PERJURY TRAP REBELLION: Mueller's Victims Refuse To Trade Lies / Betrayal For 'Leniency'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

Mueller's entire Witch Hunt is now in jeopardy of collapsing.....
Mueller is a frustrated and out of control prosecutor trying to save face. He has nothing on Trump, never has, but he is expected to produce and he thought he would be able to bully and intimidate everyone around Trump to give false testimony against him. He's the one who should be reporting to prison.
Muller and his team should be taken into custody for witness tampering and black mail. Using the courts and fear of life in prison to extract a desired story would land the rest of us in jail. Why do the courts allow this? Its not ethical!
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?
That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades, now you grow ethics?
"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?
You should really NOT try to respond to posts until your reading comprehension level improves to the point where you actually understand what you are reading. This response was embarrassing to must be even more so having posted it.
Muller and his team should be taken into custody for witness tampering and black mail. Using the courts and fear of life in prison to extract a desired story would land the rest of us in jail. Why do the courts allow this? Its not ethical!
He should have been jailed several times in the past after having been found to have manufactured crimes and withheld evidence in order to send innocent people to jail!
Muller and his team should be taken into custody for witness tampering and black mail. Using the courts and fear of life in prison to extract a desired story would land the rest of us in jail. Why do the courts allow this? Its not ethical!
He should have been jailed several times in the past after having been found to have manufactured crimes and withheld evidence in order to send innocent people to jail!
His history is one of a political hack.. His ass needs to be in jail.
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?
That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades, now you grow ethics?
"That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades".......what are you talking about? Where have we ever called convicted criminals "victims"?
"That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades".......what are you talking about? Where have we ever called convicted criminals "victims"?
Quite true - Democrats protect Democrats from ever getting indicted / convicted in the 1st place...

Miss Karma never loses......ever!
Mullier et al are all going to find that fact out sooner than later.
I wonder how George is doing?
Has he visited the 24/7 snack bar yet? Swam in the heated pool? Watched some big screen TV?
Been to the weight room? The library?
Enjoyed the five star meals?
The wonderful irony is George is now going to be able to sell the book rights and movie rights for millions of dollars.
Then he'll move to somewhere warm and make regular Skype appearances on Hannity and Tucker.
Well his investigation sure is one big shit show.

Wonder if we will ever see the report.
Well his investigation sure is one big shit show.

Wonder if we will ever see the report.
Democrats will ensure his treasonous, political hit/undermining attempt to justify their witch hunt is hears - their fake news outlets will be selling it as if it was undeniable truth supported by trunk-fulls of evidence ... instead of completely un-supported, which is reality.
Well his investigation sure is one big shit show.

Wonder if we will ever see the report.

President Trump is still in office, Mueller can't finish up yet.

If Mueller were to quit now and admit that he has nothing on Trump and never will, his liberal friends will tar and feather his worthless ass. He was charged with a job, and he will have failed.

Mueller's only hope is to work until January 2025 when Trump leaves office, using his retirement years for this pointless dribble and hopefully just fade away at the end.

But don't feel sorry for the Mule, this is the business he chose.
'Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are facing new complications in the final stretch of their investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, as targets allegedly breach agreements and balk at plea deals.'

The biased co-conspirator with a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to jail now faces rebellion from the victims of his Perjury Traps that have nothing to do with 'Illegal Russian Collusion' he was appointed Special Counsel to investigate but were instead manufactured / manipulated 'gottcha' indictments / convictions designed to strong-arm / extort testimony / evidence from them that could be used against the President in successfully carrying out the Democrats' 'Soft Coup'!

Having found no evidence to support the false accusations of non-existent 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump, Mueller's entire case seems to depend on the 'extorted' participation / testimony by those snared in his Perjury Traps. Without them, Mueller is seemingly left with ZERO evidence against, intentionally ignored evidence of Democrat crimes, and his own potential indictment for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas earlier in his witch, investigation.

"The complications only served to stoke President Trump’s persistent allegations that the investigation is being unfairly run. The president tweeted early Tuesday that the special counsel’s office is treating people “viciously” and “ruining lives for them refusing to lie,” an apparent reference to Corsi's reported claims about why he won't strike a deal."

President Trump once stated he thought he was being spied on. Democrats responded by railing against the President, declaring he was lying / ignorant. As it turns out, the President was right.

Now, once again, the President has pointed out another seemingly obvious FACT: Mueller has been living up to his reputation for being willing to jail innocent people to get what he wants by ensnaring Trump Associates in Perjury Traps. The response from Democrats / snowflakes / Trump-Haters will not be any different from when he correctly declared he was being spied upon.

"Mueller is widely expected to be nearing the final stages of the investigation in the wake of the November midterms.

But in a late twist, a court filing Monday night said Manafort, who was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection with work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant, breached the plea deal agreed upon earlier this year.

“After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement,” Mueller’s office said."

Faced with being left holding a 'sh!t sandwich' should all the victims of his Perjury Traps refuse to now cooperate, Mueller is desperately trying to make an example of Manafort so the others will not follow his lead. Mueller is trying to claim Manafort 'lied to the FBI' by not giving him what he wants. Lying and not giving you what you want are 2 separate things!

If his Perjury Trap victims refuse to participate Mueller will be left with NOTHING, leaving his only option in resolving this case being to write what amounts to a bitter, opinionated, scathing political attempt to undermine the President based n ZERO evidence....after which we can expect the President to appropriately issue a Pardon to Mueller's victims - his latest addition to a list of innocent people Mueller was willing to send to prison to get what he wants.

Mueller faces new complications in final stretch, as targets balk and Trump turns up heat

"Victims" eh? Is that what you call ALL convicted criminals now? "Victims"?
They're Political prisoners.
I see Human rights violations.
False imprisonment.
Illegal search and seizure.
Punishment that doesn't fit the crime.
Obstruction of Justice.
Prosecutorial abuse.
"That's what you democrats have been calling yours for decades".......what are you talking about? Where have we ever called convicted criminals "victims"?
Quite true - Democrats protect Democrats from ever getting indicted / convicted in the 1st place...

You can't indict someone for conspiracy theories.
Plenty of evidence of a conspiracy on the dimshit side, how many conspirators have taken the fifth. Debunk that murdering dimshit worshiper.
They're Political prisoners.
I see Human rights violations.
False imprisonment.
Illegal search and seizure.
Punishment that doesn't fit the crime.
Obstruction of Justice.
Prosecutorial abuse.
Not to mention that bug eyes Schiff is staring straight at slander charges...The lies he has told about Corey Lewandowski have been front of cameras in his media appearances, not from the well of the HoR, where he'd be protected....He's in some deep shit.

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