People of Kansas defeated!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction
what a a shame

we'll never be able to repeal the second amendment now

The Federal Congress will eventually do that. For it is the Federal government that continuously takes power away from the people as where the Article V movement seeks to restrict the powers of the Federal Congress, with such things as term limits for Congressmen and a balanced budged amendment of some kind.

No, the Article V movement is merely putting the Constitution into practice. The Founding Fathers knew that at some point the Federal government would become too big and powerful, so the Article V amendment was born.

Not using the Article V movement would be ignoring the Constitution, something those at the Federal level are akin to doing.

It is up to us to put it into practice.
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Hope the sheep get off their asses.I know some people in kc who will do that.just hope they can get more to follow them.
Hope the sheep get off their asses.I know some people in kc who will do that.just hope they can get more to follow them.

Will people even run that support the Article V movement?
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

you're not very bright, are you?
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

you're not very bright, are you?

I have trouble.

I have trouble seeing how the economy can continue to grow without trillion dollar deficits every year. I'm also not bright enough to understand how seemingly limitless debt is viable and will not end in fiscal disaster.

I also am not bright enough to understand what a fine job our career politicians in Washington are doing,, then again, with an approval rating of around 15% for the last couple of decades, not many people understand it either.

In fact, about 80% of American support both a balanced budget amendment of some sort and term limits. It appears that the vast majority of Americans are just plum stupid.

I suggest one of two options for intellectual giants such as yourself. Either end democratic voting or just continue to have representatives ignore the desires of those who voted for them.

How did you get to be so smart? Now answer the question, don't stick you head back in the sand.
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

you're not very bright, are you?

I have trouble.

I have trouble seeing how the economy can continue to grow without trillion dollar deficits every year. I'm also not bright enough to understand how seemingly limitless debt is viable and will not end in fiscal disaster.

I also am not bright enough to understand what a fine job our career politicians in Washington are doing,, then again, with an approval rating of around 15% for the last couple of decades, not many people understand it either.

In fact, about 80% of American support both a balanced budget amendment of some sort and term limits. It appears that the vast majority of Americans are just plum stupid.

I suggest one of two options for intellectual giants such as yourself. Either end democratic voting or just continue to have representatives ignore the desires of the voters.

good for you

admitting you have the problem is the first step :thup:

and yes, the vast majority of americans, like you, are too stupid to pour piss out of a boot
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

you're not very bright, are you?

I have trouble.

I have trouble seeing how the economy can continue to grow without trillion dollar deficits every year. I'm also not bright enough to understand how seemingly limitless debt is viable and will not end in fiscal disaster.

I also am not bright enough to understand what a fine job our career politicians in Washington are doing,, then again, with an approval rating of around 15% for the last couple of decades, not many people understand it either.

In fact, about 80% of American support both a balanced budget amendment of some sort and term limits. It appears that the vast majority of Americans are just plum stupid.

I suggest one of two options for intellectual giants such as yourself. Either end democratic voting or just continue to have representatives ignore the desires of the voters.

good for you

admitting you have the problem is the first step :thup:

and yes, the vast majority of americans, like you, are too stupid to pour piss out of a boot

So what should be done? End voting or just continue to lie to voters and do the exact opposite of what they want?
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

I realize you are probably only 12 and do not have much life experience, but the country is a very different place today that it was at the turn of the 20th century.

I would have found the prospect less scary 30 years ago than I do today, as we as a country have become more divided and more selfish than ever before. Compromise with the "other party" is now seen as a weakness and a cause of ridicule. Our entire system of government was created to force compromise and working together. That is now no longer a part of our society, now it's only about the WIIFM.

Today people such as yourself put party before country, and that is not the way it once was.

That is why it is a scary prospect.
A vote went before the state legislature on the Article V movement and was defeated.

This was despite 67% of voters who are for the legislation.

This breaks down to 77% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats in favor of the legislation, yet the lawmakers rejected it.

For those who don't know, this movement is a movement to amend the Constitution devoid of interference from the Federal Congress which has had a abysmal approval rating of around 15% for decades.

IF Americans want the freak show to stop at the Federal level, with unlimited debt and career politicians, this is the only way to stop it.

Watch the video and it lists the government officials you need to either lobby or vote out of office.


The Daily Ledger: Minority in Kansas Senate blocks Convention of States - COSAction

It is a scary prospect, the thought of the people of today messing with the Constitution.

Our founding fathers were reasonable men that were willing to compromise and to put the needs of others ahead of their own. None of those traits are prevalent in our society today. Once Pandora's box is open, there is no shutting it.

I see, so it was not a scary prospect for Progressives to mess with Constitution in the Federal government at the turn of the 20th century, but it is for states to do it today.

Understood. Thanks so much once again.

Look everyone, another Swamp creature out running around during daylight hours.

I realize you are probably only 12 and do not have much life experience, but the country is a very different place today that it was at the turn of the 20th century.

I would have found the prospect less scary 30 years ago than I do today, as we as a country have become more divided and more selfish than ever before. Compromise with the "other party" is now seen as a weakness and a cause of ridicule. Our entire system of government was created to force compromise and working together. That is now no longer a part of our society, now it's only about the WIIFM.

Today people such as yourself put party before country, and that is not the way it once was.

That is why it is a scary prospect.

What are you babbling about? Did I even mention anything about a party?


What I did mention was that Progressives (from both parties) amended the Constitution at the turn of the 20th century that changed the country and put it on a trajectory for where we are today. They created a Federal Income tax, something that SCOTUS had struck down a decade before as being Unconstitutional, so they just added it. Then they created their own bank, something that the Founders were very wary of.

These two measures empowered the Federal government by leaps and bounds.

The Founders fought over whether the Federal government was too strong in the signing of the Constitution, which is why they added Article V. The Progressives, however, thought that the Federal government was not powerful enough.

Obviously, you love the current system. Oddly, you also seem to disdain it at the same time.

Then again, no one in their right mind likes where Progressives have taken us, do they?
For those interested, here is a site that covers the Article V movement.

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