People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as ‘quarantine fatigue’ intensifies

It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period.

They were sensible....we were told we needed to quarantine to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.........people were going to get sick but keeping the hospitals from being overwhelmed would save lives.

The American people, being good and noble, shut down Trump's economy to help that effort.

The result....... we mass produced ventilators in the tens of thousands that were never used and never needed, we opened...then closed Navy and Army military hospitals that went unused and were unecessary, we have Hospital ICU beds that went unused and hospitals that are now on the verge of bankruptcy, and Doctors, Nurses and other healthcare workers being laid off because they haven't been needed........

So....we flattened the curve, we succeeded in what we were told would be necessary to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed...

We did what you wanted us to do....


You say we can't open up cause we need to "save lives," and won't be allowed to open up till after the, you won't say that, but that is what you want to do...

We were more than sensible, the sacrifice of jobs and futures going forward is monumental......lives have been changed forever for a Chinese Virus that we were lied to about, and now you are condemning those people who sacrificed their jobs and likely the future happines of their children and grandchildren...

You left wingers are monsters and asshats.....
"It is mystifying that people don't appear to realize they have, among all their rights, the right to be sensible for a brief period."
Look again at that post and then look at how it was so perverted in translation when responded to. Another example of enormous conclusion jumping.
Pointing out a right people have is communist now?
So those black kids in the south who went to a school they shouldn't have should have "just followed the law"?
They WERE following the law. That's why police accompanied them.

There was no "democracy" during the Nazi regime. The people made a mistake when they elected Hitler. Then he began murdering his opposition and developed the SS to make sure no one opposed him. That is not a valid comparison.

Not the law in place in the State. I am questioning your blanket concept of "the law is the law".

You just default to following a law, no matter how stupid, like the lemming you are.
Who decides it's a stupid law? You?

If you can lawfully get it changed, go for it. They just did it in Wisconsin, although it didn't turn out quite like the Republicans had hoped. Now, the fact that I think it was stupid to revoke the governor's emergency powers and orders carte blanche doesn't matter does it?
The object was to end the overwhelmed health care system conditions. Once that was past, of course reason would have individuals take the necessary steps to protect the most vulnerable and use the methods at hand to limit further damage as much as possible. Mostly, people responded well. Cautious moves toward re-emerging from the crisis are justified.
Bitching about having done it and having to continue when and where required is immature.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

No. I don't subscribe to arbitrary rule by totalitarians with outside agendas.
The "outside agenda" is only in your imagination. This hurts everyone, not just conservatives. The rules were developed by epidemiologists who spend their careers figuring out how these damned plagues spread and behave. I would rather follow their advice than some bored, impatient widget maker who wants to get out and have some fun. WE ALL DO.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This is not a partisan issue. It is a national issue and it's about damned time that you folks started acting like Americans.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

No. I don't subscribe to arbitrary rule by totalitarians with outside agendas.
The "outside agenda" is only in your imagination. This hurts everyone, not just conservatives. The rules were developed by epidemiologists who spend their careers figuring out how these damned plagues spread and behave. I would rather follow their advice than some bored, impatient widget maker who wants to get out and have some fun. WE ALL DO.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This is not a partisan issue. It is a national issue and it's about damned time that you folks started acting like Americans.

They got it wrong......

Everyone now knows that Neil Ferguson of England’s Imperial College is one of the villains of the coronavirus disaster of 2020. He produced an epidemiological model that was absurdly off the mark, predicting 500,000 deaths from the virus in the U.K., and more than 2 million in the U.S. Unfortunately, Ferguson’s model was the basis for harsh shutdowns in the U.K. and other countries, probably including the U.S. Most people also know that Ferguson is a world-class hypocrite, as he violated his own social distancing rules to engage in illicit trysts with his married lover, a left-wing political activist.

But that’s not the worst of it. In the Telegraph, two software executives write that Ferguson’s model was, on its face, incompetent and would not have been accepted by anyone well-versed in computer technology. (“Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time.”) The article is beyond a paywall, so I will excerpt liberally:

Since publication of Imperial’s microsimulation model, those of us with a professional and personal interest in software development have studied the code on which policymakers based their fateful decision to mothball our multi-trillion pound economy and plunge millions of people into poverty and hardship.

