Perfect example for 2nd amendment rights.

Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
An 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all.

They still have less than one fifth the homicide rate the US does.

I proved you wrong, and you do this?

No, you proved nothing. You have not proved the UK has a homicide rate equal to ours.

It's not even close.

You are dancing and prancing all about in an attempt to divert from this fact.

Now that's a strawman
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

"Allowed to buy"

You don't exhibit much of a thought process. Criminals really don't care if they are "allowed"
And yet stricter gun control results in lower homicide rates.

Your denial of this reality is telling.

You need to explain Chicago. Why do you want to make a rapists job easier?
Straw man.

Come back when you can debate without your idiotic fallacies.
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.
Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
An 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all.

They still have less than one fifth the homicide rate the US does.

I proved you wrong, and you do this?

No, you proved nothing. You have not proved the UK has a homicide rate equal to ours.

It's not even close.

You are dancing and prancing all about in an attempt to divert from this fact.



You said "not rising"


"an 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all"

You are a piece of shit.
In Canada, you can own an AR-15 but AK-47s are banned outright.

Weird, right?

Your AR-15 can only be fired at a gun range, and you have to be licensed.
Not weird ever shot an AK. It will shoot right through a telephone pole and completely pwders a cinder block. Way more powerfull than an AR
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.

Idiot, criminals don't obey laws. A law doesn't make it any harder for a CRIMINAL to commit CRIME
Homicide rate UK: 0.92 per 100,000

Homicide rate US: 4.88 per 100,000

The US homicide rate is 5.3 TIMES HIGHER than the UK.
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.

Idiot, criminals don't obey laws. A law doesn't make it any harder for a CRIMINAL to commit CRIME
This is just a mental fantasy of yours which you are sticking to in total denial of reality.

If you make it harder for criminals to get a gun, you deter crime. This simple fact is borne out by the FACT that the UK has less than one fifth the homicide rate we do.

So you can keep spewing your fantasy nonsense, or you can join the real world. Up to you.
Deny reality, and win the mental battle in your own head, but lose the war in the real world.

Up to you, pops.
Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
An 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all.

They still have less than one fifth the homicide rate the US does.
And they are 1/5 the size of the US and have only recently started importing 3rd world people into their society IT will go up even more.
Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

"Allowed to buy"

You don't exhibit much of a thought process. Criminals really don't care if they are "allowed"
And yet stricter gun control results in lower homicide rates.

You are making shit up in your denial of this reality. That is telling.
No they don't, Australia instituted a complete ban as did Britain and the rates went UP not down dumb ass. More people in those Countries use firearms now to kill then BEFORE the ban.
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.
Which since the ban IS GOING UP BY DOUBLE DIGITS EACH YEAR. MORE people use firearms in crimes now in Britain then before the ban dumb ass.
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.

Idiot, criminals don't obey laws. A law doesn't make it any harder for a CRIMINAL to commit CRIME
This is just a mental fantasy of yours which you are sticking to in total denial of reality.

If you make it harder for criminals to get a gun, you deter crime. This simple fact is borne out by the FACT that the UK has less than one fifth the homicide rate we do.

So you can keep spewing your fantasy nonsense, or you can join the real world. Up to you.

So in your mind, a 5'2 90 lbs woman can fight off her 6'2" 240 lbs attacker with...........

good thoughts?

Why are there no women in the NBA or female linebackers in the NFL?

Look creep, we have area's in this country that have highly restrictive gun control. They are mostly murder capitals.

Get a life.
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
Another straw man.

We can make it harder for a criminal to get a gun. That's the whole point.

It works in other countries like ours. They have MUCH LOWER HOMICIDE RATES.

Keep reading that last sentence until it finally sinks in.

Idiot, criminals don't obey laws. A law doesn't make it any harder for a CRIMINAL to commit CRIME
This is just a mental fantasy of yours which you are sticking to in total denial of reality.

If you make it harder for criminals to get a gun, you deter crime. This simple fact is borne out by the FACT that the UK has less than one fifth the homicide rate we do.

So you can keep spewing your fantasy nonsense, or you can join the real world. Up to you.

So in your mind, a 5'2 90 lbs woman can fight off her 6'2" 240 lbs attacker with...........

good thoughts?

Why are there no women in the NBA or female linebackers in the NFL?

Look creep, we have area's in this country that have highly restrictive gun control. They are mostly murder capitals.

Get a life.
My daughter who is 5' 8" can fend off a 6'5" liberal thug, because she has been trained in the use of a weapon. I told her to empty the magazine into the perp, then call police and explain her situation. As a teacher, I am sure her students will be eye witnesses if the likes of Cruz shows up at her door. And it isn't a machine gun she will be using either...

Did you see this news report of another man wielding a machete and broke into 2 apartments? They had no weapons and felt helpless as to what to do if he had attacked them with it. Fortunately, he didn’t, but what if he had? They were defenseless.

Who is saying that law abiding families shouldn’t have the right to own a gun to protect their families in their home? Please show who is saying that or stop dishonestly implying that is the sentiment of the “left”

Your right for self defense doesn't end at your front door.

About the same....since the Virginia Tech shooter murdered 32 people with 2 pistols and a mix of 10 round and 15 round magazines.....the problem isn't the magazine the attacker uses, the problem is he is using magazines in democrat gun free zones where the victims are unarmed and unable to fight back.

The math is simple....

Florida, no armed guard, no armed staff, 17 dead.

Maryland armed guard, 1 dead.

See the difference?

Then you have the deadliest tool of all...the rental truck. Had he simply used a rental truck he could have killed a lot more people....the muslim terrorist in Nice, France used a rental truck and murdered 86 people in 5 minutes.....more people murdered in one go than in any of our mass public shootings.....

Rental trucks are deadlier than guns .....
If either shooter had a machine gun is there any doubt there wouldn’t have been more deaths? I think not. Luckily, machine guns are heavily regulated. Get the point?

Also Parkland wasn’t gun free, there was an armed deputy on campus
If either shooter had crock pot bombs, there is no doubt there would be more deaths. Want to continue with straw man arguments? If the Police and FBI did their job, neither shootings would of occurred...
What’s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns? Simple question
Machine guns are illegal moron, and it is a good thing. What the fuck is your fucking point?

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?

I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun

I'm all for you having a gun. So long as you are an upstanding citizen with no domestic abuse or violent background.

However, you owning a gun does nothing to impact the 11,000+ gun homicides each year.

The liberals are succeeding with their gun grabbing for the same reason they were able to get ObamaCare enacted. It's because the Right offers NOTHING to solve our problems.

Sooner or later, when confronted with a disaster, and the people are offered NOTHING and Plan A, they will go for Plan A, even if it is stupid or ineffective.

That's why I am challenging the rabies-infected topic starter to provide Plan B.

Considering guns are used defensively 1.5 million times a year, what makes you think gun ownership is not holding the numbers lower than they might otherwise be?

I would be able to obtain a gun in any advanced nation, even the ones with strict gun control.

I would not be able to buy any gun I wish, but nor am I able to do that here. I would love to own a fully automatic Tommy gun. I have always wanted one.

That's bullshit, you can own a fully automatic tommy gun, if you have a clean record and can afford it.


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