People do not understand what a swastika truly stands for

WHY are we talking about a swastica?

Read my thread above- I retyped it slower so maybe you can understand. If you need help with any of the big words, let me know.
Blow me nutjob. This thread is irrelevant. Why don't you dumbfucks post about shit that actually matters for a change. We have a world of problems that need addressing and these politically correct arguments are nothing more than mindless distractions. You empower the lefts agenda by continually whining about this social shit.
You wanna wear a swastica? A flag? Go right ahead. No one is gonna stop you.
In the meantime stop wasting everyone's time with this trivial bullshit.
This thread has brought to mind the perfect campaign song for The Democrat Party in 2016!

Maybe (or not) they could get Mel Brooks to do a little adaptation - slow the tempo so Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky could dance the lead?

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