People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as ‘quarantine fatigue’ intensifies

The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

How do you know these people are left wing?
1) Nope. It affects a tiny % is a terrible way so 99.9% have to suffer to what? Keep the less than 1% from maybe not getting it but likely getting it later?

2) Nope. 39.

When would you end the lockdown? Give me a time frame and reasoning.

Soon as the curve starts flattening out. These things have started happening in NZ and Australia. Both had lockdown structures rated 1 to 4 with 1 being the harshest and having most restrictions. Both countries went to their version of Level 2 in the past week (from level 1), and looking at level three in two weeks. Then back to normal in about four weeks time. Give or take.
1) Nope. It affects a tiny % is a terrible way so 99.9% have to suffer to what? Keep the less than 1% from maybe not getting it but likely getting it later?

2) Nope. 39.

When would you end the lockdown? Give me a time frame and reasoning.

Soon as the curve starts flattening out. These things have started happening in NZ and Australia. Both had lockdown structures rated 1 to 4 with 1 being the harshest and having most restrictions. Both countries went to their version of Level 2 in the past week (from level 1), and looking at level three in two weeks. Then back to normal in about four weeks time. Give or take.
We are doing that here but the Leftists want to prolong this until 2021. They are fucking insane with zero economics and or finance acumen.
Not to me. I want my kids back in school. Happy to sign any waiver. This lockdown is illogical. We flattened the curve and now the rules change? No. Not having it.

Dunno about US. Didn't know they changed the rules.
Lockdown was to “flatten the curve” now leftists says it’s to “find a cure”. Illogical buffoons. There may never be a cure and or vaccine.
Ditto in N. Fla. taz. It is sort of like the dam breaking. Never seen so many boats and trailers as this weekend. Bars are packed as are restaurants. Yes some people are wearing masks but they aren’t practicing social distancing so wtf. sunlight Is killing the virus and people are finally throwing off their chains. Let’s get this party started.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

They can do what they want...just don't come crying to those taking care when they get sick.
I was sick. Never cried. You’re so dishonest it’s hilarious.

you're being slightly disingenuous in that 1) It affects different people in different ways; 2) I'm reasonably confident you were not in the most at-risk group of 75+ years old.

Yeah....and they just have to watch out for Governor Cuomo if they want to stay alive......he is more than willing to put them in with actual sick people......
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

No. I don't subscribe to arbitrary rule by totalitarians with outside agendas.
The "outside agenda" is only in your imagination. This hurts everyone, not just conservatives. The rules were developed by epidemiologists who spend their careers figuring out how these damned plagues spread and behave. I would rather follow their advice than some bored, impatient widget maker who wants to get out and have some fun. WE ALL DO.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This is not a partisan issue. It is a national issue and it's about damned time that you folks started acting like Americans.
You are so conceited. We are all supposed to abide by your judgement because you are,so smart and responsible but we are not allowed to make judgements of our own because we are so dumb and irresponsible. Please spare all of us your self righteousness.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
We are doing that here but the Leftists want to prolong this until 2021. They are fucking insane with zero economics and or finance acumen.

No, no no. That wouldn't work. That would certainly tank the economy and it would literally take years to recover. Let alone, allow the likes of China and India to make headway into traditional US markets to take up the slack. And other countries too...hhhmmm..not good.
We are doing that here but the Leftists want to prolong this until 2021. They are fucking insane with zero economics and or finance acumen.

No, no no. That wouldn't work. That would certainly tank the economy and it would literally take years to recover. Let alone, allow the likes of China and India to make headway into traditional US markets to take up the slack. And other countries too...hhhmmm..not good.
Now you see why I am so livid on this board. Thank you.
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
It's not "evil" to try to save lives.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The states still cant supersede constitutional rights. That was the WHOLE point.
Your entire argument is flawed.
READ the constitution.
It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.

I would agree with that sentiment however I would also argue that sensibility comes voluntarily and not through force. Making people care about something in the way that you do or in a way that you deem to be sensible and then adding in a vague and ever changing description of what a "brief period" is on top of that can easily create strong resentment to that which is what I believe is starting to form in a lot of parts of the country.
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
It's not "evil" to try to save lives.
Let me guess. I must believe in human sacrifice I am so insensitive to human life. Use your own metric. More people are dying, suffering, committing suicide, foregoing treatment, missing their cancer and heart operations, missing their chemo treatment, or children having mental problems because schools are not opening. For background check my op about the national death rate through the second week in April. It is less than average not more meaning that Covid has not increased our death rate and your bleating about how those who want to go back to work are killing more people is absolutely false. I always welcome you citing statistics to Back up your claims instead of only providing us opinions. We will survive OL, have a good night.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
The law of the land of the land is the constitution and state laws shit all over it
The Constitution left disasters and emergencies like epidemics to the states. The states enacted emergency orders based on their state laws. No emergency orders have been knocked down by the courts except Wisconsin, because the orders were made by an unelected official -- DHS. A poorly crafted emergency order in one other state that allowed 50 people to congregate and allowed retail stores to reopen but kept churches closed also got shot down. The Church order ONLY because you have to be consistent.

Temporary orders during a disaster are authorized by state legislatures. In Wisconsin, the legislature revoked that authority, which ANY other state could have done if they chose.

So NO TN. The states aren't shitting all over you. None of your rights have been violated. Hundreds of people are gathering to protest in states all over the place. Obviously people are loudly speaking their minds. Churches are either reopening or conducting business on line. No one came and took your guns. Your legal rights are still in place. The ONLY hope you've got that any of this is unconstitutional is if the Court finds that the state government did not have a good reason for enacting the orders. And at this point, I don't see that happening. Most people realize what this Virus is about.
The states still cant supersede constitutional rights. That was the WHOLE point.
Your entire argument is flawed.
READ the constitution.
I have read it. It doesn't apply here. If you think my argument is flawed, why does every single state have emergency powers that have not been overturned? They have been challenged but no court sees it the way you do.
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
It's not "evil" to try to save lives.
Let me guess. I must believe in human sacrifice I am so insensitive to human life. Use your own metric. More people are dying, suffering, committing suicide, foregoing treatment, missing their cancer and heart operations, missing their chemo treatment, or children having mental problems because schools are not opening. For background check my op about the national death rate through the second week in April. It is less than average not more meaning that Covid has not increased our death rate and your bleating about how those who want to go back to work are killing more people is absolutely false. I always welcome you citing statistics to Back up your claims instead of only providing us opinions. We will survive OL, have a good night.
I didn't know discussion of Hitler or school desegregation required Covid statistics. Sorry.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I live in NY and told someone in the supermarket, "I think I understand what the American colonists felt like"

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