People are...


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.
Individualism is inherently selfish, and weak.

I'm sure there are some "Nice" Bears too, why don't you go "Pet the Bear"?

I'm sure there are some "Nice" people just foolishly doing as they are told within "Invading armies" so do you treat a "Invading army with respect" ?

As Individuals we make up greater groups, or families, sure we're all a little different, but many within a group are often awfully similar.
Some Dogs are smarter, and nicer than each other, but they're still Dogs.

There's differences that span much further than just Humans.

It just happens to be that Africans are more like us, therefor they can have some smarter, or nicer ones than "Animals"

But, that doesn't make them in any way or form "Equal"
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.
People who divide us into groups know that, but they derive too much political advantage to care.

Divide and conquer.

"Don't look at the color of my skin", they'll scream, while being consumed by it.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.
People who divide us into groups know that, but they derive too much political advantage to care.

Divide and conquer.

"Don't look at the color of my skin", they'll scream, while being consumed by it.

Each ethnic group has a unique heritage, unique features, and a unique history, to erase them from the future by multiculturalism, or by colonialism is cruel, and sadistic.
For some people people are only real if they believe what you believe. People vary all over the place. Are bigots, racists, misogynists, nationalists, alt-rightists, narcissists, bullies, monks, murderers, etc real people, surely they are. Kinda a dilemma as how do you tell one person from another. Is Trump a real person, a draft dodger, spoiled rich bully who fondles women and appears to be so insecure even facts have no place with him? Are you married? That's a place in which you see people in all their flaws and glory. Or family, a place where you sometimes wonder if genes matter? Or how they do? Raise children? Each different, each unique. I'm one of many. Complicated stuff.

I recently took the Myers Briggs personality test, kinda interesting. I tested in the less than one percent group? Lots of different real people. Lots of personalities, some quite weird, some interesting. And America today, so many people on drugs, dying too early. Any whys?

Free personality test | 16Personalities

Are you always the same 'people'?

You’re a different person at 14 and 77, the longest-running personality study ever has found

Nature v nurture

Personality: The Body in Society | Melting Asphalt

America today

You can read all about some 'real people' in, 'The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump's America' by Alexander Zaitchik. Interesting read.

Or "Strangers in Their Own Land - Anger and Mourning on the American Right" Arlie Russell Hochschild

"There is no other hope for the survival of mankind than knowing enough about the people it is made up of." Elias Canetti
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

If the collective doesn't matter, how come the collective of Ethiopia creates a mega-sh*thole?

You can't blame Colonialism on that, because Ethiopia wasn't Colonized.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

If the collective doesn't matter, how come the collective of Ethiopia creates a mega-sh*thole?

You can't blame Colonialism on that, because Ethiopia wasn't Colonized.

How many times are you going repeat this not-exactly-true trivia you read somewhere and mistakenly think is some brilliant talking point?
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

This is dumb. .

The world just doesn't operate in this manner no matter how long or how many times you recite this bullshit.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

This is dumb. .

The world just doesn't operate in this manner no matter how long or how many times you recite this bullshit.

In fact the world does operate this way. When was the last time you met a person with no face? A person who had no identity beyond a skin color, or a religion, or a gender, or a sexual orientation, etc.? People ARE individuals, and every individual in the world proves it.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

This is dumb. .

The world just doesn't operate in this manner no matter how long or how many times you recite this bullshit.

In fact the world does operate this way. When was the last time you met a person with no face? A person who had no identity beyond a skin color, or a religion, or a gender, or a sexual orientation, etc.? People ARE individuals, and every individual in the world proves it.

No the world does not. It never has. If it did, there would have been no Greeks Romans or any of these ancient groups you gave studied. This era of colorblind is racist. It discounts the experiences of people and then tries to lie about seeing people inly as individuals with no history or anything. This is a philosophical lie and that's just the way it is. You see a football team is a group. A group is nothing more than a collection of individuals. So then this argument group vs individual is really a retards argument because no one exists alone. A family is a group. Men and women are 2 groups. Children are a group. So then this will you have to try forcing this lie down people throats and if we do not agree with this lie we are somehow flawed shows how flawed you are. You can be a group and practice humanity if that's what you are looking for. But to say that we just ignore obvious differences and all of our problems will be solved, well that's not the case.
Individuals, not faceless placeholders for whatever dehumanizing 'group' some idiots need to assign everyone in order to make the big, scary world easy enough to simplify so they can sleep at night.

True, but, they will always be "categorized" by society, and, will never be treated equally.

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