People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as ‘quarantine fatigue’ intensifies

The pandemic certainly thrived in New York, didn't it? Are New Yorkers more ignorant and stupid than the rest of America, or are there other reasons why New York became the COVID-19 killing fields?
Pretty stupid question. Pretty obvious “other reasons,” don’t you agree?
It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.

I would agree with that sentiment however I would also argue that sensibility comes voluntarily and not through force. Making people care about something in the way that you do or in a way that you deem to be sensible and then adding in a vague and ever changing description of what a "brief period" is on top of that can easily create strong resentment to that which is what I believe is starting to form in a lot of parts of the country.
In world history, the U.S. has existed only a brief time. In U.S. history, WWII lasted only a brief time. Two months for a health crisis is what, then? The term "snowflake", so overused and usually inappropriately, would seem to be applicable to those who cannot accept some personal responsibility and care in this context. Trotting out firearms to manifest petulance makes Americans look pretty "snowflakeish".
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.

Not the law in place in the State. I am questioning your blanket concept of "the law is the law".

You just default to following a law, no matter how stupid, like the lemming you are.
Who decides it's a stupid law? You?

If you can lawfully get it changed, go for it. They just did it in Wisconsin, although it didn't turn out quite like the Republicans had hoped. Now, the fact that I think it was stupid to revoke the governor's emergency powers and orders carte blanche doesn't matter does it?

Enough people seem to be deciding the regulations are stupid, that the mostly blue states are lacking in any flexibility.

DiBlasio has decided NYC beaches will remain closed. Beaches are probably one of the easier places to social distance.

Yet the subways will have to remain open.
It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.
And that is the biggest problem. You have to kowtow to the lowest common denominator. If everybody just used common sense you wouldn't need lockdown laws. A lot don't. And so they spread the love...

Well there you go no matter how hard you try you can't legislate morality.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The states still cant supersede constitutional rights. That was the WHOLE point.
Your entire argument is flawed.
READ the constitution.
I have read it. It doesn't apply here. If you think my argument is flawed, why does every single state have emergency powers that have not been overturned? They have been challenged but no court sees it the way you do.
They have been overturned. Look at Wisconsin.
It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.

I would agree with that sentiment however I would also argue that sensibility comes voluntarily and not through force. Making people care about something in the way that you do or in a way that you deem to be sensible and then adding in a vague and ever changing description of what a "brief period" is on top of that can easily create strong resentment to that which is what I believe is starting to form in a lot of parts of the country.
In world history, the U.S. has existed only a brief time. In U.S. history, WWII lasted only a brief time. Two months for a health crisis is what, then? The term "snowflake", so overused and usually inappropriately, would seem to be applicable to those who cannot accept some personal responsibility and care in this context. Trotting out firearms to manifest petulance makes Americans look pretty "snowflakeish".
You sound like such a pompous ass. My goodness.
"Guise?" As of Friday, in New York there were 18,569 patients in the hospital with Covid, 5000 of them in ICU. Pretty far from "perfect," I'm thinking.
There are 19.8 million people in the greater New York area. Were you aware of that?
People are packed in buses, subways, office buildings, apartment buildings, sidewalks etc.
New York will never have the numbers that Georgia or Maine or Washington has so waiting for that magic moment to arrive is an absurd pipe dream

It's unfortunate that in a time of severe need NY is led by one of the two or three worst governors in the
nation. The worst is probably Cuomo followed by Whitmer and then Newsom (New Jersey and Illinois
get dishonorable mention).
Cuomo delays New York's recovery by not opening up the state to the extent possible and you don't seem remotely aware of any of this.
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The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.
The pandemic certainly thrived in New York, didn't it? Are New Yorkers more ignorant and stupid than the rest of America, or are there other reasons why New York became the COVID-19 killing fields?
Population density and public transportation that there was no option to shut down fueled contagion.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The states still cant supersede constitutional rights. That was the WHOLE point.
Your entire argument is flawed.
READ the constitution.
I have read it. It doesn't apply here. If you think my argument is flawed, why does every single state have emergency powers that have not been overturned? They have been challenged but no court sees it the way you do.
They have been overturned. Look at Wisconsin.
Yeah, I already said that. Why don't you try reading my posts for a change before responding to them?
"Guise?" As of Friday, in New York there were 18,569 patients in the hospital with Covid, 5000 of them in ICU. Pretty far from "perfect," I'm thinking.
There are 19.8 million people in the greater New York area. Were you aware of that?
People are packed in buses, subways, office buildings, apartment buildings, sidewalks etc.
New York will never have the numbers that Georgia or Maine or Washington has so waiting for that magic moment to arrive is an absurd pipe dream

It's unfortunate that in a time of severe need NY is led by one of the two or three worst governors in the
nation. Cuomo delays New York's recovery by not opening up the state to the extent possible and you don't seem remotely aware of any of this.
He is reopening the state to the extent possible. NYC is not among those areas because they still have 18,000 people in the hospital with Covid. 5,000 in ICU. Right now. Today. New cases and deaths have gone way down, which is a huge piece of good news. But they had such a mess that it's going to take more time to get those folks recovered and home.
DiBlasio thinks in a couple weeks New York will be ready to begin reopening as well.

Look at this article before you continue mouthing misinformation.

We can reopen safely...packing bars full of people is just insanity. Drink a beer at home. Oh my freedoms ta da ta da ta da....there is also stupidity. Well you can't tell us invincible Americans what to nauseum.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The states still cant supersede constitutional rights. That was the WHOLE point.
Your entire argument is flawed.
READ the constitution.
I have read it. It doesn't apply here. If you think my argument is flawed, why does every single state have emergency powers that have not been overturned? They have been challenged but no court sees it the way you do.
They have been overturned. Look at Wisconsin.
Yeah, I already said that. Why don't you try reading my posts for a change before responding to them?
Because your posts kill more brain cells than alcohol so I try to limit my intake of them.

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