Pepsi commercial shows BLM protestor giving police officer a Pepsi, causing huge liberal backlash

I am not denying the need for the police to stop shooting unarmed black men. The topic is the protests.

And if you think the 1% care about the places that were burned in these riots, you are delusional. Oh wait, that has already been established.

Oh, I think the 1% worry a lot that the payday loan and liquor stores and franchises are getting burned out.

Here's the thing, the civil rights movement happened because we DID have riots in the 1960's.

Personally, I prefer slow, peaceful change, but the fact we stopped making progress and in some ways have gone backwards is worrisome.
The fact that people consider the offer of a Pepsi a bribe, and that they want the adversarial relationship to continue with no kindness shown, is all the proof we need that the assholes outnumber the decent folk.

No, the problem here was that it trivialized the protests by making them generic.

Now, when I used to be in the National Guard, part of our civil defense training was "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are angry about something and they have a damned good reason to be."

The thing is, we show too much "Kindness" to bad cops. Wilson was given a pass despite telling a fairly preposterous story, about how Mike Brown has some kind of Negro Super Powers. Loehman was given a pass even though we have him gunning down Tamir Rice on tape. Slager got a hung jury because one cracker chose to ignore film of him shooting Walter Scott in the back and then planting a weapon on him. Van Dyke was caught shooting LaQuan McDonald in the back 16 times, and it still took two years to fire him and file charges, and maybe four years later, he'll stand trial.

The reason why there is an adversarial relationship is because they've chosen to have one.

Fuck the "protests". They were generic, they were stupid, and the people who ENCOURAGED them should be put in jail.
I am not denying the need for the police to stop shooting unarmed black men. The topic is the protests.

And if you think the 1% care about the places that were burned in these riots, you are delusional. Oh wait, that has already been established.

Oh, I think the 1% worry a lot that the payday loan and liquor stores and franchises are getting burned out.

Here's the thing, the civil rights movement happened because we DID have riots in the 1960's.

Personally, I prefer slow, peaceful change, but the fact we stopped making progress and in some ways have gone backwards is worrisome.

No, you morons didn't *riot* in the 60s.

Peaceful people had peaceful protests. And the pigs attacked them. Like the pigs are still attacking people in our rural reaches.

The civil rights movement was never about riots. But criminal progressive liars like you will never get that. You'll think it's because the spoiled one percenters who blew up themselves and got kids killed on an Ohio campus broke the law.

Fuck the "protests". They were generic, they were stupid, and the people who ENCOURAGED them should be put in jail.

Yeah, how dare those people actually demand a redress of grievances like the First amendment says!!!!

No, you morons didn't *riot* in the 60s.

Peaceful people had peaceful protests. And the pigs attacked them. Like the pigs are still attacking people in our rural reaches.

"the Pigs". I'm critical of the police, but even I wouldn't call them "the pigs".

Please, if you people in the rural reaches had to put up with the shit that people of color put up with in the inner city, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

The civil rights movement was never about riots. But criminal progressive liars like you will never get that. You'll think it's because the spoiled one percenters who blew up themselves and got kids killed on an Ohio campus broke the law.

Okay, so you missed the 1968 Democratic convention?
The Watts Riots in 1965?
The "Long Hot Summer" of 1967?

Now, i was just a child when these things happened, but even I was aware of them.

The thing is, when white kids started joining in because they didn't want to get sent off to Vietnam that things got really dicey.

What worries me is that we might be entering something like that again.

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