Perfect Questions For Trumpers

Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
You have a bad memory

libs loved to link page to trump
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
You have a bad memory

libs loved to link page to trump

You’re not addressing anything of substance.

The application was approved late October.
No information from the surveillance was ever released.
Carter Page had ended contact with the campaign.

This was the plot by the FBI to swing the election? That’s not going to fool anyone but the very gullible.
Obamagate rants by the President and Rwinger media sound so desperate it makes them look stupid.
How long this will last is your guess.
Remember, the 2020 election will be a referendum on Trump.
Also, he will be running against Joe Biden. Remember?

"Vanity Fair reporter Gabriel Sherman, however, writes on Twitter that Trump’s conspiratorial ramblings about Obama fall apart at the slightest scrutiny."

“Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”

Anything to distract from covid. Trump has long been envious of Obama.
Link please. I disagree 100%. Critical does not equal envious. I am critical of that moron JoeB. I am not envious of him whatsoever.

It's not a matter of being critical - it is more a matter of obsession and obsessively comparing himself and Obama even 3 yrs into his term.

It's a subjective claim - there is no way to quantify envy objectively, but it's behavior distinctly different than his predecessors.

This opinion piece concludes with:
Trump seems terrified that history will look more kindly on Obama’s presidency than on his own.

Washington (CNN)He made up a story about President Barack Obama trying "11 times" to call Kim Jong Un. He expressed suspicion of Obama's post-presidency Netflix deal and book deal. He claimed he, "not Obama," captured ISIS prisoners.
President Donald Trump mentioned his predecessor's name 10 times in one Cabinet meeting two weeks ago. All 10 were unprompted.

Trump has had a years-long fixation with Obama that predates his presidential campaign. But it has appeared to intensify in recent months, at least judging by the frequency of his public disparagement.

October capped a five-month stretch in which Trump talked or tweeted about Obama far more than he did at any other point in his presidency.

Trump used Obama's name 106 times in June, the most of any month of his presidency; 80 times in October, his third-highest monthly total; 68 times in July, his fourth-highest monthly total; 61 times in August, his fifth-highest monthly total; and 51 times in September, his ninth-highest monthly total.
Over the five-month period, Trump mentioned Obama an average of 2.4 times per day. If you add in his 69 mentions of the "previous administration" or "last administration," it was 2.8 times per day.
Post and CNN are notoriously anti Trump.

I disagree with your opinion. We often conflate dislike with envy. I don't envy the Leftists on this site. I do dislike them.

We can disagree, it's based on opinions anyway. But I think there is clearly an obsession there.

Like yours and others over hating Trump?

Y'all are to easy
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
You have a bad memory

libs loved to link page to trump

You’re not addressing anything of substance.

The application was approved late October.
No information from the surveillance was ever released.
Carter Page had ended contact with the campaign.

This was the plot by the FBI to swing the election? That’s not going to fool anyone but the very gullible.
In lib la la land page will always be a trump assocate
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
You have a bad memory

libs loved to link page to trump

You’re not addressing anything of substance.

The application was approved late October.
No information from the surveillance was ever released.
Carter Page had ended contact with the campaign.

This was the plot by the FBI to swing the election? That’s not going to fool anyone but the very gullible.
In lib la la land page will always be a trump assocate
I take it you can’t defend this little story so you’re just going to play dumb?

The lala land is when people say the FBI was trying to swing the election to Clinton.
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.

One, the dirt was never used.

Probably because they didn't find anything that would help.
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.

One, the dirt was never used.

Probably because they didn't find anything that would help.
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

You think that wasn’t potentially harmful information?
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad. Hell, they tried to cover it up after it was being reported.
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad. Hell, they tried to cover it up after it was being reported.

Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad.

That doesn't answer my question.....

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad. Hell, they tried to cover it up after it was being reported.

Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad.

That doesn't answer my question.....

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Your question is irrelevant to the discussion and a distraction.

The claim is that surveillance was intended to swing the election to Clinton when:
1. Nothing was released from the surveillance
2. Page was a tangential figure who had left the campaign
3. The warrant was issued very shortly before the election.

Your point was to rebut #1, stating there was no dirty to reveal, but that’s obviously not the case.
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.
be was a useful target because the lib news media would always refer to him as “former trump advisor”
He was a “former Trump advisor” by Trump’s own assertion, but we know for a fact he had little to do with the campaign.

So the plan to get Trump was to file a FISA warrant on a tangential figure 2 weeks before the election? Seems like that doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.
The anti trump lib news media always linked page to trump in every report

They did. Because Trump linked Page to himself. But the reality is he was tangential and unimportant. He was also an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So none of this story you’re telling us makes any sense.
You have a bad memory

libs loved to link page to trump

You’re not addressing anything of substance.

The application was approved late October.
No information from the surveillance was ever released.
Carter Page had ended contact with the campaign.

This was the plot by the FBI to swing the election? That’s not going to fool anyone but the very gullible.
In lib la la land page will always be a trump assocate
I take it you can’t defend this little story so you’re just going to play dumb?

The lala land is when people say the FBI was trying to swing the election to Clinton.
What story?
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.

One, the dirt was never used.

