Pepper Spraying Lockdown and Maskless Offenders Should Be Legal Self-Defense

You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Have you every shot someone?

Came close in a home invasion situation.
When they saw the shotgun barrel come across the door frame they skedaddled and jumped into their supposedly "brokedown car" and hauled ass.
They wanted to come in and use the phone but I called for the Wife to bring me the cordless and noticed one was holding a cell phone. There was four of them.
At that point they knew they were busted and the one in back started to rush the door,right up until he saw the sawed off 870 come around the corner.
Nothing says get your dumb ass outta here fast like a 12 gauge pump. I use the pump because the sound effect usually does the job. Nothin else sounds like racking a round with a pump shotgun.

I get a hard-on just hearing it!
Welcome to my world of the past few years thanks to shortsighted and drug addicted legislators decriminalizing pot. Pot smokers have been poisoning my breathing air with a green light. I have to keep a mask with me and a can of Raid now that gassing people is legal. Perfectly appropriate that pot fascists celebrate gassing people on April 20. That’s Hitler’s birthday.
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family by when a person approaches you and your loved one not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
Go right ahead, I'll be a witness for the prosecution when they charge you with assault and battery. Even worse if the person you pepper spray results in an anaphylactic reaction resulting in death........ That's not to mention the civil law suits you'd be subject to. :thup:
Wouldn't the person being pepper-sprayed and or shot be deemed a physical deadly threat?
Let's put it this way. If you are walking down the city street and someone approaches you asking for directions to the library, you don't have the right to pepper spray them because they MIGHT have been carrying a gun and ready to shoot you. Same thing here. Someone not wearing a mask is not automatically a deadly threat. Only if you know they are infected and they deliberately tried to infect you would you have a case for self defense.
You Liberals just love pepper spraying fellow citizens in the face don't you?
People use pepper spray every day.
Whats the problem?
Spray me and find out. I dare you.
Without hesitation.

You're pretty tough with your pepper spray.... :auiqs.jpg:
So how tough are you with several .45 rounds in your chest?
You Trumpoholics are delusional and live in fantasy worlds.

Well can make my fantasy come true by spraying me with pepper spray.
Of course you'll end up with so much lead in you your boyfriend can use your dick as a pencil.
Some bears run away when pepper sprayed, others eat the can.....last
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
If you were drowning in a river and a hand approached and told you to grab on would you grab the hand or die if the face attached to the mask was not wearing a mask
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

You obviously hesitated because you were not prepared.
One day you might be a statistic!
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

Okay we'll go with your scenario.
But be prepared to end up dead. You spray me with pepper spray and I'm gonna fill you full of lead.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

You obviously hesitated because you were not prepared.
One day you might be a statistic!

So you are saying that I should have pepper-sprayed him at least? I committed no misconduct. He did. So what should be in store for him?
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

You obviously hesitated because you were not prepared.
One day you might be a statistic!

So you are saying that I should have pepper-sprayed him at least? I committed no misconduct. He did. So what should be in store for him?

You should have maced yourself for committing no misconduct.

What are you, a total maroon! Jeebus!!
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

You obviously hesitated because you were not prepared.
One day you might be a statistic!

So you are saying that I should have pepper-sprayed him at least? I committed no misconduct. He did. So what should be in store for him?

You should have maced yourself for committing no misconduct.

What are you, a total maroon! Jeebus!!

You seem to be trying to exonerate the guilty party here. What's your reason?
[QUOTE="Lysistrata, post: 24477948, member: 66961"You seem to be trying to exonerate the guilty party here. What's your reason?[/QUOTE]

Who's the "guilty party" and what are they guilty of?
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

If you don't take reasonable measures to avoid someone like that, and you shoot them, you're going to prison...
You have it backwards. He approached me. I did not approach him. Moreover, there were signs all over the store that shoppers should keep a six-foot distance from each other.
Should you pepper-spray or shoot somebody who approaches you or your family without a mask and without keeping a six-foot distance? Should I have shot the guy who did this to me last Saturday?

