People need to protect themselves…

Sorry but it looks like we're heading into the wild west again.

Have you seen the new line of Kevlar Vests and leggings we sell? Let me send you a catalog........

As usual, the bed wetter perception of reality is based on fantasies they've been programmed to believe.

"The wild west" was not portrayed accurately in TV or by your social justice 101 indoctrination agent.

You are much more likely to be shot, robbed, or raped in Chicago than Peshawar.

Yes, but why would a Kevlar salesman tell a potential customer that?

Perhaps I could interest you in an over sized Kevlar Jock Strap for you to wear on your head?
Then you are an idiot that lives in an imaginary world. Let's us know when you return to reality. Clean up your liberal slums, and lock up the violent offenders. Clinton undstood the super-predators.



The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting

Yep, gonna strap up while playing softball.

Utterly retarded idea.
If all the people had weapons at hand, this Bernie Sanders fan would have been put down long before he fired a hundred rounds. We know who the retarded ones are. They are the ones that want innocent people to have no way to defend themselves against you nut jobs.
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.
Your irrational fear

That would be you if you feel the need to carry a weapon. :itsok:

The police have made it clear they cannot protect the citizens. For the most part, police come into play after the violence is over. No one says you have to carry. The legal gun owners are not the problem. The problems stem from Democrat utopian centers. Since you have failed to disarm the criminals, we have little choice except to defend ourselves. I have been mugged twice and suffered two home invasions, once while my entire family was home. Your fear does not trump my right to be prepared to deal with violent criminals.
we have little choice except to defend ourselves.

From whom?
Says the moron who doesn't feel safe without being armed. :laugh2:

How can an unarmed person feel safe with godless, soulless, mindless sociopaths like you running around shooting at people in public parks?

Bed wetters like you are terrified the public will resist you. That is where all of the fear actually is in this issue. Everyone else is acting out of self preservation, you are just parroting insipid regressive drivel.

^What does this even mean?

It reads like the ravings of a lunatic.
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.
Your irrational fear

That would be you if you feel the need to carry a weapon. :itsok:

The police have made it clear they cannot protect the citizens. For the most part, police come into play after the violence is over. No one says you have to carry. The legal gun owners are not the problem. The problems stem from Democrat utopian centers. Since you have failed to disarm the criminals, we have little choice except to defend ourselves. I have been mugged twice and suffered two home invasions, once while my entire family was home. Your fear does not trump my right to be prepared to deal with violent criminals.
we have little choice except to defend ourselves.

From whom?
Today? Apparently, liberal Democrats. Tomorrow? Who knows? Maybe one of the violent illegal felons Obama released.
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.

Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. Your fear puts normal sane people at risk and you don't have the right to do that.

I own guns but they don't own me. Unlike you, I'm not terrified to leave the house without a gun to hold onto.

At the very least, concealing a weapon on your person should be a felony. That would make it possible for normal people to get as far away from you as possible.

Next, we force you take necessary measures to protect children from your irrational fears.

Sent from my iPad using
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
we need to stop blaming guns however and blame people.

Got it. Unless of course those guns were part of Fast and Furious ATF debacle. Then it's not the people who shot the's Obama and Holder! Right?
I still have no idea why they believed it was a good idea to send weapons to drug cartels.

Are those weapons any different? They still take people to shoot them, right?
Yes, Obama, Clinton and Holder sent weapons to people they knew would use them to murder people.

To drum up support for their long awaited gun ban?
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
OK, no one saying that you have to have a firearm. But you have absolutely no right to tell other people that they don't have a right to carry a firearm.
A progressive tried to kill GOP congressmen today… A progressive remember that.
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
we need to stop blaming guns however and blame people.

Got it. Unless of course those guns were part of Fast and Furious ATF debacle. Then it's not the people who shot the's Obama and Holder! Right?
great. now how does that tie into day in and day out shootings of our politicians?

we can keep the anger doing all our lives if we choose, but that is your choice. i'm not going there.
OK, no one saying that you have to have a firearm. But you have absolutely no right to tell other people that they don't have a right to carry a firearm.
A progressive tried to kill GOP congressmen today… A progressive remember that.
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
You do realize he already had the firearm? Back to your safe space snowflake
He sure as hell didn't shoot like he'd had it long. Lot of funny jokes going around today about what a bad shot he was. LOL
Thank God there was someone there to shoot back and provided cover fire. Under your plan, they would have been slaughtered.
No, under my plan the shooter wouldn't be a shooter because he wouldn't have one.
understand the sentiment, but it's not a realistic scenario, is it?
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.

Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. Your fear puts normal sane people at risk and you don't have the right to do that.

I own guns but they don't own me. Unlike you, I'm not terrified to leave the house without a gun to hold onto.

At the very least, concealing a weapon on your person should be a felony. That would make it possible for normal people to get as far away from you as possible.

Next, we force you take necessary measures to protect children from your irrational fears.