And we were profoundly disturbed at what we discovered. The model appears to be totally unreliable and you wouldn’t stake your life on it.
Imperial’s model appears to be based on a programming language called Fortran, which was old news 20 years ago and, guess what, was the code used for Mariner 1. This outdated language contains inherent problems with its grammar and the way it assigns values, which can give way to multiple design flaws and numerical inaccuracies. One file alone in the Imperial model contained 15,000 lines of code.

Try unravelling that tangled, buggy mess, which looks more like a bowl of angel hair pasta than a finely tuned piece of programming. Industry best practice would have 500 separate files instead. In our commercial reality, we would fire anyone for developing code like this and any business that relied on it to produce software for sale would likely go bust.

The approach ignores widely accepted computer science principles known as “separation of concerns”, which date back to the early 70s and are essential to the design and architecture of successful software systems. The principles guard against what developers call CACE: Changing Anything Changes Everything.

Without this separation, it is impossible to carry out rigorous testing of individual parts to ensure full working order of the whole. Testing allows for guarantees. It is what you do on a conveyer belt in a car factory. Each and every component is tested for integrity in order to pass strict quality controls.
Only then is the car deemed safe to go on the road.

As a result, Imperial’s model is vulnerable to producing wildly different and conflicting outputs based on the same initial set of parameters. Run it on different computers and you would likely get different results. In other words, it is non-deterministic.

As such, it is fundamentally unreliable. It screams the question as to why our Government did not get a second opinion before swallowing Imperial’s prescription.
In the U.K., as here in America, the responsible government officials believed they had no choice but to follow the advice of officially-anointed “experts.” These alleged experts were bureaucrats and academics, not practicing physicians. The result has been a disaster, blighting the lives of hundreds of millions–perhaps billions–across the globe.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
So, in order for you to have a point and start a thread, it must be falsely assumed that 100% of New Yorkers are "woke liberals".

So that's enough to write off this moronic thread immediately. Do better.
That's the type of partisan hack and a fool you're dealing with here.
Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

Sorry that life disrupted your plans. Live with it.
The fact that we were unable to stop the virus spread is hardly surprising. We were neither prepared adequately nor is our society ready to adopt modern contact and quarantine measures as in S. Korea or Taiwan. The experts said we were “mitigating” and that’s all we were able to do. So far, unless it mutates and becomes worse, we will get through this alright. The lethality rate is apparently not nearly as high as feared. This is great. A lot of jobs should reopen gradually and carefully as long as hospitals are not overwhelmed, but some things will never recover fully, and the way we work and play may ultimately have to change profoundly. No easy answers anywhere.

For retired people in Florida, the hot summer brings no desire to go outdoors. Quite the opposite. Old folks here will not return to restaurants and cruises and take planes and visit grandkids anytime soon. You can’t force them. Even frightened workers or business people will be hesitant if they are afraid of getting sick or being sued. We have suffered a serious blow to our economy, and the poorest workers and specific industries are likely to suffer the most, as unemployment will probably remain high for years. There is a real danger of new potentially much worse epidemics in the future, as we were warned repeatedly in the last decade.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

No. I don't subscribe to arbitrary rule by totalitarians with outside agendas.
The "outside agenda" is only in your imagination. This hurts everyone, not just conservatives. The rules were developed by epidemiologists who spend their careers figuring out how these damned plagues spread and behave. I would rather follow their advice than some bored, impatient widget maker who wants to get out and have some fun. WE ALL DO.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This is not a partisan issue. It is a national issue and it's about damned time that you folks started acting like Americans.

Wear your damn mask and leave everyone else alone you dimwit.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
Between the Payroll Protection Program and amped up unemployment, many of those people's jobs have been saved. They will be called back soon. I know people who have been called back already. Before that PPP thing, employers were "laying off" employees so they could collect, agreeing that they would be ready to return when they were allowed to reopen.

It is ridiculous to say the Dems are behind this. This hurts EVERYONE.
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
Between the Payroll Protection Program and amped up unemployment, many of those people's jobs have been saved. They will be called back soon. I know people who have been called back already. Before that PPP thing, employers were "laying off" employees so they could collect, agreeing that they would be ready to return when they were allowed to reopen.

It is ridiculous to say the Dems are behind this. This hurts EVERYONE.

