Pepper Spraying Lockdown and Maskless Offenders Should Be Legal Self-Defense

You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?
I think people should start doing that so the 2A-ers can get some target practice while they're locked out of their ranges.


ETA: Ignore what Ringel says. He's a party-pooper.
Well, generally speaking, LEO's are poorly informed about laws and low IQ individuals.

Maybe but he's right in this case. I started typing up something similar before he posted.

But still, I'll send a go-pro so you can live stream this Spray For The Cause campaign if you'd like. We can get an over/under going on how many Justice Sprays can be dispensed before that goes to shit and there is a counter-attack, because at that point you have physically assaulted them and they are within their bounds to take whatever steps possible to stop you.

Really, not a good idea.
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Some bears run away when pepper sprayed, others eat the can.....last
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
as long as shooting back is also legal,,,
Shooting back would not be legal. You would be instigating the situation by ignoring a mandatory order during a declared emergency and guilty of making or attempting to make a deadly assault by potentially infecting me and my family. Of course, if circumstances and time allowed, I would be obligated to warn you to stay away as I displayed and pointed the pepper spray and gun at you.
there can be no law made that requires me to do something,,,not in a free country such as ours,,,
you put your own life in danger everytime you walk out of your house,,,so dont blame someone else for your mistakes,,,
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?

I have.

It's something I would never, ever want to have to do again.

But I absolutely would...
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?
No but I pulled my gun on a town detective banging on my front door at 1 in the morning. Told him that if he came in he was dead.

He left, with the two uniformed cops he brought with him
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?

Came close in a home invasion situation.
When they saw the shotgun barrel come across the door frame they skedaddled and jumped into their supposedly "brokedown car" and hauled ass.
They wanted to come in and use the phone but I called for the Wife to bring me the cordless and noticed one was holding a cell phone. There was four of them.
At that point they knew they were busted and the one in back started to rush the door,right up until he saw the sawed off 870 come around the corner.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.
If you have to Camp, use the gel mace as it sticks!
And don't ever say that I never gave you good advice, dickweed.
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
So, if there is a mandatory order, and everyone is wearing a mask, you, being a rough and tough internet badass can ignore the order and infect anyone and everyone you want and nobody better mess with Mr. Internet Badass?
You can't infect anyone unless you are infected. Assuming that every one is infected makes as much sense as these crazy women who assume every man is a rapist.
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family by when a person approaches you and your loved one not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
Pepper Spray assaulting someone just because they walk past you without a mask on because you think they might have a 1 in 80,000 chance of having a virus which you have a 1 in 300 chance of picking up off of him then a 1 in 5,000 chance of getting sick from then a 1 in 47,000 chance of dying from is like saying you're afraid of going outside because of the 1 in 350,000 chance that lightning will strike out of the clear blue sky and hit you, or you won't have kids because of the 1 in 500,000 chance it might be born with a birth defect.

Do yourself a favor and just stay inside because if you spray someone, I hope they ram that bottle down your throat then sue the living bejesesus out of you.
I'd rather they just shoot him in the face.

What a douchebag
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?

Came close in a home invasion situation.
When they saw the shotgun barrel come across the door frame they skedaddled and jumped into their supposedly "brokedown car" and hauled ass.
They wanted to come in and use the phone but I called for the Wife to bring me the cordless and noticed one was holding a cell phone. There was four of them.
At that point they knew they were busted and the one in back started to rush the door,right up until he saw the sawed off 870 come around the corner.
Nothing says get your dumb ass outta here fast like a 12 gauge pump. I use the pump because the sound effect usually does the job. Nothin else sounds like racking a round with a pump shotgun.
How about tazing?

Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
You're a fucking crackpot! For one thing do you have a magic ability to know who is infected with the corona virus and not when you commence your pepper spray assault? What a stupid authoritarian prick you are!
I wouldn't wish the Chinese virus on anyone. But if you happen to get infected....oh well.
Shit happens!

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