People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as ‘quarantine fatigue’ intensifies

The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
Its not the law, its overreacting government edicts. For proof just look how every court is striking the various forms of this shit down.
I've only heard of one court striking down emergency orders. That was Wisconsin where the emergency orders were generated by DHS, an unelected entity, so yes, it was improper footing and it was struck down. But even the Republicans that manuevered that wanted the legislature to craft ongoing restrictions to maintain public safety.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
Between the Payroll Protection Program and amped up unemployment, many of those people's jobs have been saved. They will be called back soon. I know people who have been called back already. Before that PPP thing, employers were "laying off" employees so they could collect, agreeing that they would be ready to return when they were allowed to reopen.

It is ridiculous to say the Dems are behind this. This hurts EVERYONE.
Those jobs may not be saved. The business loans were for rehiring at least 75% of workers which is impossible when a business can only open at 50% capacity.
The terms on those loans expire soon with the business possibly owing the loan instead of forgiveness as they couldn't meet the terms of a full staff. Those terms were 8 weeks to rehire.
Neither do you address the addition of national debt and printing of more dollars which will only devalue our currency and credit.
Here in KC the businesses were limited to 10% capacity!
And that includes staff lol

So to meet t
Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

Sorry that life disrupted your plans. Live with it.
Old lady loves to tout the government loans that can turn into grants if you rehire your staff. But that FEDERAL plan conflicts with many LOCAL plans.

For instance here in KC businesses are allowed to reopen but with only 10% occupancy capacity and that includes staff. So if you rehire everyone you can't allow any customers in the store if you are a small establishment.

Yet again the federal governments one size fits all bullshit proves to be ineffective

And does anyone think these left wingers care? As long as it hurts Trump in the election they will destroy the lives of over 36 million Americans now, and millions more going into the future......allowing Trump to win 4 more years is worth breaking American eggs, to make their socialist omelette.....
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

Here's my problem with that.

When do we achieve "out of the woods"? When does that happen?

Because I think I know what people are thinking, when they say "out of the woods".

They think that we are going to eliminate this virus from the Earth, like Polio.

But Polio and Corona are entirely different. Polio, we knew how to control it, and had a vaccination for it, and it worked very well.

Corona, is more like the flu or the common cold. It is so contagious, that nothing will stop it's spread. We've seen that. No amount of travel restrictions have stopped it. No amount of quarantine has prevented it's spread.

The only case you can make is China, and that assumes you believe what China is saying.... when they are still locking up doctors who blow any whistles.

So I personally do not believe at all, that there will ever be a "out of the woods" moment.

Are you waiting on a vaccine? Even the most optimistic doctors are still saying it could be 3, or even 10 years for a vaccine.

Think about Ebola for example. Ebola we know how to treat it. We know how to quarantine it. Because it is far less contagious, we can limit it's spread.

Did you know, they have been having outbreaks of Ebola for decades? Ebola has been having outbreaks since 1976. It's now 2020.

And they had an outbreak of Ebola, just in 2017 and 2018. 33 people died of Ebola in 2018, a 33% death rate.

Should we have shut down their economies for 50 years? Waiting for a vaccine? Waiting for them to eradicate the virus? Waiting for them to isolate enough to kill off the spread?

And it never happened. Even a more controllable illness like Ebola, they can't stop it.

So again, I ask you, when will the "out of the woods moment" be?

I think Corona isn't going away. I think it will continue to pop up for years, if not decades into the future. I think we need to go back to normal, because this is a permanent thing from here on.

I think we need to move on with our lives, because we simply can't live in fear. By all means, if you are sick stay at home. By all means if you hear someone is sick, put some distance between you and them.

But this idea that we are going to completely destroy our economy, and hide from people with masks for all eternity from here on, in the hopes that they'll come up with a magic wand that eliminates the virus.... more people will die of depression and isolation, than those who will die of the illness.

That's not a trade off.
I think Corona isn't going away. I think it will continue to pop up for years, i
That's what they're saying. Epidemiologists spend their lives understanding these plagues. The epidemiologists are saying to reopen with precautions that will be lifted so long as an area is not flooded with cases beyond its ability to control. They seem to think that jumping back to "fully normal" is a mistake. I will take their word for that, because they know a lot more about it than you or I do.
I think Corona isn't going away. I think it will continue to pop up for years, i
That's what they're saying. Epidemiologists spend their lives understanding these plagues. The epidemiologists are saying to reopen with precautions that will be lifted so long as an area is not flooded with cases beyond its ability to control. They seem to think that jumping back to "fully normal" is a mistake. I will take their word for that, because they know a lot more about it than you or I do.

Well, given the fact they were entirely wrong about everything concerning Corona.... I don't know that they know a lot more about it than you or I do.

Again... Sweden never had a massive lock down. Nor did Japan. Nor did Florida.

These people you claim know a lot more about it than you or I do, all predicted piles of bodies everywhere.

It didn't happen. In fact, NYC which had much tougher lock down, had far more deaths relative to population, than Florida, which barely had a lock down.

So.... if you want to take their word for it... fine, but the evidence is massive, that their word isn't worth much.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

To the democrat party governors and mayors who think keeping their states in lockdown till November is a good idea....

It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.
And that is the biggest problem. You have to kowtow to the lowest common denominator. If everybody just used common sense you wouldn't need lockdown laws. A lot don't. And so they spread the love...
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

They can do what they want...just don't come crying to those taking care when they get sick.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

They can do what they want...just don't come crying to those taking care when they get sick.
I was sick. Never cried. You’re so dishonest it’s hilarious.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.
It would “thrive” more if we stayed lockdown. You’re too stupid to understand why.

No it would not. NZ and Australia have proven that. In saying that, I think a good dose of common sense would be more appropriate. I don't like the lockdown laws either because I know if there were no lockdown laws I'd use common sense - wash hand regularly, keep my distance from people etc. Unfortunately a lot of people ignore that and thus the powers that be enact these laws.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

They can do what they want...just don't come crying to those taking care when they get sick.
I was sick. Never cried. You’re so dishonest it’s hilarious.

you're being slightly disingenuous in that 1) It affects different people in different ways; 2) I'm reasonably confident you were not in the most at-risk group of 75+ years old.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.
It would “thrive” more if we stayed lockdown. You’re too stupid to understand why.

No it would not. NZ and Australia have proven that. In saying that, I think a good dose of common sense would be more appropriate. I don't like the lockdown laws either because I know if there were no lockdown laws I'd use common sense - wash hand regularly, keep my distance from people etc. Unfortunately a lot of people ignore that and thus the powers that be enact these laws.
So you punish everyone because some are ignorant. That is insanity. Let people live. Life is all
About risk. For the risk averse they may stay home.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

They can do what they want...just don't come crying to those taking care when they get sick.
I was sick. Never cried. You’re so dishonest it’s hilarious.

you're being slightly disingenuous in that 1) It affects different people in different ways; 2) I'm reasonably confident you were not in the most at-risk group of 75+ years old.
1) Nope. It affects a tiny % is a terrible way so 99.9% have to suffer to what? Keep the less than 1% from maybe not getting it but likely getting it later?

2) Nope. 39.

When would you end the lockdown? Give me a time frame and reasoning.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I tell my bro to send a couple snapshots ...hes on coney but i think he took off to Belmar....n.j. he's got a little shack on the beach

Hes Always been a beach dude

Lives two blocks from one got a summer place by another ...derp
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

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