bashed your hero Brady,you never would have taken your grudge from that section to this section which is really sad.

Oh and sense it means so much to you that silly rep thing,if I had not joined ten years ago or so as I did and I had joined this past year,my rep would be off the charts.

you are clueless that when I first came here ten years ago or so was most the reps I got were Neg reps from trolls like these because I would post facts of 9/11 being an inside job,back then that’s all I got was neg reps,I did not care,that shit means nothing to me,only to nuts like you obviously. :cuckoo: Only what people on my following list means zilch to me you nut. :cuckoo:

sense those days,there have been many more intelligent posters that have come on so now most my reps are all positive which helped me work my way out of it sense crap like that means so much to YOU obviously. :laughing0301: :lmao: Sure is a nice refreshing change though sense those days.

oh and I don’t know how to break the news to you but someone who posts irrelevent babble that has nothing to do with the topic of a thread I make and has reading comprehension problems obviously,hardly hurts my feelings that THEY don’t respect me,just people like the thread starter is the only people that concern me Charlie.:laughing0301::lmao:

Oh and it’s comical how you claim my life is here when you have spent ever bit as much time on this thread today as I have replying to me :laughing0301: :lmao: The fact you never contribute anything constructive,you might just be the first truther who I put on a quick browse,wow what an achievement you made.:up:
Last edited:
Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

many trolls likehim hate hearing the truth i expose so they get angry knowing they cannot counter it.:up:

well you ALSO have the same reading comprehension problems HE does then saying you would not believe it because same as him,you ALSO missed the part i mentioned where i have made some links before in the past that prove what i say to be true that there are thousands of doctors out there that have said this is a hoax,same as him,you MISSED the part where i offered to post those links but he refused to take the challenge.

unlike him,i dont come here and go on with babble with links on the net that obviously came from government sources with made up stories,I go by FACTS of what doctors have said with videos i have seen that i have made in the past as i have said on this entire threat that you somehow missed same as him. :uhoh3:

.i go by VIDEOS i have seen of doctors saying all this where i heard it from the HORSES mouth which AGAIN sense you seem to have reading comprehension problems as well as he does,,i have posted those videos here in the past. :cuckoo:

do try and keep u[p around here,i REALLY hate having to repeat myself of the evidence i have posted in the past.:uhoh3:

that don’t surprise me about you,that you would not believe it,you evade
Facts as well,do I have to remind you of the thread I made of shady Brady what a classless ass he demonstrated himself to be after a game where he would not shake the other quarterbacks hand cause he LOST and you kept evading that fact posting irrelevent garbage that had ZERO to with the Topic on him being a 120 years old babble? :cuckoo::laughing0301:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,so someone like you who has the same thing in common thst they do of evading the facts and posting irrelevent babble that have ZERO to do with the evidence,of course YOU would not believe it your reading comprehension problems you have.:biggrin:

seems that sparky and the thread starter don’t have any reading comprehensions as you do,they seem to have no problem keeping up with me and remember the evidence I gave,not MY fault you can’t keep up as they can.

he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:
Remember that irrelevent babble that had nothing to do with the TOPIC of the thread? I sure do,he and that other troll have gone into evade mode on that video I have said I would be happy to post but they don’t want to watch.proof they do not want to look at facts that don’t support their warped opinions.:cuckoo:

Herman Cain broke free.

View attachment 428462

Quickly little lawn jockey! Hide under your bed like your white masters command! And wear a mask under there too!

Five'll get you ten it wasn't even COVID....

He was 74. He was in Stage 4 colon cancer. Resistance nil. He was black. He had nothing going for him with those things. Covid finished the job.
That Lillie fact will not register with the troll of
He was quite healthy when he showed up for that trump rally. Now make another excuse for the healthy 5 year old who died from COVID19 that I posted a link to saltine.
Yeah sure he was. :laughing0301: :lmao: The net can make up any story,the original tree poster here went to that rally as well with several friends of his,despite being lined up inches away from thousands of people there,neither him or any of his friends got sick,Anyone who knows the original tree knows he is the most honest poster you will find on these boards.He is very very religious and reads his Bible all the time and is the last person on this board who would ever lie,he would be sick by now Einstein.neither him or any of his friends are.let me guess,original tree,the most religious person I know against lying because he is so devoted to the Bible and preaches lying is a sin to posters,he lied about all this when he posted this?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yep. OT lies frequently. Funny how the net can only be making up stories when right wing claims are shown to be bullshit.

excepttheproblem with your babble is thousands of doctors have exposed their lies that you are too afraid to accept to be true,afraid to look at videos I have volunteered to show of them talking about this but you don’t want to look at,that’s being a coward in denial mode.
Thousands of doctors have not exposed jack squat. I have seen the videos, try showing some medical bills from hospitals serving COVID patients.
I notice you bring out the best in everyone here.

BTW. I wouldn't believe a word out of your mouth even if yer tongue was notarized for me.

this may be too long and complicated for YOU to understand sense you as well obviously have reading comprehension problems but here goes the college try.

they hate it that I took them to school and are pissed that they could not counter my facts so naturally they are angrythey can’t refute them so they shoot the messenger to feel good about

oh and That’s not surprising coming from you,you have the same thing in common these trolls do,reading comprehension problems and same as them,you evade facts.

