People Of Reason Know, The Big Orange Head Is Obligated To Big Oil

'People Of Reason Know, The Big Orange Head Is Obligated To Big Oil'

In the immortal words of Barak Obama, paraphrasing, "If you want something else / change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS!'

1,000+ and counting...back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses...

Americans rejected the globalist ideology, the Global Warming Scam, and dependence on terrorist nations who hate us for our energy.

Snowflakes / Dems offer us all of this...and 'hate'...

Again, want America back under the thumb of self-appointed rulers? Win some elections, snowflake.

(*Notice I said 'Win', not 'RIG' or 'STEAL'...)
It is no secret that Republican politicians know climate change is a fact. But they also know their voter base consists of complete idiots who will believe anything anyone with an (R) after their name tells them.

Understanding this, and knowing the GOP places greed before people and country, makes it easy to see why the Big Orange Head and the other Republicans wanted out of the Paris Climate Accord.

The Big Orange Head boasted of his executive order that allowed coal ash to be dumped in rivers. He claimed it saved jobs, and the stupid conservatives believed him. (That (R) shines in their eyes.)

But, the jobs that have been created (and will be created) in the field of clean and renewable energy far outstrip anything in the dying industry of fossil fuels.

Only the U.S. and Syrian leaders refuse to admit this (Ignorant conservatives will point out Nicaragua also refused, but they will conveniently forget the reason. Nicaragua states the agreement does not go far enough to reverse the human causes of climate change).

Withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris agreement is just another (in a long, long list) of failures in leadership by the Big Orange Head that embarrass the American people.

In the article at the following link, Newsweek predicts this will be the Big Orange Head's downfall. Hopefully, they are correct.

Donald Trump’s Exit From Paris Climate Deal Seals his Downfall


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Since you called the President Of The United States Of America a Big Orange Head, that leads me to believe you are a young child, maybe a 1st or 2nd grader, when they think they are so cute making up silly names. Don't hold your breath that this is President Trump's downfall, he's correct on this, and many of us are applauding him.

Oh idk, I call Obungles, Ears.

Maybe I should use President Ears?
Do whatever makes you happy.

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