Perhaps the Problem With Minimum Wage is NOT the Rate....

He knows that our wages will not be able to be raised and compete with the rest of the world.
You lefties are always talking about "fair". Why don't you try and apply when it is actually applicable? Free trade and raising the minimum wage will just regress us even more. Doesn't even give us a chance.

This is something that 'free traders' never bother to explain. How can people who live in a first world economy be expected to compete with neoslave labor of the third world economies?
They can't.
Life's not 'fair' for everyone'.

We in the West have been lucky to be born into what were no doubt first world conditions.
Now the second and third world want their share of the golden goose.
They are basically taking it from us. Fair enough IMO.
It was pure luck of the draw that in the sixties-seventies into the early eighties a young man could get a grade ten education then head over the the Ford factory where the Unions had made sure the young man could live very comfortably, have a new pick-up, some toys, a house all because he took his lunch pail to work andinstalled car antennas.
When you think about it that model could never last forever as soon as the Japanese and Chinese and East Indians figured out they could have the same antenna installed at a fraction of what the young American man was getting paid.
It's called 'homeostasis and it's what every thing on the planet is affected by.
Even mountains.
Everything that is low rises and everything that is high goes down eventually. This includes what is happening in the world economies.
It's what keeps us humans alive on a cellular level.

Danny, that is total bullshit in that we are NOT a bunch of helpless victims here. We can fight back and take our country back and restore policies to be fair to the public.

This fatalism you seem entranced with is just horse shit spun by our corporate masters to make us think we cannot fight back. But history proves we can fight back and win as well.

Buck up bro and fight those who are bleeding you.

When we dismantle unions and make them public enemy number one, when we side with politicians who make their money catering to Wall Street, we are left bleeding......this country has lost all focus when it comes to championing workers....we have some how allowed corporate america a front roll seat with us, pitting ourselves against one another...and they're laughing all the way to the banks....look what happened to the anti wall street movement a few years ago.
You just want more money. This was explained to you in this thread. Don't choose to be ignorant

Listen, you are not the gospel here....I gave an opinion, get over it damit!!
This is something that 'free traders' never bother to explain. How can people who live in a first world economy be expected to compete with neoslave labor of the third world economies?
They can't.
Life's not 'fair' for everyone'.

We in the West have been lucky to be born into what were no doubt first world conditions.
Now the second and third world want their share of the golden goose.
They are basically taking it from us. Fair enough IMO.
It was pure luck of the draw that in the sixties-seventies into the early eighties a young man could get a grade ten education then head over the the Ford factory where the Unions had made sure the young man could live very comfortably, have a new pick-up, some toys, a house all because he took his lunch pail to work andinstalled car antennas.
When you think about it that model could never last forever as soon as the Japanese and Chinese and East Indians figured out they could have the same antenna installed at a fraction of what the young American man was getting paid.
It's called 'homeostasis and it's what every thing on the planet is affected by.
Even mountains.
Everything that is low rises and everything that is high goes down eventually. This includes what is happening in the world economies.
It's what keeps us humans alive on a cellular level.

Danny, that is total bullshit in that we are NOT a bunch of helpless victims here. We can fight back and take our country back and restore policies to be fair to the public.

This fatalism you seem entranced with is just horse shit spun by our corporate masters to make us think we cannot fight back. But history proves we can fight back and win as well.

Buck up bro and fight those who are bleeding you.

When we dismantle unions and make them public enemy number one, when we side with politicians who make their money catering to Wall Street, we are left bleeding......this country has lost all focus when it comes to championing workers....we have some how allowed corporate america a front roll seat with us, pitting ourselves against one another...and they're laughing all the way to the banks....look what happened to the anti wall street movement a few years ago.
You just want more money. This was explained to you in this thread. Don't choose to be ignorant

Listen, you are not the gospel here....I gave an opinion, get over it damit!!
Pay attention and you wouldn't say ignorant shit like that. Raising the wages DOES NOTHING. It does NOT combat the problem. It does NOT help the poor.
Minimum wage in 1960 was $1.25. The silver content of that amount then was .875 ounces which is about $12 today.

If people were still being paid in a commodity based currency, there would be no problem with the minimum wage keeping pace with the Federal Reserves created inflation over the years and no need to hike minimum wage after all.

If we were paid in an actual medium that has intrinsic value, then we wouldnt have to worry about artificially setting wage scales to begin with.

But we're not, so an increase is a needed adjustment, agreed?

What needs an increase is the low skilled person's skill level. Let them improve their skill level and their pay will increase. If they spent half as much time bettering themselves as they do bitching about being handed something for skills one step above what a monkey could be trained to do, the problem would solve itself.

