Pepsi commercial shows BLM protestor giving police officer a Pepsi, causing huge liberal backlash

Oh, so you're no longer making up lies to support your dislike of Rush? Careful, you're putting your license to be lefty shitbag in jeopardy once the powers find out you've turned.

Naw, nobody cares about the fat faggot anymore. Not even the right wing.

The problem with Rush is that he spends too much time trying to be the Iraqi Information Minister, pretending things aren't fucked up.

Trump getting elected was probably the worst thing that could happen to him. He has had to go from ginning up hate on Obama to trying to defend why Trump hasn't executed all the Mexicans yet.
Nobody wants to kill cops?

If you say so.....phfffffffft.....

Only 41 cops felonious killed... they have a better chance of winning the lottery.
First of all.....remember how the murders at Sandyhook caused such a fuss? What are the odds that your kids could meet the same fate? Non-existent. However there are parts of America that it is unsafe for a cop to go because of the hostility of the locals thanks to Democrats.

Second of all, if Democrat's rhetoric contributed to the death of one cop it's criminal. We have proof that not only did Democrats encourage this but they planned it as well. When you start telling everyone that cops are murdering blacks what the fuck do you think dumb-assed blacks are gonna do?

I don't want to hear any bullshit about how a few murdered cops isn't important. I have to live in this country like you do and if you feel that turning this country into a 3rd world shithole is a small price to pay for correcting perceived wrongs in the past, you need to get your head examined.
Oh, so you're no longer making up lies to support your dislike of Rush? Careful, you're putting your license to be lefty shitbag in jeopardy once the powers find out you've turned.

Naw, nobody cares about the fat faggot anymore. Not even the right wing.

The problem with Rush is that he spends too much time trying to be the Iraqi Information Minister, pretending things aren't fucked up.

Trump getting elected was probably the worst thing that could happen to him. He has had to go from ginning up hate on Obama to trying to defend why Trump hasn't executed all the Mexicans yet.
Dude, you're really warped.
Why don't you STFU.
First of all.....remember how the murders at Sandyhook caused such a fuss? What are the odds that your kids could meet the same fate? Non-existent. However there are parts of America that it is unsafe for a cop to go because of the hostility of the locals thanks to Democrats.

Again, kids aren't being paid to go into a dangerous place. Cops are. So your argument fails on its face.

Second of all, if Democrat's rhetoric contributed to the death of one cop it's criminal. We have proof that not only did Democrats encourage this but they planned it as well. When you start telling everyone that cops are murdering blacks what the fuck do you think dumb-assed blacks are gonna do?

Actually notice that Cops are killing blacks?

LaQuan McDonald. Sandra Bland. Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Walter Scott. Michael Brown

You think that blacks weren't going to notice these things unless a Democrat told them about it.

So another argument that fails on its face.

I don't want to hear any bullshit about how a few murdered cops isn't important. I have to live in this country like you do and if you feel that turning this country into a 3rd world shithole is a small price to pay for correcting perceived wrongs in the past, you need to get your head examined.

Again, you are more likely to be killed in an auto accident as a cop than by a criminal (who aren't shooting cops because they are mad about cops shootings, but usually because the cop caught them doing something they shouldn't do.)

I do find it funny that you guys who support a gun nation are suddenly upset that out of the 33,000 Americans who died from gun violence in a give year, a handful of them are cops.

We could be like the United Kingdom, where cops are almost never killed in the line of duty, few civilians are shot by police, and gun murders are rare because they don't let average citizens have them.

But if you want to live in a "gun nation" because "Freedom" or something, then you kind of have to take that as part of the deal.
Pepsi Says It's Pulling Widely Mocked Ad

God forbid Pepsi try to promote people coming together. Also, it's just a goddamn commercial.'s harmless to think that authorities like the police need to be bribed into not killing racist thugs like BLM.
Maybe if you give a sugary soft-drink to a cop he won't shoot your ass.

Now pay attention. Who are the criminals here? The cops or the people that want to kill cops? Apparently Pepsi thinks the cops are criminals.

I didn't see it as a bribe. Jeez, its only about $1.75 worth of cold drink.

It was probably meant to show the protester making a nice gesture and being friendly.

