Pepper Spraying Lockdown and Maskless Offenders Should Be Legal Self-Defense

I know.. Forgot the "rolleyes" smiley... LOL...

You're right. And since less than 2% of Americans have been infected TOTAL and less than 1% of them RIGHT NOW are any kind of threat -- He's not gonna be able to BUY enough pepper spray to do the job.. Even in TN now -- it's a "controlled substance"....

So much for "non-lethal" self defense huh????
Is that where this violent MENSA member is from? Tennessee?
I'm not going to succumb to regional prejudice but even an inbred hillbilly has to know you don't "defend"
yourself by preemptively assuming everyone you see without any sort of face covering is a threat to you.

Especially given statistics you cited.
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
As the person that approaches you, may or may not actually have COVID-19 and with the odds being "not." You would be found guilty in court of criminal assault and be fined and/or jailed. If one actually pays attention to your actual state statistics reflecting any given state's total population versus the number of actual cases, you are unlikely to encounter or be infected by an individual simply walking by you. If however, the individual is clearly physically ill, it is more sensible to just give them a wide berth. Assaulting them with spray can more likely end you up in an actual physical confrontation, which would increase the likelihood of being infected by the person, even if it's just a mild cold, or the usual seasonal flu.
Couldn't you just scream "stop resisting, stop resisting?
After you are done screaming, will it make you feel better than them, more moral?
COPS use the phrase all the time for getting away with assault and even murder.
I know.. Forgot the "rolleyes" smiley... LOL...

You're right. And since less than 2% of Americans have been infected TOTAL and less than 1% of them RIGHT NOW are any kind of threat -- He's not gonna be able to BUY enough pepper spray to do the job.. Even in TN now -- it's a "controlled substance"....

So much for "non-lethal" self defense huh????
Is that where this violent MENSA member is from? Tennessee?
I'm not going to succumb to regional prejudice but even an inbred hillbilly has to know you don't "defend"
yourself by preemptively assuming everyone you see without any sort of face covering is a threat to you.

Especially given statistics you cited.

Better not pull the hillbilly card on me.. I'm a proud resident of Hillbilly Hollywood here in TN.. Got more Bentleys and Royces and fancy cars than Silicon Valley.. LOL....

But no -- no idea where what state to blame for this OPost... :rolleyes:
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.
Great. Same would hold true of my response. Your biggest mistakes in life are always your last one. Go for it, Boo Boo.
And BOOM, down goes little Billyboom, one less lunatic to deal with......
I've had to breath CS gas several time if someone sprays me with that wimpy pepper spray shit I will stomp a mudhole in their asses.
Pepper spray burns your eyes and forces you to close them or forces you to uncontrollably tear, so either way, you are blinded and no amount of resistance to pain, discomfort, or an inability for full breathing ability prevents a temporary blindness. A person large and strong enough can, however, inflict damage from wildly flailing and swinging if he or she connects while under a temporary blindness. .
Military training they did it to us anyway...........way back when...........eyes water.......runny nose..........could still stomp the living hell out of ya
People have an absolute right to protect themselves from rabid dogs and disease-infested rats. At least disease-infested humans are given an option.
blah blah do that shit someone is going to STOMP YOUR ASS..........
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.
Great. Same would hold true of my response. Your biggest mistakes in life are always your last one. Go for it, Boo Boo.
And BOOM, down goes little Billyboom, one less lunatic to deal with......
Better not pull the hillbilly card on me.. I'm a proud resident of Hillbilly Hollywood here in TN.. Got more Bentleys and Royces and fancy cars than Silicon Valley.. LOL....

But no -- no idea where what state to blame for this OPost...
I didn't realize you were from Tennessee. I thought the pepper spray lunatic was.
This is embarrassing. Anyway maybe it's better not to assign culpability for the actions of a crazy
person based on one's geographic region (except for California and New York, of course).

Nah..not even then, though the likelihood goes way up.
I've had to breath CS gas several time if someone sprays me with that wimpy pepper spray shit I will stomp a mudhole in their asses.
Pepper spray burns your eyes and forces you to close them or forces you to uncontrollably tear, so either way, you are blinded and no amount of resistance to pain, discomfort, or an inability for full breathing ability prevents a temporary blindness. A person large and strong enough can, however, inflict damage from wildly flailing and swinging if he or she connects while under a temporary blindness. .
Military training they did it to us anyway...........way back when...........eyes water.......runny nose..........could still stomp the living hell out of ya
That is why a firearm is needed for a backup. Perhaps a well-sharpened hatchet also.
I've had to breath CS gas several time if someone sprays me with that wimpy pepper spray shit I will stomp a mudhole in their asses.
Pepper spray burns your eyes and forces you to close them or forces you to uncontrollably tear, so either way, you are blinded and no amount of resistance to pain, discomfort, or an inability for full breathing ability prevents a temporary blindness. A person large and strong enough can, however, inflict damage from wildly flailing and swinging if he or she connects while under a temporary blindness. .
Military training they did it to us anyway...........way back when...........eyes water.......runny nose..........could still stomp the living hell out of ya
That is why a firearm is needed for a backup. Perhaps a well-sharpened hatchet also.
Idiots like you would hurt yourself with a sharp object.......

Who let you out of your padded room again anyways...............
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
As the person that approaches you, may or may not actually have COVID-19 and with the odds being "not." You would be found guilty in court of criminal assault and be fined and/or jailed. If one actually pays attention to your actual state statistics reflecting any given state's total population versus the number of actual cases, you are unlikely to encounter or be infected by an individual simply walking by you. If however, the individual is clearly physically ill, it is more sensible to just give them a wide berth. Assaulting them with spray can more likely end you up in an actual physical confrontation, which would increase the likelihood of being infected by the person, even if it's just a mild cold, or the usual seasonal flu.
Couldn't you just scream "stop resisting, stop resisting?
After you are done screaming, will it make you feel better than them, more moral?
COPS use the phrase all the time for getting away with assault and even murder.
With "very rare" exceptions, the vast majority of law enforcement, do their job in a proper manner. As for citizens being assaulted by police, if you cooperate and do as they say, no physical confrontation occurs. Those that get assaulted are the ones that start off by not cooperating with and "mouthing-off" to the police and continue doing so, thus leading to them having to escalate their methods. One just has to watch various videos of the public behaving badly and trying to get away with their behavior with law enforcement and sure enough, you will see things escalate, eventually necessitating the officer(s) to forcibly turn the individual around and cuff them.
They get what they deserve for not cooperating.
I have a bad habit of having a lead-foot when I drive and have been pulled over many times. When they approach the car, I don't do like those in videos, trying to lie their way out of a ticket. As I'm being pulled over, I pull out my registration and as soon as I've come to a full stop, I get out my driver's license and as the officer(s) approach my window, I reach out with the documents. The documents are taken, they write up their ticket and I'm on my way when I get it all back. Later, I mail in my challenge it. I know I'm guilty and am mature enough to accept the penalty. Those you see in videos, aren't mature enough to accept the responsibility of their behavior and as they escalate their denial and refusal to cooperate, they get more trouble heaped on them.
Can we at least use pepper spray on the anti-lockdown/social distance morons protesting and endangering their children and law enforcement officers?

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