People with criminal records can own guns

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
My understanding is that in the UK you dont need to be convicted to be refused a license.If the police have a doubt over you then that is the end of it.

Did the guy who shot this guy get permission from the cops for the handgun he used to shoot the guy in the car?

Moment driver jumps red light to get shot passenger to hospital

This is the moment the driver of a Volkswagen Golf sped through a red light after his passenger was fatally shot in the head by a motorbike gunman in south-east London.

Dashcam footage released by police shows the car racing through traffic lights after Tino Makwanya, 24, was shot in the head by a pillion passenger riding on a motorbike in Croydon.

Scotland Yard said shots were fired after the motorbike pulled up alongside the car on the A232 Croydon flyover at the junction with Park Lane.

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
Hey asshole, he was obviously mentally unstable. And assholes like you gauranteed he and people like him, can continue to buy guns.
Really ? I cant believe that nutters are allowed to own guns. They shouldnt be allowed to own scissors .

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
My understanding is that in the UK you dont need to be convicted to be refused a license.If the police have a doubt over you then that is the end of it.
Good thing the cops aren't racist.

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
Hey asshole, he was obviously mentally unstable. And assholes like you gauranteed he and people like him, can continue to buy guns.
Really ? I cant believe that nutters are allowed to own guns. They shouldnt be allowed to own scissors .

The dangerously mentally ill can't own guns....but insomnia isn't a mental illness...

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
My understanding is that in the UK you dont need to be convicted to be refused a license.If the police have a doubt over you then that is the end of it.

Then tell that to the criminals who raised your gun crime rate 42% in Britain last year....and across Britain..especially Liverpool.....
By the way, here's how utterly whacked out loopy that waste of a country is: The British are allowed to disapprove of rising gun violence. And they are allowed to blame the violence on the rising number of guns (or knives, presumably). But they are not allowed to blame the rising violence on the rising numbers of non-whites pouring into the country, even though, everyone, down to the merest tot, knows that that is exactly the reason crime is rising. If they catch opining the truth, you can be put in jail! Like pathetic little children.

Here is the last man in England

(and he lives in Germany)

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
Hey asshole, he was obviously mentally unstable. And assholes like you gauranteed he and people like him, can continue to buy guns.
Really ? I cant believe that nutters are allowed to own guns. They shouldnt be allowed to own scissors .

The dangerously mentally ill can't own guns....but insomnia isn't a mental illness...
Well I hate to shock you kid but the facts dont support your assertion.

Is this bollox ?

Surely a conviction for any crime of violence should not be able to own guns ?

I mean,thats a basic surely ?

He was not convicted......that is the key. it has also been suggested that he was active in democrat politics in the county where he lived....and that got him out of the is like little Chicago in that county....
Hey asshole, he was obviously mentally unstable. And assholes like you gauranteed he and people like him, can continue to buy guns.
Really ? I cant believe that nutters are allowed to own guns. They shouldnt be allowed to own scissors .

The dangerously mentally ill can't own guns....but insomnia isn't a mental illness...
Well I hate to shock you kid but the facts dont support your assertion.

You actually have to be diagnosed dangerously mentally ill just can't have some government bureaucrat make that call...unlike you we still have some Rights left......
Under current federal law, people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence are only barred from owning guns if they are married to, have children with, or live with their victims. Dating partners who don’t meet any of these criteria are left out of the law entirely, and there are only ten states that have laws closing the loophole allowing a man convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to buy and own as many guns as he’d like because of a technicality about his relationship.

No, I have read it. It looks like you can beat up your wife and keep your guns.

Which is why we say you're a moron. If you have a wife, then you are married. If your wife is your victim then you aren't allowed to have a gun.

Are you really this stupid?
Under current federal law, people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence are only barred from owning guns if they are married to, have children with, or live with their victims. Dating partners who don’t meet any of these criteria are left out of the law entirely, and there are only ten states that have laws closing the loophole allowing a man convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to buy and own as many guns as he’d like because of a technicality about his relationship.

No, I have read it. It looks like you can beat up your wife and keep your guns.
So what?
Why do you care? You live an ocean away so I don't see how our local laws could possibly affect you.
Under current federal law, people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence are only barred from owning guns if they are married to, have children with, or live with their victims. Dating partners who don’t meet any of these criteria are left out of the law entirely, and there are only ten states that have laws closing the loophole allowing a man convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to buy and own as many guns as he’d like because of a technicality about his relationship.

No, I have read it. It looks like you can beat up your wife and keep your guns.

Was there a conviction?

No there wasn't

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