Of course not. You move yourself and family to the side to make distance.
If he or she came at you coughing and spitting at you then yes,feel free to shoot em.

Why should I? He approached us. What ever happened to "stand your ground"? A person doesn't have to be coughing and spitting to be a carrier, and he is the one flouting the rules, posing possible danger to us. He shouldered his way in next to when I had to refrigerator open to choose my purchase, instead of keeping the required distance even though he must have known it. The onus was NOT on me to move, even though I did to get away from him and then the fucker took a long time this me standing there fuming. What would you recommend be done with this pig?

You obviously hesitated because you were not prepared.
One day you might be a statistic!

So you are saying that I should have pepper-sprayed him at least? I committed no misconduct. He did. So what should be in store for him?

Welcome to Ignore-landia for asking me the dumbest F'in question I've ever been asked here at USMB!
No doubt!!
The example I gave in the OP was of a person APPROACHING me and my family in an area where wearing a face mask in public was mandatory. I asked if after giving warning, would I have a right to use pepper spray and a firearm for backup, assuming the maskless person became dangerously aggressive after being pepper-sprayed.
Responses have shown the hypocrisy of "stand your ground" proponents. Rrump is calling for ignoring lockdowns imposed by governors, so Trumpoholics are confused and disoriented, as always.
The example I gave in the OP was of a person APPROACHING me and my family in an area where wearing a face mask in public was mandatory. I asked if after giving warning, would I have a right to use pepper spray and a firearm for backup, assuming the maskless person became dangerously aggressive after being pepper-sprayed.
Responses have shown the hypocrisy of "stand your ground" proponents. Rrump is calling for ignoring lockdowns imposed by governors, so Trumpoholics are confused and disoriented, as always.

Your OP said nothing of the sort.
The example I gave in the OP was of a person APPROACHING me and my family in an area where wearing a face mask in public was mandatory. I asked if after giving warning, would I have a right to use pepper spray and a firearm for backup, assuming the maskless person became dangerously aggressive after being pepper-sprayed.
Responses have shown the hypocrisy of "stand your ground" proponents. Rrump is calling for ignoring lockdowns imposed by governors, so Trumpoholics are confused and disoriented, as always.

You never mentioned if they heeded your warning you pubeless whack-job!

It would be totally like you to mace someone after they listened to you!
The example I gave in the OP was of a person APPROACHING me and my family in an area where wearing a face mask in public was mandatory. I asked if after giving warning, would I have a right to use pepper spray and a firearm for backup, assuming the maskless person became dangerously aggressive after being pepper-sprayed.
Responses have shown the hypocrisy of "stand your ground" proponents. Rrump is calling for ignoring lockdowns imposed by governors, so Trumpoholics are confused and disoriented, as always.

WHy do you feel you have to lie?

This is the complete text from your OP:

Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?

There's not a single word about a warning contained in that. Also, there's not a single thing that suggests anyone becomes "dangerously aggressive".

You're moving the goalposts on what is otherwise a pretty simple concept. Ergo, there's really no reason to take you seriously...
The example I gave in the OP was of a person APPROACHING me and my family in an area where wearing a face mask in public was mandatory. I asked if after giving warning, would I have a right to use pepper spray and a firearm for backup, assuming the maskless person became dangerously aggressive after being pepper-sprayed.
Responses have shown the hypocrisy of "stand your ground" proponents. Rrump is calling for ignoring lockdowns imposed by governors, so Trumpoholics are confused and disoriented, as always.
Listen you stupid fucking shithead you are not judge jury and executione. Just because you have shitforbrains and if you run around pepper spraying people unless they are attacking you physically they can legally shoot your dumb ass dead. Is that clear enough to get though your thick overly dense skull?
Should you be allowed to defend yourself and your family when a person approaches you and your loved ones for not wearing a mask when in an area where one is required? Why wouldn't self-defense be appropriate? Should you backup your pepper spray with a handgun? How can "Stand your ground" be applied in today's circumstances?
Talk about paranoid, you have to be a panty waisted democrat
Crawl back under your bed

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