Perfect example for 2nd amendment rights.

If either shooter had crock pot bombs, there is no doubt there would be more deaths. Want to continue with straw man arguments? If the Police and FBI did their job, neither shootings would of occurred...
Whatā€™s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question
I just said that a 19 year old, and people like me cant get a machine gun....legally....Your question is a straw man argument.

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?
As reported by the New York Post, the operation was a Department of Justice-run program that allowed thousands of rifles including .50-caliber rifles with a range of nearly two miles and powerful enough to take down a helicopter to be sold to the cartels, allegedly so they could be ā€œtrackedā€ back to the illegal drug-running operations.

However, the Post noted, ā€œinternal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America.
Hey dimwit, I didnā€™t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, Iā€™m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
Whatā€™s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
Nope. It's a simple question.

A straw man is a claim that you hold a belief which you actually don't.

Why don't you answer the question?

I don't think machine guns are legal.

Whats your point. deflection? of course it is.
Iā€™m seeing where your boundaries are on gun control which is the exact subject being discussed. No strawman. Nobody seems able to answer a simple question
I think citizens should have tools to defend themselves and I think limiting the firepower of the tools we sell that end up being used to kill people is also a smart move. Yes people will always be murdered, nothing is going to STOP it but the damage could be LIMITED.

If somebody wanted to inflict max damage then a machine gun would be the weapon of choice. Instead we havenā€™t seen them being used. Why is that?

Mass shootings with rifles are more rare than lawn mower deaths..... knives are used to murder more people every single year than 35 years of rifles used by mass shooters....

You are irrational and a fool.......

There is a reason......

Murderers don't really care what the tool is, they just use another
And yet in advanced countries which have stricter gun control than we do, their homicide rate is considerably lower.

Try again.

Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Whatā€™s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?

Because you can't control a gun that's unavailable.
Machine guns are not illegal, they are just highly regulated
Mass shootings with rifles are more rare than lawn mower deaths..... knives are used to murder more people every single year than 35 years of rifles used by mass shooters....

You are irrational and a fool.......

There is a reason......

Murderers don't really care what the tool is, they just use another
And yet in advanced countries which have stricter gun control than we do, their homicide rate is considerably lower.

Try again.

Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
Nope. It's a simple question.

A straw man is a claim that you hold a belief which you actually don't.

Why don't you answer the question?

I don't think machine guns are legal.

Whats your point. deflection? of course it is.
Iā€™m seeing where your boundaries are on gun control which is the exact subject being discussed. No strawman. Nobody seems able to answer a simple question

I've been asking a question that you, and others refuse to answer. I'll try again.

Why do you want to make the job of a rapist easier?
Whatā€™s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Whatā€™s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question
I just said that a 19 year old, and people like me cant get a machine gun....legally....Your question is a straw man argument.

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?
As reported by the New York Post, the operation was a Department of Justice-run program that allowed thousands of rifles including .50-caliber rifles with a range of nearly two miles and powerful enough to take down a helicopter to be sold to the cartels, allegedly so they could be ā€œtrackedā€ back to the illegal drug-running operations.

However, the Post noted, ā€œinternal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America.
Hey dimwit, I didnā€™t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, Iā€™m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?
There is a reason......

Murderers don't really care what the tool is, they just use another
And yet in advanced countries which have stricter gun control than we do, their homicide rate is considerably lower.

Try again.

Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
Nope. It's a simple question.

A straw man is a claim that you hold a belief which you actually don't.

Why don't you answer the question?

I don't think machine guns are legal.

Whats your point. deflection? of course it is.
Iā€™m seeing where your boundaries are on gun control which is the exact subject being discussed. No strawman. Nobody seems able to answer a simple question

I've been asking a question that you, and others refuse to answer. I'll try again.

Why do you want to make the job of a rapist easier?
Easy answer, I donā€™t
Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

That has nothing to do with our Second Amendment; natural and individual rights are in State Constitutions.

too bad we don't have a better defense for, "those who are simply and merely, full of fallacy".
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question
I just said that a 19 year old, and people like me cant get a machine gun....legally....Your question is a straw man argument.

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?
As reported by the New York Post, the operation was a Department of Justice-run program that allowed thousands of rifles including .50-caliber rifles with a range of nearly two miles and powerful enough to take down a helicopter to be sold to the cartels, allegedly so they could be ā€œtrackedā€ back to the illegal drug-running operations.

However, the Post noted, ā€œinternal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America.
Hey dimwit, I didnā€™t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, Iā€™m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

And yet in advanced countries which have stricter gun control than we do, their homicide rate is considerably lower.

Try again.

Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
An 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all.

They still have less than one fifth the homicide rate the US does.
Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

"Allowed to buy"

You don't exhibit much of a thought process. Criminals really don't care if they are "allowed"
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns? Simple question

Now that's a strawman
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think itā€™s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds canā€™t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.
Yet, in many of those countries the rates are increasing, but ours is actually falling.

Also, as pointed out before, if you controlled the rate in just a few of the major cities, you see us near the bottom.
Their rates are well below ours. Not even close.

Not rising. And not even close to our homicide rate.

Not even close.

You obviously know more than they do:

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
An 11 percent rise from a very low rate is not much at all.

They still have less than one fifth the homicide rate the US does.

I proved you wrong, and you do this?

Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

"Allowed to buy"

You don't exhibit much of a thought process. Criminals really don't care if they are "allowed"
And yet stricter gun control results in lower homicide rates.

You are making shit up in your denial of this reality. That is telling.
Everyone believes in "gun control" to one extent or another. Possibly excepting Ted Nugent...

Very few people believe we should all have access to nukes or tanks or artillery. Very few people believe we should all have unrestricted access to fully automatic machine guns.

Very few people believe a convicted murderer on parole should be allowed a gun.

Very few people believe a six year old should be allowed to buy a gun.

Everyone believes in gun control to one extent or another.

"Allowed to buy"

You don't exhibit much of a thought process. Criminals really don't care if they are "allowed"
And yet stricter gun control results in lower homicide rates.

Your denial of this reality is telling.

You need to explain Chicago. Why do you want to make a rapists job easier?

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