Do I have to remind you of the thread in the sports section of shady Brady how he acted like a classless ass after a prime time football game and despite me asking many times for you to talk about the topic,you derailed the thread discussion with irrelevent babble zero to do with the topic of he was like a 120 year old crap? Did you forget that stupid asscrap you posted evading the topic of the thread? I didn’t.

seems that the thread starter and sparky had no problem keeping up with me on the overwhelming evidence I gave,might that be because they do not have the reading comprehension problems YOU seem to have? THEY did not seem to miss the part you obviously missed same as those Biden commie trolls did that I even OFFERED to post to that idiot,threads of mine I have made in the past of videos where you get to hear it from the horses MOUTH,doctors coming out on VIDEO from their own MOUTHS saying everything I been saying.:uhoh3:

how fucking immature is that to accuse me of lying when they are too much of a coward to look at the videos of old threads I made where I OFFERED to post the links to those threads of these doctors saying that? You just proved that same as them,you have reading comprehension problems the fact you missed that part.:cuckoo: Sparky and the thread starter did not miss that part as you did.they don’t have the same reading comprehension problems you do and the that lunatic troll that kept babbling on and on accusing me of lying.

Unlike them,I don’t use any kind of link you can get off the internet,internet Link stories obviousLy manufactured by the government to get the people engaged in fear momgering, I back it up with videos with doctors saying this hearing it from the horses mouth where I VOLUNTEERED to post those videos,not my fault people like you and that troll have reading comprehension problems thst you some how missed me posting that.:uhoh3:

I guess you also missed how the thread starter also had no problems keeping up with me and took the words right out of my mouth telling him the same thoughts I was thinking,telling him the truth to grow up? He had no problems understanding all the irrefutable evidence I was willing to offer to give.

If you can’t keep up with me with the evidence I post as sparky and this thread starter can,do yourself a favor,don’t read my posts.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL...…..LOLOLOLOLOLOL...……………….What a tribute God damned...…………….LOLOL

You wrote all that shit for me...…….LOLOL...…………
No one has ever wrote that much. Wow I smoked yer ass man.

Fuk your Tom Brady thread. I made 2 fuking comments. You act like that in the Sports section. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Wow. This is your life. So many liburds live here.

Thanks for the laugh

This place is your life, m god I relaly
Smoked your ass in the fact you have reading comprehension problems same as them that you somehow incredibly missed the part of me offering to post those videos of those doctors and then you said that’s Not convincing? .that’s smoking my ass in your warped logic? comedy gold. :laughing0301: :lmao: Y

On Tom Brady yeah I act the same way I admit cause you did the same thing there they are doing here,ttrolled the thread evading the facts about him with irrelevent garbage that had notihing to do with the topic.:cuckoo:

yes right now I visit this board much more so than in the past because of what is at stake in this election but come January 20 when we know for sure who is president,it will be like days of the past for me when I don’t come here much,so hate to break your heart but it’s hardly my life,I only started coming on here much much more than I did in the past in October when election time heated up Einstein. :cuckoo:
OMFG. Are you serious??....LOLOL In your 35k posts you have an abysmal reputation score. That means you're fellow libturds think you suck. You can flame me all you want. I don't play 3rd grade

You know what. I kinda respected you a bit. But I think a scroll by is all that is left in our relationship

Sure you play third grade,the fact you keep evading it that the two truthers I mentioned had no problem understanding me and the fact I spelled it out of the evidence I offered but you said I did not prove anything,hard for you to be convinced when you act juvenile same as them refusing to take me up on the offer I gave you same as them. :cuckoo:

you know as I do,that has I not bashed your hero Brady,you never would have taken your grudge from that section to this section which is really sad.

Oh and sense it means so much to you that silly rep thing,if I had not joined ten years ago or so as I did and I had joined this past year,my rep would be off the charts.

you are clueless that when I first came here ten years ago or so was most the reps I got were Neg reps from trolls like these because I would post facts of 9/11 being an inside job,back then that’s all I got was neg reps,I did not care,that shit means nothing to me,only to nuts like you obviously. :cuckoo: Only what people on my following list means zilch to me you nut. :cuckoo:

sense those days,there have been many more intelligent posters that have come on so now most my reps are all positive which helped me work my way out of it sense crap like that means so much to YOU obviously. :laughing0301: :lmao: Sure is a nice refreshing change though sense those days.

oh and I don’t know how to break the news to you but someone who posts irrelevent babble that has nothing to do with the topic of a thread I make and has reading comprehension problems obviously,hardly hurts my feelings that THEY don’t respect me,just people like the thread starter is the only people that concern me Charlie.:laughing0301::lmao:

Oh and it’s comical how you claim my life is here when you have spent ever bit as much time on this thread today as I have replying to me :laughing0301: :lmao: The fact you never contribute anything constructive,you might just be the first truther who I put on a quick browse,wow what an achievement you made.:up:
I don't care what you think. I haven't read a GD thing you've written. If I woulda listened to you libs, I'd have had to slave to a miserable job, miserable boss, and a horrible life. I did not chose the libturd way.

Now go write me a novel on your next response. Look at all those faggot smileys all over the place. Dude, you must have written a short novel to me. One that was never read. Take care and good luck to you.

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