Those jobs haven't been saved.........we may be facing a Great Depression........and those businesses will not survive no matter how fast they bring their empolyees back....
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
Between the Payroll Protection Program and amped up unemployment, many of those people's jobs have been saved. They will be called back soon. I know people who have been called back already. Before that PPP thing, employers were "laying off" employees so they could collect, agreeing that they would be ready to return when they were allowed to reopen.

It is ridiculous to say the Dems are behind this. This hurts EVERYONE.
Those jobs may not be saved. The business loans were for rehiring at least 75% of workers which is impossible when a business can only open at 50% capacity.
The terms on those loans expire soon with the business possibly owing the loan instead of forgiveness as they couldn't meet the terms of a full staff. Those terms were 8 weeks to rehire.
Neither do you address the addition of national debt and printing of more dollars which will only devalue our currency and credit.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.
Its not the law, its overreacting government edicts. For proof just look how every court is striking the various forms of this shit down.
The pandemic will continue to thrive, benefiting from the ignorance and stupidity of far too many Americans.

The pandemic will continue to thrive no matter how many of you hide under bed because there is no vaccine and no cure. Most people appear to be contracting it at home while sheltering in place. So much for that idea

Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

You "live with it". The rest of us will enjoy living our lives, freely and as close as possible to those tenets of liberty as illustrated by our forefathers in both the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, respectively. God gave us these rights so many of us Americans now more than ever before take for granted. No man or woman shall impinge on them without consequence. Remember that.

Why is it that your kind so badly need this virus to be as terrible as possible, last as long as it can? Do you pray for Armageddon? Does your "paradise" truly resemble a eunuch's tale of impotence at the end of the world?
The people of the very left wing New York have apparently decided the draconian government that they keep voting in isn't in charge anymore. Why aren't these woke individuals social distancing? Why do they want 80 year old Aunt Tilly to die? Will The Atlantic write an article about how New Yorkers are experimenting with human sacrifice? You only have control over millions as long as they let you have control.

I don't even think this is quarantine fatigue.

I think that people were only fine with the lock down, provided it wasn't nice to go outside.

How many would have bet that if this entire deal had started in June, that not a single person would have forgone going to the beach at all?

Based on what I've seen, people never cared about the quarantine.

Even the first week of the "lock down", I saw kids riding together, having BBQs and parties. I saw people jogging and going to the park. The only thing that changed was the weather.

When this started it was cold. Now it's warm. People are going out. They are not going to stay isolated. It's that simple.
My favorite gas/convenience store/lunch counter just reopened. No eat in dining yet but they're as busy as they ever were, which before they closed at the beginning of April, was not the case. No one was going out at all then and they couldn't afford to stay open for the thin trickle of customers.

The reason I mention them is the big sign in the front door:

We are NOT out of the woods yet and we're never going to get there if people don't behave reasonably.

People have behaved more than reasonably and the "experts," have lied to them over and over again, and the democrat party politicians are exploiting the Chinese Flu to attack Trump......allowing 36 million people to lose their jobs and crush the dreams and future of all the children in those families......
Between the Payroll Protection Program and amped up unemployment, many of those people's jobs have been saved. They will be called back soon. I know people who have been called back already. Before that PPP thing, employers were "laying off" employees so they could collect, agreeing that they would be ready to return when they were allowed to reopen.

It is ridiculous to say the Dems are behind this. This hurts EVERYONE.
Those jobs may not be saved. The business loans were for rehiring at least 75% of workers which is impossible when a business can only open at 50% capacity.
The terms on those loans expire soon with the business possibly owing the loan instead of forgiveness as they couldn't meet the terms of a full staff. Those terms were 8 weeks to rehire.
Neither do you address the addition of national debt and printing of more dollars which will only devalue our currency and credit.
Here in KC the businesses were limited to 10% capacity!
And that includes staff lol

So to meet t
Following the law is not "hiding under the bed." So sorry it disrupts your plans. LIVE WITH IT.

Sorry that life disrupted your plans. Live with it.
Old lady loves to tout the government loans that can turn into grants if you rehire your staff. But that FEDERAL plan conflicts with many LOCAL plans.

For instance here in KC businesses are allowed to reopen but with only 10% occupancy capacity and that includes staff. So if you rehire everyone you can't allow any customers in the store if you are a small establishment.

Yet again the federal governments one size fits all bullshit proves to be ineffective

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