You know, like this guy is trying to do:
The late nite comedy versions of this by Seth Meyers are better:

... cop calls for backup !!
The fact that people consider the offer of a Pepsi a bribe, and that they want the adversarial relationship to continue with no kindness shown, is all the proof we need that the assholes outnumber the decent folk.
The fact that people consider the offer of a Pepsi a bribe, and that they want the adversarial relationship to continue with no kindness shown, is all the proof we need that the assholes outnumber the decent folk.

No, the problem here was that it trivialized the protests by making them generic.

Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."

The thing is, we show too much "Kindness" to bad cops. Wilson was given a pass despite telling a fairly preposterous story, about how Mike Brown has some kind of Negro Super Powers. Loehman was given a pass even though we have him gunning down Tamir Rice on tape. Slager got a hung jury because one cracker chose to ignore film of him shooting Walter Scott in the back and then planting a weapon on him. Van Dyke was caught shooting LaQuan McDonald in the back 16 times, and it still took two years to fire him and file charges, and maybe four years later, he'll stand trial.

The reason why there is an adversarial relationship is because they've chosen to have one.
The fact that people consider the offer of a Pepsi a bribe, and that they want the adversarial relationship to continue with no kindness shown, is all the proof we need that the assholes outnumber the decent folk.

No, the problem here was that it trivialized the protests by making them generic.

Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."

The thing is, we show too much "Kindness" to bad cops. Wilson was given a pass despite telling a fairly preposterous story, about how Mike Brown has some kind of Negro Super Powers. Loehman was given a pass even though we have him gunning down Tamir Rice on tape. Slager got a hung jury because one cracker chose to ignore film of him shooting Walter Scott in the back and then planting a weapon on him. Van Dyke was caught shooting LaQuan McDonald in the back 16 times, and it still took two years to fire him and file charges, and maybe four years later, he'll stand trial.

The reason why there is an adversarial relationship is because they've chosen to have one.

It is not about the few bad cops. It is about a peaceful protest.
It is not about the few bad cops. It is about a peaceful protest.

I thought it was about a commercial depicting a protest, trying to imply that if you just give a cop a Pepsi, there will be understanding and brotherhood...

Which is bullocks.

What has to change is the police culture.
It is not about the few bad cops. It is about a peaceful protest.

I thought it was about a commercial depicting a protest, trying to imply that if you just give a cop a Pepsi, there will be understanding and brotherhood...

Which is bullocks.

What has to change is the police culture.

When you were trained in the Nat'l Guard, did they say what to do when protesters attacked you or set fires to buildings and looted stores?
When you were trained in the Nat'l Guard, did they say what to do when protesters attacked you or set fires to buildings and looted stores?

They didn't tell us to take a coke.

Usually they would only use us to disperse crowds, we didn't have police powers.
When you were trained in the Nat'l Guard, did they say what to do when protesters attacked you or set fires to buildings and looted stores?

They didn't tell us to take a coke.

Usually they would only use us to disperse crowds, we didn't have police powers.

So you really have no idea about it.

Your comment of "Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."" was fine for an actual peaceful protest. Not for the burning/looting/violent displays we have seen.
So you really have no idea about it.

Your comment of "Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."" was fine for an actual peaceful protest. Not for the burning/looting/violent displays we have seen.

again, the major part of the training was that they never, ever wanted to see a Kent State happen, ever again.


Not what they wanted on the recruiting posters!!!
So you really have no idea about it.

Your comment of "Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."" was fine for an actual peaceful protest. Not for the burning/looting/violent displays we have seen.

again, the major part of the training was that they never, ever wanted to see a Kent State happen, ever again.


Not what they wanted on the recruiting posters!!!

If you cannot see the difference between the Kent State protests and the Baltimore protests/riots, you are clueless.
If you cannot see the difference between the Kent State protests and the Baltimore protests/riots, you are clueless.

Meh, you start breaking things the one percent cares about, they might actually change things... so again, not seeing a big problem here.

The real problem- that this sort of crap still goes on.
If you cannot see the difference between the Kent State protests and the Baltimore protests/riots, you are clueless.

Meh, you start breaking things the one percent cares about, they might actually change things... so again, not seeing a big problem here.

The real problem- that this sort of crap still goes on.

I am not denying the need for the police to stop shooting unarmed black men. The topic is the protests.

And if you think the 1% care about the places that were burned in these riots, you are delusional. Oh wait, that has already been established.

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