Sent from my iPad using
What right are you referring to? Why should it be a felony to carry a weapon for self defense? Your fear of legal gun ownership borders on insanity.
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.
Your irrational fear

That would be you if you feel the need to carry a weapon. :itsok:

The police have made it clear they cannot protect the citizens. For the most part, police come into play after the violence is over. No one says you have to carry. The legal gun owners are not the problem. The problems stem from Democrat utopian centers. Since you have failed to disarm the criminals, we have little choice except to defend ourselves. I have been mugged twice and suffered two home invasions, once while my entire family was home. Your fear does not trump my right to be prepared to deal with violent criminals.
The shooter today didn't come from a "Democrat utopian center." He was white, self-employed, never a whisper that he might be dangerous, according to his family.
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
OK, no one saying that you have to have a firearm. But you have absolutely no right to tell other people that they don't have a right to carry a firearm.
A progressive tried to kill GOP congressmen today… A progressive remember that.
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
we need to stop blaming guns however and blame people.

Got it. Unless of course those guns were part of Fast and Furious ATF debacle. Then it's not the people who shot the's Obama and Holder! Right?
great. now how does that tie into day in and day out shootings of our politicians?

we can keep the anger doing all our lives if we choose, but that is your choice. i'm not going there.
"Day in and day out shootings of our politicians" ????
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
You do realize he already had the firearm? Back to your safe space snowflake
He sure as hell didn't shoot like he'd had it long. Lot of funny jokes going around today about what a bad shot he was. LOL
Thank God there was someone there to shoot back and provided cover fire. Under your plan, they would have been slaughtered.
No, under my plan the shooter wouldn't be a shooter because he wouldn't have one.
understand the sentiment, but it's not a realistic scenario, is it?
It works in England. Australia. Just about everywhere but here. Realistic scenario in America? I don't know.
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
OK, no one saying that you have to have a firearm. But you have absolutely no right to tell other people that they don't have a right to carry a firearm.
A progressive tried to kill GOP congressmen today… A progressive remember that.
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
we need to stop blaming guns however and blame people.

Got it. Unless of course those guns were part of Fast and Furious ATF debacle. Then it's not the people who shot the's Obama and Holder! Right?
great. now how does that tie into day in and day out shootings of our politicians?

we can keep the anger doing all our lives if we choose, but that is your choice. i'm not going there.

I've been told by many on the right that those guns are different and when they are used by bad people it's the Obama Administration who is to blame. Not the people firing the weapon.

I choose amusement over anger whenever possible. I'm very amused by the Great Pussy Grabber we elected.

And now, back to the show.

Custom Bulletproof Clothing and body armor
This shooting is an excellent marketing opportunity for the gun retailers and manufacturers of America.

They were hoping to continue their mad eight year selling streak into a sixteen year streak under a Clinton presidency. OBAMAZ HILLAREEZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ! BUY MOAR!
The best thing there is for a safe American public is for law-abiding people to protect themselves…

Barry Loudermilk wants concealed carry for lawmakers in DC after Scalise shooting
I don't want a fucking gun. I don't like them. I have a right to be safe, as well, and I'm not going to be with every Tom, Dick and Harry walking around with a handgun in his pocket.
No way. A safe American public is an unarmed American public. This is not Tombstone, for Chrissakes. Just STOP.
Tough shit. Your irrational fear does not trump our rights. If you want to be a victim, fine, be a victim, but stop telling us we have to be victims because of your fear.
Your irrational fear

That would be you if you feel the need to carry a weapon. :itsok:

The police have made it clear they cannot protect the citizens. For the most part, police come into play after the violence is over. No one says you have to carry. The legal gun owners are not the problem. The problems stem from Democrat utopian centers. Since you have failed to disarm the criminals, we have little choice except to defend ourselves. I have been mugged twice and suffered two home invasions, once while my entire family was home. Your fear does not trump my right to be prepared to deal with violent criminals.
The shooter today didn't come from a "Democrat utopian center." He was white, self-employed, never a whisper that he might be dangerous, according to his family.
OK, no one saying that you have to have a firearm. But you have absolutely no right to tell other people that they don't have a right to carry a firearm.
A progressive tried to kill GOP congressmen today… A progressive remember that.
EXACTLY! If he couldn't just bop over to Dicks and buy one, no one would have gunshot wounds this afternoon.
we need to stop blaming guns however and blame people.

Got it. Unless of course those guns were part of Fast and Furious ATF debacle. Then it's not the people who shot the's Obama and Holder! Right?
great. now how does that tie into day in and day out shootings of our politicians?

we can keep the anger doing all our lives if we choose, but that is your choice. i'm not going there.
"Day in and day out shootings of our politicians" ????
There was every indication he was dangerous. He had two other gun related incidents, assault charges, and DWI's. Clearly unstable.

Congressional Shooter Recently Wrote, "It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co."
Look, man. This was just an NRA guy casting his vote with his gun. God bless America!
You do realize he already had the firearm? Back to your safe space snowflake
He sure as hell didn't shoot like he'd had it long. Lot of funny jokes going around today about what a bad shot he was. LOL
Thank God there was someone there to shoot back and provided cover fire. Under your plan, they would have been slaughtered.
No, under my plan the shooter wouldn't be a shooter because he wouldn't have one.
understand the sentiment, but it's not a realistic scenario, is it?
It works in England. Australia. Just about everywhere but here. Realistic scenario in America? I don't know.
It failed last week in England. The cops ran away.

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