Zone1 People Who Call Themselves Christian in Rapid Decline

You have no idea what the Bible says you should do
Love thy neighbor... If you should accidentally pick up the Bible one day; you'll see that passage in there.

If you're a couldn't say this:

I hate ANYONE who crosses our border illegally,

So again...what religion are you because it's not a Christian faith.

Your words; not mine. Don't get mad at me.
Funny how Christians let you worship as you please.
No, you wouldn’t if we didn’t have a Constitution.

In fact, you told me to move to North Korea, so it is clear you are against anyone that does not subscribe to your mindset and you believe you can dictate what people should say and think.

Oh, also in some African Nations, there are Christian Nations that would kill people that are different but you know this and don’t care.
No, you wouldn’t if we didn’t have a Constitution.

In fact, you told me to move to North Korea, so it is clear you are against anyone that does not subscribe to your mindset and you believe you can dictate what people should say and think.

Oh, also in some African Nations, there are Christian Nations that would kill people that are different but you know this and don’t care.
Constitution was written by people who believed Jesus was the son of God.

I’m against hypocrisy of you God haters living in luxury because of Christianity and refusing to move to your Godless shitholes.
Constitution was written by people who believed Jesus was the son of God.

I’m against hypocrisy of you God haters living in luxury because of Christianity and refusing to move to your Godless shitholes.
You have no say and you should look up when God was added to the money and so on because your delusion of what our Founding Fathers wanted is very scary on your part!

In the end, you have just started you are for a Nation that only allows Christianity, so you are no different than the Taliban and in fact, I believe the Taliban would be more tolerant than you and they are not tolerant at all.
No such a thing as evil in atheism. Mere opinions individuals fabricate.
Evil exists in all walks of life and they way you write you know a great deal of it!

So attempt to change the Constitution and see if you get your Utopia.

My bet is you will fail because most young adults realize Christianity is filled with hypocrisy and let us remember sexual abuse, abuse against women and hate for all those that do not follow your deity!
You have no say and you should look up when God was added to the money and so on because your delusion of what our Founding Fathers wanted is very scary on your part!

In the end, you have just started you are for a Nation that only allows Christianity, so you are no different than the Taliban and in fact, I believe the Taliban would be more tolerant than you and they are not tolerant at all.
So I guess your ignorant as to who wrote the US Constitution.

Stop being a hypocrite. Flee this Christian made hell hole while you can. North Korea needs you.
Evil exists in all walks of life and they way you write you know a great deal of it!

So attempt to change the Constitution and see if you get your Utopia.

My bet is you will fail because most young adults realize Christianity is filled with hypocrisy and let us remember sexual abuse, abuse against women and hate for all those that do not follow your deity!
Evil is a manmade construct and defined by each individual.
Stop being a hypocrite and hijacking Judeo Christian values.
Constitution was written by people who believed Jesus was the son of God.

no more so than anyone else ... they prevented christianity from being included in the u s gov't knowing better than the atrocities that would entail. weman2020.
It's a sign of the Prophetic times:

2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”

The falling away from the Church MUST occur before the end. But the fact that it's happening now is a sign that we're near Christ's return.
Paul wasn't talking to us in the 21st century. He was talking to Thessalonian converts in the first century. The apostacy occurred in the first century.

It's necessary from time to time to prune the dead branches from Christ's tree:

John 15:6, “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”
Slaughter of the Satan - the Pharisees and scribes (or, IMO, specifically, the Zealots) - was a common occurrence in the parables:

But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me. (Lk 19:27)​

Back then, the fire that they burned in was literal.
Paul wasn't talking to us in the 21st century. He was talking to Thessalonian converts in the first century. The apostacy occurred in the first century.

Slaughter of the Satan - the Pharisees and scribes (or, IMO, specifically, the Zealots) - was a common occurrence in the parables:

But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me. (Lk 19:27)​

Back then, the fire that they burned in was literal.
The truths of the Bible are timeless in most cases. But the Bible is clear that there will be an end of the earth as we know it. There are many prophecies pointing toward the future cleansing of the current mess we call "the world" and the return of Christ.

Matthew chapters 13 and 24 and the book of Revelation speak of a future Tribulation and the manner by which God will deal with evil men (and women).
You have no say and you should look up when God was added to the money and so on because your delusion of what our Founding Fathers wanted is very scary on your part
You should READ the Declaration of Independence in its entirety.

It clearly states in numerous ways that King George was an "Antichrist " if not The Antichrist in ye Olde English.
It was worded according to Black's Law Dictionary. And it names God several times.

So either our rights come from God or they come from a bunch of Olde dead guys. And those Olde dead guys would be starting a revolution upon you.

Faith in God is the keystone or the thread that holds our system of laws together. Once upon a time Atheism was outright illegal in America in most states.
Today we have become rather tolerant of Godless heathens...we let you live. But just because we don't execute you for being a Godless heathen do not think that the liberty we afford you will allow you to take over and rule.
But the Bible is clear that there will be an end of the earth as we know it.

the crucifiers were thinking of themselves, not what jesus taught the possibility of triumph pleasing to the heavens by all those remaining as the way the final judgement is meant to be resolved -

never the salvation of just a few - prophecies of the desert documents.
the crucifiers were thinking of themselves, not what jesus taught the possibility of triumph pleasing to the heavens by all those remaining as the way the final judgement is meant to be resolved -

never the salvation of just a few - prophecies of the desert documents.
I'm not sure when, where, or why you lost your ability to discern what the Bible teaches but you're so far off the mark that I don't believe a conversation with you would be fruitful. I kick the dust from my shoes.

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