Perfect example for 2nd amendment rights.

That's bullshit, you can own a fully automatic tommy gun, if you have a clean record and can afford it.
Key words there. I think they go for around $100,000 now?

Thanks to the Hughes Amendment, they are all antiques, in high demand, and VERY limited supply. Someone could be manufacturing them new, for civilian use, increasing the supply to meet the very high, impossible demand and lowering the price to the budget of the average citizen.
What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?
I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun
What if you can stop 1 murder by limiting the firepower or magazine capacity of a gun in a school shooters hands. Say 16 deaths instead of 17 cause he had less bullets or had to reload... would that be worth it?
This is a good line of questioning.

If we make it more difficult to obtain guns, then we save lives. This has proven to be the case in other advanced nations.

It has not been proven.

The UK saw a rise in their murder rate after they passed ultra strict gun laws and their murder rate did not fall below what it was before the ban


In fact the murder rate in London is greater than the murder rate in NYC despite the strict UK gun laws

So how do you explain that?
You are missing the forest for the trees!

The UK has always had stricter gun control than the US.

So look at the left side of your chart. Notice anything?

The homicide rate in the UK is 0.92 per 100,000.

The homicide rate in the US is 4.88 per 100,000.

Our murder rate is more than five times that of the UK.

Whoever made that chart had to show murders per MILLION to make the homicide problem look bigger than it is.

Even at their worst period, their homicide rate was only about a third of ours.

That's changing with their evolving culture, their homicide rates will continue to rise. Gotta love political correctness.

Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns? Simple question
I just said that a 19 year old, and people like me cant get a machine gun....legally....Your question is a straw man argument.

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?
As reported by the New York Post, the operation was a Department of Justice-run program that allowed thousands of rifles including .50-caliber rifles with a range of nearly two miles and powerful enough to take down a helicopter to be sold to the cartels, allegedly so they could be “tracked” back to the illegal drug-running operations.

However, the Post noted, “internal documents later revealed the real goal was to gin up a crisis requiring a crackdown on guns in America.
Hey dimwit, I didn’t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, I’m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?
We are talking about gun regulation are we not? How is that a straw man?
Because fucking machine guns are regulated to the point you have to have a FFL license to purchase one, along with a very extensive background check with the FBI and ATF seeing WHY you want to purchase one. Only idiots like you listen to the lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media to get your dose of Socialist talking points.(and you call me a puppet).

View attachment 186568
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns?
And my question for the fifth time is if you support those regulations on machine guns
I just spit my coffee on my computer screen, be back in a few minutes.

View attachment 186569
You seem terrified to answer his simple question.

You think a criminal can't get their hands on one? Too funny dude
It is funny how none of these three can answer a simple question. Do you support machine gun regulations? “They are illegal” “criminals can get them” not answers to the question!!!!

Did you see this news report of another man wielding a machete and broke into 2 apartments? They had no weapons and felt helpless as to what to do if he had attacked them with it. Fortunately, he didn’t, but what if he had? They were defenseless.

Who is saying that law abiding families shouldn’t have the right to own a gun to protect their families in their home? Please show who is saying that or stop dishonestly implying that is the sentiment of the “left”

Your right for self defense doesn't end at your front door.


It can definately be limited if your right for self defense becomes a public safety issue. Hence the debate
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

If either shooter had a machine gun is there any doubt there wouldn’t have been more deaths? I think not. Luckily, machine guns are heavily regulated. Get the point?

Also Parkland wasn’t gun free, there was an armed deputy on campus
If either shooter had crock pot bombs, there is no doubt there would be more deaths. Want to continue with straw man arguments? If the Police and FBI did their job, neither shootings would of occurred...
What’s my straw man?
19 year olds cant get a machine gun, just like I cant....Legally.... Are you really that stupid? Don't have to answer that, we all ready know.

View attachment 186567
Do you think it’s a good thing or bad thing that 19 year olds can’t get machine guns? Simple question
Machine guns are illegal moron, and it is a good thing. What the fuck is your fucking point?
Did I ask if they were illegal? No, I didn’t. Btw they arent illegal but that beside the point. I asked if you support them being regulated. Do you want to become the 4th on this thread that can answer a yes/no question?
I just said that a 19 year old, and people like me cant get a machine gun....legally....Your question is a straw man argument.

Remember when Barack Obama and Eric Holder allowed guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in order to cause maximum violence?
Hey dimwit, I didn’t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, I’m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

Not giving a shit is not an answer?
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

Did you know that poison is more dangerous in food than guns?
Hey dimwit, I didn’t ask if a 19 year old could get a machine gun, I asked if you supported th ban on them, I’m asking if you think 19 year olds should be able to go buy machine guns with no questions asked. DO YOU SUPPORT THAT OR NOT?

Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words
Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words

Wouldn't care if they had no restrictions.

What you fail to grasp is that NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would use them in the commission of a crime. And Criminals, they don't care if they are regulated or not.

You seem to worry about criminals far more than law abiding citizens.
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words

Wouldn't care if they had no restrictions.

What you fail to grasp is that NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would use them in the commission of a crime. And Criminals, they don't care if they are regulated or not.

You seem to worry about criminals far more than law abiding citizens.
It’s about access. If crazy Carl wants to go shoot up a school and he can stop by the local Walmart to pick up a machine gun with unlimited ammo on his way to the school... is that something you think our system should allow? You don’t care?
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

Did you know that poison is more dangerous in food than guns?

And would likely be used more if guns were banned.

You actually proved a post I made several times earlier. If you remove a tool from a murderer, they will just find another tool, it's what they do. The horrible part of this is, you may just drive them to find a far more effective tool.

An unexpected backup is still appreciated

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words

Wouldn't care if they had no restrictions.

What you fail to grasp is that NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would use them in the commission of a crime. And Criminals, they don't care if they are regulated or not.

You seem to worry about criminals far more than law abiding citizens.
It’s about access. If crazy Carl wants to go shoot up a school and he can stop by the local Walmart to pick up a machine gun with unlimited ammo on his way to the school... is that something you think our system should allow? You don’t care?

School shootings have risen since fully autos have been regulated. Or didn't you get the memo?
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

Did you know that poison is more dangerous in food than guns?

And would likely be used more if guns were banned.

You actually proved a post I made several times earlier. If you remove a tool from a murderer, they will just find another tool, it's what they do. The horrible part of this is, you may just drive them to find a far more effective tool.

An unexpected backup is still appreciated

So since they can’t easily get machine guns which far more effective tool have shooters found to use?
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words

Wouldn't care if they had no restrictions.

What you fail to grasp is that NO LAW ABIDING CITIZEN would use them in the commission of a crime. And Criminals, they don't care if they are regulated or not.

You seem to worry about criminals far more than law abiding citizens.
It’s about access. If crazy Carl wants to go shoot up a school and he can stop by the local Walmart to pick up a machine gun with unlimited ammo on his way to the school... is that something you think our system should allow? You don’t care?

School shootings have risen since fully autos have been regulated. Or didn't you get the memo?
What does that have to do with anything?

Did you see this news report of another man wielding a machete and broke into 2 apartments? They had no weapons and felt helpless as to what to do if he had attacked them with it. Fortunately, he didn’t, but what if he had? They were defenseless.

Who is saying that law abiding families shouldn’t have the right to own a gun to protect their families in their home? Please show who is saying that or stop dishonestly implying that is the sentiment of the “left”

Your right for self defense doesn't end at your front door.


It can definately be limited if your right for self defense becomes a public safety issue. Hence the debate

Yep, 1.5 million defensive uses a year says it is a public safety issue, guns keep people safer than they otherwise would be.

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

Did you know that poison is more dangerous in food than guns?

So is bacteria, so your point would be?

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knives ‘more dangerous’ at close range than guns | Toronto Star

Did you know that poison is more dangerous in food than guns?

And would likely be used more if guns were banned.

You actually proved a post I made several times earlier. If you remove a tool from a murderer, they will just find another tool, it's what they do. The horrible part of this is, you may just drive them to find a far more effective tool.

An unexpected backup is still appreciated

So since they can’t easily get machine guns which far more effective tool have shooters found to use?

We all see the game you are playing fool......

You want to deflect from the argument. The argument being, why regulate the use of weapons when solutions to the problem are ignored.

You actually want a ban, then when I'm proven right, because the shooter will use a handgun, blame handguns. You will continue to ignore the base problem until more killings happen when the killer uses a shotgun.


Deflect all the fuck you want junior. Some of want to STOP what creates MONSTERS, not wait until we've CREATED THEM and cry about it.
Do you think fairies should have their wings clipped so they can't fly?
What does that have to do with gun regulations?

We regulate the shit out of cars, seems someone used one to kill 6 kids last week.

You have a point?

Murderers murder, they give a crap out of laws and regulations, it's not within the nature of a killer to care.
Cars are not a constitutional right so it’s a different discussion now isn’t it? How do you feel about machine guns being regulated? Do you support it or not?

No giving a shit is not an answer?
What’s no giving a shit? Are you trying to say that you don’t care if machine guns are regulated? Come on man, use your words
At this point, what difference does it make if the machine gun is regulated or not. We the People cannot get them unless we have a legal means to purchase, or are criminal like Eric Holder and get them from the DOJ..

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