Dude, get out into the real world. I work for a company that is the largest in the world, not american, the world and we haven't had a raise is 4 years. We have people that have worked for industry over 20 years and making pennies on the dollar. Companies need to ponie up and pay people what they're worth....end of effin story.

I'm in the real world. I'm not the one thinking it's my place to tell the one doing the paying what they should be paying. You're the one that thinks you can tell those who pay what they should be paying. You don't have that ability. It's easy for you to say a company should do something since it's not your money. That's how Liberals work.
He knows that our wages will not be able to be raised and compete with the rest of the world.
You lefties are always talking about "fair". Why don't you try and apply when it is actually applicable? Free trade and raising the minimum wage will just regress us even more. Doesn't even give us a chance.

This is something that 'free traders' never bother to explain. How can people who live in a first world economy be expected to compete with neoslave labor of the third world economies?
They can't.
Life's not 'fair' for everyone'.

We in the West have been lucky to be born into what were no doubt first world conditions.
Now the second and third world want their share of the golden goose.
They are basically taking it from us. Fair enough IMO.
It was pure luck of the draw that in the sixties-seventies into the early eighties a young man could get a grade ten education then head over the the Ford factory where the Unions had made sure the young man could live very comfortably, have a new pick-up, some toys, a house all because he took his lunch pail to work andinstalled car antennas.
When you think about it that model could never last forever as soon as the Japanese and Chinese and East Indians figured out they could have the same antenna installed at a fraction of what the young American man was getting paid.
It's called 'homeostasis and it's what every thing on the planet is affected by.
Even mountains.
Everything that is low rises and everything that is high goes down eventually. This includes what is happening in the world economies.
It's what keeps us humans alive on a cellular level.

Danny, that is total bullshit in that we are NOT a bunch of helpless victims here. We can fight back and take our country back and restore policies to be fair to the public.

This fatalism you seem entranced with is just horse shit spun by our corporate masters to make us think we cannot fight back. But history proves we can fight back and win as well.

Buck up bro and fight those who are bleeding you.

When we dismantle unions and make them public enemy number one, when we side with politicians who make their money catering to Wall Street, we are left bleeding......this country has lost all focus when it comes to championing workers....we have some how allowed corporate america a front roll seat with us, pitting ourselves against one another...and they're laughing all the way to the banks....look what happened to the anti wall street movement a few years ago.
You just want more money. This was explained to you in this thread. Don't choose to be ignorant
Wow, you ask alot from an ideological playback machine.
Pay attention and you wouldn't say ignorant shit like that. Raising the wages DOES NOTHING. It does NOT combat the problem. It does NOT help the poor.
Well it does help *some* poor while being a disaster for other poor as businesses die and jobs are destroyed.
This is something that 'free traders' never bother to explain. How can people who live in a first world economy be expected to compete with neoslave labor of the third world economies?
They can't.
Life's not 'fair' for everyone'.

We in the West have been lucky to be born into what were no doubt first world conditions.
Now the second and third world want their share of the golden goose.
They are basically taking it from us. Fair enough IMO.
It was pure luck of the draw that in the sixties-seventies into the early eighties a young man could get a grade ten education then head over the the Ford factory where the Unions had made sure the young man could live very comfortably, have a new pick-up, some toys, a house all because he took his lunch pail to work andinstalled car antennas.
When you think about it that model could never last forever as soon as the Japanese and Chinese and East Indians figured out they could have the same antenna installed at a fraction of what the young American man was getting paid.
It's called 'homeostasis and it's what every thing on the planet is affected by.
Even mountains.
Everything that is low rises and everything that is high goes down eventually. This includes what is happening in the world economies.
It's what keeps us humans alive on a cellular level.

Danny, that is total bullshit in that we are NOT a bunch of helpless victims here. We can fight back and take our country back and restore policies to be fair to the public.

This fatalism you seem entranced with is just horse shit spun by our corporate masters to make us think we cannot fight back. But history proves we can fight back and win as well.

Buck up bro and fight those who are bleeding you.

When we dismantle unions and make them public enemy number one, when we side with politicians who make their money catering to Wall Street, we are left bleeding......this country has lost all focus when it comes to championing workers....we have some how allowed corporate america a front roll seat with us, pitting ourselves against one another...and they're laughing all the way to the banks....look what happened to the anti wall street movement a few years ago.
You just want more money. This was explained to you in this thread. Don't choose to be ignorant

Listen, you are not the gospel here....I gave an opinion, get over it damit!!

The problem is your opinion involves thinking something that isn't yours should be spent the way you want it spent. It's easy to have that opinion.
I'm in the real world. I'm not the one thinking it's my place to tell the one doing the paying what they should be paying. You're the one that thinks you can tell those who pay what they should be paying. You don't have that ability.
Obviously he does have that ability when part of an organized political machine.

'Real world', remember?

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