Probably because they didn't find anything that would help.
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

You think that wasn’t potentially harmful information?

it was the other way around

the dems were the ones conspiring with russia
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad. Hell, they tried to cover it up after it was being reported.

Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad.

That doesn't answer my question.....

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Your question is irrelevant to the discussion and a distraction.

The claim is that surveillance was intended to swing the election to Clinton when:
1. Nothing was released from the surveillance
2. Page was a tangential figure who had left the campaign
3. The warrant was issued very shortly before the election.

Your point was to rebut #1, stating there was no dirty to reveal, but that’s obviously not the case.

Your question is irrelevant to the discussion and a distraction.

Is it legal to get dirt on an opponent from an American?
Is it legal to get dirt on an opponent from a foreigner?

Why are you afraid to answer?

The claim is that surveillance was intended to swing the election to Clinton when:

If it wasn't to help Clinton, what was the purpose?

The warrant was issued very shortly before the election.

Which particular warrant?
Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”
They were over confident

No one in lib la la land gave trump a chance of winning
Raises a really good question why would the Obama administration break laws to spy on someone for political purposes if no one thought he had a chance at winning.

Besides, Hillary was going to bury the wrongdoing.
Why break the law for no reason? Your attempt at ascribing a motive makes zero sense.

Why break the law for no reason?

They broke the law to get dirt on their opponent.
It would have been buried if she won. No risk.

She was the most qualified candidate could she lose?

This theory defies all logic.
One, the dirt was never used. The application wasn’t even approved until two weeks before the election. Carter Page was only tangentially involved in the campaign and had left well before the warrant was issued.

One, the dirt was never used.

Probably because they didn't find anything that would help.
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

You think that wasn’t potentially harmful information?

it was the other way around

the dems were the ones conspiring with russia

What were the Dems conspiring with Russia to do exactly? Hack their server again?
Trump’s campaign was literally meeting with Russians trying to give them dirt on Clinton to help his campaign.

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad. Hell, they tried to cover it up after it was being reported.

Such information coming out during the election would have been very bad.

That doesn't answer my question.....

So you're not allowed to get dirt on an opponent....if it comes from a foreigner?
Your question is irrelevant to the discussion and a distraction.

The claim is that surveillance was intended to swing the election to Clinton when:
1. Nothing was released from the surveillance
2. Page was a tangential figure who had left the campaign
3. The warrant was issued very shortly before the election.

Your point was to rebut #1, stating there was no dirty to reveal, but that’s obviously not the case.

Your question is irrelevant to the discussion and a distraction.

Is it legal to get dirt on an opponent from an American?
Is it legal to get dirt on an opponent from a foreigner?

Why are you afraid to answer?

The claim is that surveillance was intended to swing the election to Clinton when:

If it wasn't to help Clinton, what was the purpose?

The warrant was issued very shortly before the election.

Which particular warrant?
The warrant against Carter Page was obtained on October 21st. Supposedly we are supposed to believe that was intended to affect the outcome of the election just two weeks later.

The warrant was taken out due to suspicion that he had been compromised by Russian intelligence.
Obamagate rants by the President and Rwinger media sound so desperate it makes them look stupid.
How long this will last is your guess.
Remember, the 2020 election will be a referendum on Trump.
Also, he will be running against Joe Biden. Remember?

"Vanity Fair reporter Gabriel Sherman, however, writes on Twitter that Trump’s conspiratorial ramblings about Obama fall apart at the slightest scrutiny."

“Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”

Anything to distract from covid. Trump has long been envious of Obama.
Why would that be? Obama's hot wife? :uhh:

Donald Trump is not Chewbacca.

Obama is smarter, better looking and a much better President. Obama’s daddy didn’t have to make a big “Donation” to get his son into Harvard. And nobody called Obama the “dumbest student they ever had. Obama saved the economy. Trump destroyed it.

One big difference is that no woman has claimed Obama raped or molested her and Obama doesn’t brag about assaulting women.

Obama has never lost a billion dollars on bad business decisions, screwed over suppliers and he’s been married to the same woman since college. She didn’t marry him for his money, pose nude, or lie to get her “genius” card.

Obama didn’t demand “appreciation” or “gratitude” from the people for all work. He showed empathy when people were hurting. He didn’t engage in childish feuds while Americans died.

None of Obama’s cabinet, staff or associates was ever arrested or convicted of crimes against the American people.

Obama never commuted an impeachable offence.Trump commits a new one every single day.
“Serious question for Trumpers: why would Obama ‘SPY’ on Trump campaign but not do anything with the info?” he asks rhetorically. “Put another way, why would Obama WH go to extreme lengths to break the law but not help Hillary win? That’s the dumbest conspiracy of all time.”

First, we don;t know yet whether he did or didn't do anything with the information and, second, it's entirely possible that, despite whatever information they had, it was simply not possible for Clinton to beat Trump.

You assume that, if he had information, that it's obvious he did nothing with it because Clinton lost. That's a baseless conclusion...
With the democrats everything is baseless except their base.
You have 6 months left to enjoy. Obama must have hurts Dorky Trump ego pumping 126 tweets on Mother’s Day.

Trump is so fascinated and jealous at Trump. Obama should attack more. Go Obama.

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