Perceptions on sci fi


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I read on a sci fi and fantasy themed forum a few years ago where one user said that HBO is too sophisticated and thought that the sci fi/space opera setting was too silly for their audience. Is that true? Did Syfy's abandonment of the sci fi genre and Sharknado damage the genre's image? Although I like Star Wars I have to ask this, do you think it causes adults to write off sci fi or space opera as "kids" stuff? Will serious shows like BSG and now The Expanse change these network execs minds? I have heard someone said they think The Expanse will do wonders for the space opera genre.
I've watched The Expanse. Really love the way that show seems to be developing.

Sci-Fi to some is silly. To dream of what might be. Those silly dreams though are how much of what we take for granted in the world around us were conceived.

To the dreamers :udaman:
I'm high on the expanse too. As I have posted elsewhere finally something worth watching. Sci if makes one think as well as imagine. It can be one of the most alive genres. The latest Star Wars is a cop out and a sell out. But whether Alien, Predator, Star Trek, or,Hugo award winners good sci if expands the mind.

It takes a lot of money to dream, research and years of work.

There's no question we can do all that is shown.

Sure we can, but there's no will to do it.

Instead we spend the fortune of nations on those who contribute little or nothing to it. The west was settled by people with nothing but dreams and their hands. Thousands died to do it. If we have an accident like Challenger, the nation is all too willing to abandon the effort because it's too much risk.

Time to take some risks again.
This adult wrote off the Star Wars franchise years ago. It is Sci-Fi for juveniles.

2001 Space Odyssey set the bar. Followed by Dark Star, Dune (1984), Interstellar, and The Martian.
Almost all SyFy shows are produced and filmed in Canada.

Expanse - I've tried but just can't seem to get into it.

I keep hoping they will get rid of these stupid shows and get back to story lines like Dominion or Defiance.

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